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And at that time<06256> shall Michael<04317> stand up<05975>(8799), the great<01419> prince<08269> which standeth<05975>(8802) for the children<01121> of thy people<05971>: and there shall be<01961>(8738) a time<06256> of trouble<06869>, such as never was since there was a nation<01471> even to that same time<06256>: and at that time<06256> thy people<05971> shall be delivered<04422>(8735), every one that shall be found<04672>(8737) written<03789>(8803) in the book<05612>.
And many<07227> of them that sleep<03463> in the dust<06083> of the earth<0127> shall awake<06974>(8686), some to everlasting<05769> life<02416>, and some to shame<02781> and everlasting<05769> contempt<01860>.
12:3 智慧人<07919>(8688)必发光<02094>(8686),如同天上的<07549><09003><02096>;那使多<07227>人归义<06663>(8688)的,必发光如星<09003><03556>,直到永永<09001><05769>远远<05703>
And they that be wise<07919>(8688) shall shine<02094>(8686) as the brightness<02096> of the firmament<07549>; and they that turn many<07227> to righteousness<06663>(8688) as the stars<03556> for ever<05769> and ever<05703>. {wise: or, teachers}
12:4 但以理<01840>啊,你<0859>要隐藏<05640>(8798)这话<01697>,封闭<02856>(8798)这书<05612>,直到<05704><07093><06256>。必有多<07227>人来往奔跑<07751>(8787)(或译:切心研究),知识<01847>就必增长<07235>(8799)。」
But thou, O Daniel<01840>, shut up<05640>(8798) the words<01697>, and seal<02856>(8798) the book<05612>, even to the time<06256> of the end<07093>: many<07227> shall run to and fro<07751>(8787), and knowledge<01847> shall be increased<07235>(8799).
Then I Daniel<01840> looked<07200>(8804), and, behold, there stood<05975>(8802) other<0312> two<08147>, the one<0259> on this side<02008> of the bank<08193> of the river<02975>, and the other<0259> on that side of the bank<08193> of the river<02975>. {bank: Heb. lip} {bank: Heb. lip}
12:6 有一个问{<09001>}{<0376>}那<0834>站在河<02975><09001><04325>以上<04480><04605>、穿<03847>(8803)细麻衣<0906>的说<0559>(8799):「这奇异的事<06382><05704>几时<04970>才应验<07093>呢?」
And one said<0559>(8799) to the man<0376> clothed<03847>(8803) in linen<0906>, which was upon<04605> the waters<04325> of the river<02975>, How long shall it be to the end<07093> of these wonders<06382>? {upon...: or, from above}
12:7 我听见<08085>(8799){<0853>}那<0834>站在河<02975><09001><04325>以上<04480><04605>、穿<03847>(8803)细麻衣<0906>的{<0376>},向<0413><08064>举起<07311>(8686)<08040>右手<03225>,指着活<09002><02416>到永远<05769>的主起誓<07650>(8735)<03588>:「要到{<09003>}{<03615>}{(8799)}一载<09001><04150>、二载<04150>、半<02677>载,打破<05310>(8763)<06944><05971>权力<03027>的时候,这<0428>一切<03605>事就都应验了<03615>(8763)。」
And I heard<08085>(8799) the man<0376> clothed<03847>(8803) in linen<0906>, which was upon<04605> the waters<04325> of the river<02975>, when he held up<07311>(8686) his right hand<03225> and his left hand<08040> unto heaven<08064>, and sware<07650>(8735) by him that liveth<02416> for ever<05769> that it shall be for a time<04150>, times<04150>, and an half<02677>; and when he shall have accomplished<03615>(8763) to scatter<05310>(8763) the power<03027> of the holy<06944> people<05971>, all these things shall be finished<03615>(8799). {a time...: or, part}
And I heard<08085>(8804), but I understood<0995>(8799) not: then said<0559>(8799) I, O my Lord<0113>, what shall be the end<0319> of these things ?
12:9 他说<0559>(8799):「但以理<01840>啊,你只管去<03212>(8798);因为<03588>这话<01697>已经隐藏<05640>(8803)封闭<02856>(8803),直到<05704><07093><06256>
And he said<0559>(8799), Go thy way<03212>(8798), Daniel<01840>: for the words<01697> are closed up<05640>(8803) and sealed<02856>(8803) till the time<06256> of the end<07093>.
12:10 必有许多<07227>人使自己清净<01305>(8691)洁白<03835>(8691),且被熬炼<06884>(8735);但恶人<07563>仍必行恶<07561>(8689),一切<03605>恶人<07563>都不<03808>明白<0995>(8799),惟独智慧人<07919>(8688)能明白<0995>(8799)
Many<07227> shall be purified<01305>(8691), and made white<03835>(8691), and tried<06884>(8735); but the wicked<07563> shall do wickedly<07561>(8689): and none of the wicked<07563> shall understand<0995>(8799); but the wise<07919>(8688) shall understand<0995>(8799).
12:11 从除掉<05493>(8717)<08548>献的燔祭,并设立<09001><05414>(8800)那行毁坏<08074>(8802)可憎之物<08251>的时候<04480><06256>,必有一千<0505>二百<03967>九十<08673><03117>
And from the time<06256> that the daily<08548> sacrifice shall be taken away<05493>(8717), and the abomination<08251> that maketh desolate<08074>(8802) set up<05414>(8800), there shall be a thousand<0505> two hundred<03967> and ninety<08673> days<03117>. {the abomination: Heb. to set up the abomination} {maketh...: or, astonisheth}
Blessed<0835> is he that waiteth<02442>(8764), and cometh<05060>(8686) to the thousand<0505> three<07969> hundred<03967> and five<02568> and thirty<07970> days<03117>.
12:13 「你<0859>且去<03212>(8798)等候结局<09001><07093>,因为你必安歇<05117>(8799)。到了末<09001><07093><03117>,你必起来<05975>(8799),享受你的福分<09001><01486>。」
But go thou thy way<03212>(8798) till the end<07093> be : for thou shalt rest<05117>(8799), and stand<05975>(8799) in thy lot<01486> at the end<07093> of the days<03117>. {for thou: or, and thou, etc}

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