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21:1 (大卫的<09001><01732><04210>,交与伶长<09001><05329>(8764)。)耶和华<03068>啊,王<04428>必因你的能力<09002><05797>欢喜<08055>(8799);因你的救恩<09002><03444>,他的快乐<01523>(8799)何其<04100><03966>
[FO][FO]To the chief Musician<05329>(8764), A Psalm<04210> of David<01732>.[Fo][Fo] The king<04428> shall joy<08055>(8799) in thy strength<05797>, O LORD<03068>; and in thy salvation<03444> how greatly<03966> shall he rejoice<01523>(8799)!
21:2 他心<03820>里所愿的<08378>,你已经赐<05414>(8804)给他<09001>;他嘴唇<08193>所求的<0782>,你未<01077>尝不应允<04513>(8804)。(细拉<05542>
Thou hast given<05414>(8804) him his heart's<03820> desire<08378>, and hast not withholden<04513>(8804) the request<0782> of his lips<08193>. Selah<05542>.
21:3 {<03588>}你以美<02896><01293>迎接他<06923>(8762),把精金<06337>的冠冕<05850><07896>(8799)在他头上<09001><07218>
For thou preventest<06923>(8762) him with the blessings<01293> of goodness<02896>: thou settest<07896>(8799) a crown<05850> of pure gold<06337> on his head<07218>.
21:4 他向你<04480><07592>(8804)寿<02416>,你便赐<05414>(8804)给他<09001>,就是日子<03117>长久<0753>,直到永远<05769><05703>
He asked<07592>(8804) life<02416> of thee, and thou gavest<05414>(8804) it him, even length<0753> of days<03117> for ever<05769> and ever<05703>.
21:5 他因你的救恩<09002><03444><01419>有荣耀<03519>;你又将尊荣<01935>威严<01926><07737>(8762)在他身上<05921>
His glory<03519> is great<01419> in thy salvation<03444>: honour<01935> and majesty<01926> hast thou laid<07737>(8762) upon him.
21:6 {<03588>}你使他有<07896>(8799)洪福<01293>,直到永远<09001><05703>,又使他在你面前<0854><06440>欢喜<02302>(8762)快乐<09002><08057>
For thou hast made<07896>(8799) him most blessed<01293> for ever<05703>: thou hast made<02302>(8762) him exceeding glad<08057> with thy countenance<06440>. {made him most...: Heb. set him to be blessings} {made him exceeding...: Heb. make him glad with joy}
21:7 {<03588>}王<04428>倚靠<0982>(8802)耶和华<09002><03068>,因至高者<05945>的慈爱<09002><02617>必不<01077>摇动<04131>(8735)
For the king<04428> trusteth<0982>(8802) in the LORD<03068>, and through the mercy<02617> of the most High<05945> he shall not be moved<04131>(8735).
21:8 你的手<03027>要搜出<04672>(8799)你的一切<09001><03605>仇敌<0341>(8802);你的右手<03225>要搜出<04672>(8799)那些恨你的人<08130>(8802)
Thine hand<03027> shall find out<04672>(8799) all thine enemies<0341>(8802): thy right hand<03225> shall find out<04672>(8799) those that hate<08130>(8802) thee.
21:9 你发怒<06440>的时候<09001><06256>,要使他们<07896>(8799)如在炎热<0784>的火炉<09003><08574>中。耶和华<03068>要在他的震怒中<09002><0639>吞灭他们<01104>(8762);那火<0784>要把他们烧尽了<0398>(8799)
Thou shalt make<07896>(8799) them as a fiery<0784> oven<08574> in the time<06256> of thine anger<06440>: the LORD<03068> shall swallow them up<01104>(8762) in his wrath<0639>, and the fire<0784> shall devour<0398>(8799) them.
21:10 你必从世上<04480><0776>灭绝<06>(8762)他们的子孙<06529>(原文是果子),从人间<04480><01121><0120>灭绝他们的后裔<02233>
Their fruit<06529> shalt thou destroy<06>(8762) from the earth<0776>, and their seed<02233> from among the children<01121> of men<0120>.
21:11 因为<03588>他们有意<05186>(8804)加害<07451>于你<05921>;他们想出<02803>(8804)计谋<04209>,却不<01077><03201>(8799)做成。
For they intended<05186>(8804) evil<07451> against thee: they imagined<02803>(8804) a mischievous device<04209>, which they are not able<03201>(8799) to perform .
21:12 {<03588>}你必使他们<07896>(8799)转背<07926>逃跑,向<05921>他们的脸<06440><03559>(8787)箭在弦<09002><04340>
Therefore shalt thou make<07896>(8799) them turn their back<07926>, when thou shalt make ready<03559>(8787) thine arrows upon thy strings<04340> against the face<06440> of them. {shalt thou...: or, thou shalt set them as a butt} {back: Heb. shoulder}
21:13 耶和华<03068>啊,愿你因自己的能力<09002><05797>显为至高<07311>(8798)!这样,我们就唱诗<07891>(8799),歌颂<02167>(8762)你的大能<01369>
Be thou exalted<07311>(8798), LORD<03068>, in thine own strength<05797>: so will we sing<07891>(8799) and praise<02167>(8762) thy power<01369>.

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