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27:1 耶和华<03068>{<01696>}{(8762)}对<0413>摩西<04872><09001><0559>(8800)
And the LORD<03068> spake<01696>(8762) unto Moses<04872>, saying<0559>(8800),
27:2 「你晓谕<01696>(8761){<0413>}以色列<03478><01121><0559>(8804){<0413>}:{<03588>}人<0376>还特许<06381>(8686)的愿<05088>,被许的人<05315>要按你所估的价值<09002><06187>归给耶和华<09001><03068>
Speak<01696>(8761) unto the children<01121> of Israel<03478>, and say<0559>(8804) unto them, When a man<0376> shall make a singular<06381>(8686) vow<05088>, the persons<05315> shall be for the LORD<03068> by thy estimation<06187>.
27:3 {<01961>}{(8804)}你估定的<06187>,从<04480><01121>二十<06242><08141><05704>{<01121>}六十<08346><08141>的男人<02145>,要<01961>(8804)按圣所<06944>的平<09002><08255>,估定价<06187><03701>五十<02572>舍客勒<08255>
And thy estimation<06187> shall be of the male<02145> from twenty<06242> years<08141> old<01121> even unto sixty<08346> years<08141> old<01121>, even thy estimation<06187> shall be fifty<02572> shekels<08255> of silver<03701>, after the shekel<08255> of the sanctuary<06944>.
And if it be a female<05347>, then thy estimation<06187> shall be thirty<07970> shekels<08255>.
And if it be from five<02568> years<08141> old<01121> even unto twenty<06242> years<08141> old<01121>, then thy estimation<06187> shall be of the male<02145> twenty<06242> shekels<08255>, and for the female<05347> ten<06235> shekels<08255>.
And if it be from a month<02320> old<01121> even unto five<02568> years<08141> old<01121>, then thy estimation<06187> shall be of the male<02145> five<02568> shekels<08255> of silver<03701>, and for the female<05347> thy estimation<06187> shall be three<07969> shekels<08255> of silver<03701>.
And if it be from sixty<08346> years<08141> old<01121> and above<04605>; if it be a male<02145>, then thy estimation<06187> shall be fifteen<02568><06240> shekels<08255>, and for the female<05347> ten<06235> shekels<08255>.
But if he be poorer<04134>(8802) than thy estimation<06187>, then he shall present<05975>(8689) himself before<06440> the priest<03548>, and the priest<03548> shall value<06186>(8689) him; according to<06310> his ability<03027><05381>(8686) that vowed<05087>(8802) shall the priest<03548> value<06186>(8686) him.
27:9 「所许的若<0518>是牲畜<0929>,就是<0834><04480><07126>(8686)给耶和华<09001><03068>为供物<07133>的,凡<03605>这一类<0834>{<04480>}献<05414>(8799)给耶和华<09001><03068>的,都要<01961>(8799)成为圣<06944>
And if it be a beast<0929>, whereof men bring<07126>(8686) an offering<07133> unto the LORD<03068>, all that any man giveth<05414>(8799) of such unto the LORD<03068> shall be holy<06944>.
27:10 人不可<03808>改换<02498>(8686),也不可<03808>更换<04171>(8686){<0853>},或是好的<02896>换坏的<09002><07451>,或是<0176>坏的<07451>换好的<09002><02896>。若<0518>以{<04171>}{(8687)}牲畜<0929>更换<04171>(8686)牲畜<09002><0929>,所许的{<01961>}{(8804)}{<01931>}与所换的<08545>都要<01961>(8804)成为圣<06944>
He shall not alter<02498>(8686) it, nor change<04171>(8686) it, a good<02896> for a bad<07451>, or a bad<07451> for a good<02896>: and if he shall at all<04171>(8687) change<04171>(8686) beast<0929> for beast<0929>, then it and the exchange<08545> thereof shall be holy<06944>.
And if it be any unclean<02931> beast<0929>, of which they do not offer<07126>(8686) a sacrifice<07133> unto the LORD<03068>, then he shall present<05975>(8689) the beast<0929> before<06440> the priest<03548>:
27:12 祭司<03548>就要估定价值<06186>(8689){<0853>};牲畜是<0996><02896><0996><07451>,祭司<03548>怎样估定<09003><06187>,就要以怎样<03651>为是<01961>(8799)
And the priest<03548> shall value<06186>(8689) it, whether<0996> it be good<02896> or<0996> bad<07451>: as thou valuest<06187> it, who art the priest<03548>, so shall it be. {as...: Heb. according to thy estimation, O priest, etc}
27:13 他若<0518>一定要<01350>(8800)赎回<01350>(8799),就要在<05921>你所估定的价值<06187>以外加上<03254>(8804)五分之一<02549>
But if he will at all<01350>(8800) redeem<01350>(8799) it, then he shall add<03254>(8804) a fifth<02549> part thereof unto thy estimation<06187>.
27:14 「{<03588>}人<0376><0853>房屋<01004>分别<06942>(8686)为圣<06944>,归给耶和华<09001><03068>,祭司<03548>就要估定价值<06186>(8689)。房屋是<0996><02896><0996><07451>,祭司<03548>怎样<09003><0834>估定<06186>(8686){<0853>},就要以怎样<03651>为定<06965>(8799)
And when a man<0376> shall sanctify<06942>(8686) his house<01004> to be holy<06944> unto the LORD<03068>, then the priest<03548> shall estimate<06186>(8689) it, whether it be good<02896> or bad<07451>: as the priest<03548> shall estimate<06186>(8686) it, so shall it stand<06965>(8799).
And if he that sanctified<06942>(8688) it will redeem<01350>(8799) his house<01004>, then he shall add<03254>(8804) the fifth<02549> part of the money<03701> of thy estimation<06187> unto it, and it shall be his.
27:16 「人<0376><0518>将承受为业<0272>的几分地<04480><07704>分别为圣<06942>(8686),归给耶和华<09001><03068>,你要<01961>(8804)<09001><06310>这地撒种<02233>多少估定价值<06187>,若撒大麦<08184><02233>一贺梅珥<02563>,要估价<03701>五十<09002><02572>舍客勒<08255>
And if a man<0376> shall sanctify<06942>(8686) unto the LORD<03068> some part of a field<07704> of his possession<0272>, then thy estimation<06187> shall be according<06310> to the seed<02233> thereof: an homer<02563> of barley<08184> seed<02233> shall be valued at fifty<02572> shekels<08255> of silver<03701>. {an...: or, the land of an homer, etc}
27:17 他若<0518>从禧<03104><04480><08141>将地<07704>分别为圣<06942>(8686),就要以你所估定的价<09003><06187>为定<06965>(8799)
If he sanctify<06942>(8686) his field<07704> from the year<08141> of jubile<03104>, according to thy estimation<06187> it shall stand<06965>(8799).
27:18 倘若<0518>他在禧年<03104>以后<0310>将地<07704>分别为圣<06942>(8686),祭司<03548>就要按着<05921><06310>{<09001>}未到<05704><03104><08141>所剩<03498>(8737)的年数<08141>推算<02803>(8765){<0853>}价值<03701>,也要从你所估的<04480><06187>减去<01639>(8738)价值。
But if he sanctify<06942>(8686) his field<07704> after<0310> the jubile<03104>, then the priest<03548> shall reckon<02803>(8765) unto him the money<03701> according to<06310> the years<08141> that remain<03498>(8737), even unto the year<08141> of the jubile<03104>, and it shall be abated<01639>(8738) from thy estimation<06187>.
27:19 将地<0853>分别为圣<06942>(8688)的人若<0518>定要<01350>(8800)<0853><07704>赎回<01350>(8799),他便要在<05921>你所估<06187>的价值<03701>以外加上<03254>(8804)五分之一<02549>,地就准定<06965>(8804)归他<09001>
And if he that sanctified<06942>(8688) the field<07704> will in any wise<01350>(8800) redeem<01350>(8799) it, then he shall add<03254>(8804) the fifth<02549> part of the money<03701> of thy estimation<06187> unto it, and it shall be assured<06965>(8804) to him.
27:20 他若<0518><03808>赎回<01350>(8799){<0853>}那地<07704>,或<0518>是将<0853><07704><04376>(8804)给别<0312><09001><0376>,就再<05750>不能<03808>赎了<01350>(8735)
And if he will not redeem<01350>(8799) the field<07704>, or if he have sold<04376>(8804) the field<07704> to another<0312> man<0376>, it shall not be redeemed<01350>(8735) any more.
27:21 但到了禧年<09002><03104>,那地<07704>从买主手下出来<09002><03318>(8800)的时候,就要<01961>(8804)归耶和华<09001><03068>为圣<06944>,和永献<02764>的地<09003><07704>一样,要<01961>(8799)归祭司<09001><03548>为业<0272>
But the field<07704>, when it goeth out<03318>(8800) in the jubile<03104>, shall be holy<06944> unto the LORD<03068>, as a field<07704> devoted<02764>; the possession<0272> thereof shall be the priest's<03548>.
27:22 他若<0518><0853>所买<04736>的一块地<07704>,{<0834>}不是<03808>承受为业的<04480><07704><0272>,分别为圣<06942>(8686)归给耶和华<09001><03068>
And if a man sanctify<06942>(8686) unto the LORD<03068> a field<07704> which he hath bought<04736>, which is not of the fields<07704> of his possession<0272>;
27:23 祭司<03548>就要将<0853>你所估<06187>的价值<04373>给他<09001>推算<02803>(8765)<05704><03104><08141>。当<01931><09002><03117>,他要以<0853>你所估的价银<06187>为圣<06944>,归<05414>(8804)给耶和华<09001><03068>
Then the priest<03548> shall reckon<02803>(8765) unto him the worth<04373> of thy estimation<06187>, even unto the year<08141> of the jubile<03104>: and he shall give<05414>(8804) thine estimation<06187> in that day<03117>, as a holy thing<06944> unto the LORD<03068>.
27:24 到了禧<03104><09002><08141>,那地<07704>要归<07725>(8799)<09001><0834>卖主<07069>(8804){<04480>}{<0854>},就是那<09001><0834>承受{<0776>}为业<0272>的原主。
In the year<08141> of the jubile<03104> the field<07704> shall return<07725>(8799) unto him of whom it was bought<07069>(8804), even to him to whom the possession<0272> of the land<0776> did belong .
And all thy estimations<06187> shall be according to the shekel<08255> of the sanctuary<06944>: twenty<06242> gerahs<01626> shall be the shekel<08255>.
27:26 「惟独<0389>牲畜中<09002><0929>头生的<01060>,无论是<0518><07794><0518><07716>,既归耶和华<09001><03068>{<0834>}{<01069>}{(8792)},谁<0376>也不可<03808>再分别为圣<06942>(8686){<0853>},因为这是<01931>耶和华的<09001><03068>
Only the firstling<01060> of the beasts<0929>, which should be the LORD'S<03068> firstling<01069>(8792), no man<0376> shall sanctify<06942>(8686) it; whether it be ox<07794>, or sheep<07716>: it is the LORD'S<03068>. {firstling of: Heb. firstborn, etc}
And if it be of an unclean<02931> beast<0929>, then he shall redeem<06299>(8804) it according to thine estimation<06187>, and shall add<03254>(8804) a fifth<02549> part of it thereto: or if it be not redeemed<01350>(8735), then it shall be sold<04376>(8738) according to thy estimation<06187>.
27:28 「但<0389>一切<03605>永献的<02764>,就是<0834><0376>从他所有<04480><03605><0834><09001>永献<02763>(8686)给耶和华<09001><03068>的,无论是人<04480><0120>,是牲畜<0929>,是他承受为业<0272>的地<04480><07704>,都不可<03808><04376>(8735),也不可<03808><01350>(8735)。凡<03605>永献的<02764><01931>归给耶和华<09001><03068>为至<06944><06944>
Notwithstanding no devoted thing<02764>, that a man<0376> shall devote<02763>(8686) unto the LORD<03068> of all that he hath, both of man<0120> and beast<0929>, and of the field<07704> of his possession<0272>, shall be sold<04376>(8735) or redeemed<01350>(8735): every devoted thing<02764> is most<06944> holy<06944> unto the LORD<03068>.
None devoted<02764>, which shall be<03808> devoted<02763>(8714) of men<0120>, shall be redeemed<06299>(8735); but shall surely<04191>(8800) be put to death<04191>(8714).
27:30 「地上<0776>所有的<03605>,无论是地上<0776>的种子<04480><02233>是树上<06086>的果子<04480><06529>,十分之一<04643><01931>耶和华的<09001><03068>,是归给耶和华<09001><03068>为圣的<06944>
And all the tithe<04643> of the land<0776>, whether of the seed<02233> of the land<0776>, or of the fruit<06529> of the tree<06086>, is the LORD'S<03068>: it is holy<06944> unto the LORD<03068>.
And if a man<0376> will at all<01350>(8800) redeem<01350>(8799) ought of his tithes<04643>, he shall add<03254>(8686) thereto the fifth<02549> part thereof.
And concerning the tithe<04643> of the herd<01241>, or of the flock<06629>, even of whatsoever passeth<05674>(8799) under the rod<07626>, the tenth<06224> shall be holy<06944> unto the LORD<03068>.
27:33 不可<03808><01239>(8762)<0996><02896>是坏<09001><07451>,也不可<03808>更换<04171>(8686);若<0518>定要<04171>(8687)更换<04171>(8686),{<01961>}{(8804)}所更换的<08545>与本来的牲畜<01931>都要<01961>(8799)成为圣<06944>,不可<03808>赎回<01350>(8735)。」
He shall not search<01239>(8762) whether it be good<02896> or bad<07451>, neither shall he change<04171>(8686) it: and if he change<04171>(8686) it at all<04171>(8687), then both it and the change<08545> thereof shall be holy<06944>; it shall not be redeemed<01350>(8735).
27:34 这就是<0428>耶和华<03068>在西奈<05514><09002><02022><0413>以色列<03478><01121><0834>吩咐<06680>(8765){<0853>}摩西<04872>的命令<04687>
These are the commandments<04687>, which the LORD<03068> commanded<06680>(8765) Moses<04872> for the children<01121> of Israel<03478> in mount<02022> Sinai<05514>.

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