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34:1 以利户<0453>又{<06030>}{(8799)}说<0559>(8799)
Furthermore Elihu<0453> answered<06030>(8799) and said<0559>(8799),
34:2 你们智慧人<02450>要听<08085>(8798)我的话<04405>;有知识的人<03045>(8802)要留心听<0238>(8685)<09001>说。
Hear<08085>(8798) my words<04405>, O ye wise<02450> men ; and give ear<0238>(8685) unto me, ye that have knowledge<03045>(8802).
34:3 因为<03588>耳朵<0241>试验<0974>(8799)话语<04405>,好像上膛<02441><02938>(8799)食物<09001><0398>(8800)
For the ear<0241> trieth<0974>(8799) words<04405>, as the mouth<02441> tasteth<02938>(8799) meat<0398>(8800). {mouth: Heb. palate}
34:4 我们当选择<0977>(8799){<09001>}何为是<04941>,彼此<0996>知道<03045>(8799)<04100>为善<02896>
Let us choose<0977>(8799) to us judgment<04941>: let us know<03045>(8799) among ourselves what is good<02896>.
34:5 {<03588>}约伯<0347>曾说<0559>(8804):我是公义<06663>(8804), 神<0410>夺去<05493>(8689)我的理<04941>
For Job<0347> hath said<0559>(8804), I am righteous<06663>(8804): and God<0410> hath taken away<05493>(8689) my judgment<04941>.
34:6 我虽有<05921><04941>,还算为说谎言<03576>(8762)的;我虽无<01097><06588>,受的伤<02671>还不能医治<0605>(8803)
Should I lie<03576>(8762) against my right<04941>? my wound<02671> is incurable<0605>(8803) without transgression<06588>. {my wound: Heb. mine arrow}
What man<01397> is like Job<0347>, who drinketh up<08354>(8799) scorning<03933> like water<04325>?
34:8 他与<05973><06466>(8802)<0205>的结<0732>(8804)<09001><02274>,和<05973><07562><0582>同行<09001><03212>(8800)
Which goeth<0732>(8804) in company<02274> with the workers<06466>(8802) of iniquity<0205>, and walketh<03212>(8800) with wicked<07562> men<0582>.
34:9 {<03588>}他说<0559>(8804):人<01397><05973> 神<0430>为乐<09002><07521>(8800),总是无<03808><05532>(8799)
For he hath said<0559>(8804), It profiteth<05532>(8799) a man<01397> nothing that he should delight<07521>(8800) himself with God<0430>.
34:10 所以<09001><03651>,你们明理的<03824><0582>要听<08085>(8798)<09001>的话。 神<09001><0410><02486>不致行恶<04480><07562>;全能者<07706>断不致作孽<04480><05766>
Therefore hearken<08085>(8798) unto me, ye men<0582> of understanding<03824>: far be it<02486> from God<0410>, that he should do wickedness<07562>; and from the Almighty<07706>, that he should commit iniquity<05766>. {men...: Heb. men of heart}
34:11 他必<03588>按人<0120>所做的<06467>报应<07999>(8762)<09001>,使各人<0376>照所行的<09003><0734>得报<04672>(8686)
For the work<06467> of a man<0120> shall he render<07999>(8762) unto him, and cause every man<0376> to find<04672>(8686) according to his ways<0734>.
34:12 {<0637>} 神<0410><0551><03808>作恶<07561>(8686);全能者<07706>也不<03808>偏离<05791>(8762)公平<04941>
Yea, surely<0551> God<0410> will not do wickedly<07561>(8686), neither will the Almighty<07706> pervert<05791>(8762) judgment<04941>.
Who hath given him a charge<06485>(8804) over the earth<0776>? or who hath disposed<07760>(8804) the whole world<08398>? {the whole: Heb. all of it?}
34:14 他若<0518><07760>(8799)<03820>为己<0413>,将灵<07307>和气<05397><0622>(8799)归自己<0413>
If he set<07760>(8799) his heart<03820> upon man, if he gather<0622>(8799) unto himself his spirit<07307> and his breath<05397>; {man: Heb. him}
All flesh<01320> shall perish<01478>(8799) together<03162>, and man<0120> shall turn again<07725>(8799) unto dust<06083>.
34:16 你若<0518>明理<0998>,就当听<08085>(8798)我的话<02063>,留心听<0238>(8685)我言语<04405>的声音<09001><06963>
If now thou hast understanding<0998>, hear<08085>(8798) this: hearken<0238>(8685) to the voice<06963> of my words<04405>.
34:17 难道<0637>恨恶<08130>(8802)公平<04941>的可以掌权<02280>(8799)吗?那有公义的<06662>、有大能的<03524>,岂可<0518>定他有罪<07561>(8686)吗?
Shall even he that hateth<08130>(8802) right<04941> govern<02280>(8799)? and wilt thou condemn<07561>(8686) him that is most<03524> just<06662>? {govern: Heb. bind?}
34:18 他对君王<09001><04428><0559>(8800):你是鄙陋的<01100>;对<0413>贵臣<05081>说:你是邪恶的<07563>
Is it fit to say<0559>(8800) to a king<04428>, Thou art wicked<01100>? and to princes<05081>, Ye are ungodly<07563>?
How much less to him that accepteth<05375>(8804) not the persons<06440> of princes<08269>, nor regardeth<05234>(8765) the rich<07771> more than<06440> the poor<01800>? for they all are the work<04639> of his hands<03027>.
34:20 在转眼之间<07281>,半<02676><03915>之中,他们就死亡<04191>(8799)。百姓<05971>被震动<01607>(8792)而去世<05674>(8799);有权力<047>的被夺去<05493>(8686)<03808>借人手<09002><03027>
In a moment<07281> shall they die<04191>(8799), and the people<05971> shall be troubled<01607>(8792) at midnight<02676><03915>, and pass away<05674>(8799): and the mighty<047> shall be taken away<05493>(8686) without hand<03027>. {the mighty...: Heb. they shall take away the mighty}
34:21 {<03588>} 神注目<05869>观看<05921><0376>的道路<01870>,看明<07200>(8799)人的{<03605>}脚步<06806>
For his eyes<05869> are upon the ways<01870> of man<0376>, and he seeth<07200>(8799) all his goings<06806>.
34:22 没有<0369>黑暗<02822>、{<0369>}阴翳<06757>能给作<06466>(8802)<0205>的藏<09001><05641>(8736)身{<08033>}。
There is no darkness<02822>, nor shadow of death<06757>, where the workers<06466>(8802) of iniquity<0205> may hide<05641>(8736) themselves.
34:23 {<0413>} 神<0410>审判<09002><04941>人,{<03588>}不必<03808>使<07760>(8799){<05921>}人<0376><09001><01980>(8800)他面前再<05750>三鉴察。
For he will not lay<07760>(8799) upon man<0376> more than right ; that he should enter<01980>(8800) into judgment<04941> with God<0410>. {enter: Heb. go}
34:24 他用难<03808><02714>之法打破<07489>(8799)有能力的人<03524>,设立<05975>(8686)别人<0312>代替他们<08478>
He shall break in pieces<07489>(8799) mighty men<03524> without number<02714>, and set<05975>(8686) others<0312> in their stead. {number: Heb. searching out}
34:25 他原<09001><03651>知道<05234>(8686)他们的行为<04566>,使他们在夜间<03915>倾倒<02015>(8804)灭亡<01792>(8691)
Therefore he knoweth<05234>(8686) their works<04566>, and he overturneth<02015>(8804) them in the night<03915>, so that they are destroyed<01792>(8691). {destroyed: Heb. crushed}
34:26 他在<09002><04725>众人眼前<07200>(8802)击打他们<05606>(8804),如同<08478>击打恶人<07563>一样。
He striketh<05606>(8804) them as<08478> wicked men<07563> in the open<04725> sight<07200>(8802) of others; {open...: Heb. place of beholders}
34:27 因为<05921><03651>他们<0834>偏行<05493>(8804)不跟从他<04480><0310>,也不<03808>留心<07919>(8689){<03605>}他的道<01870>
Because they turned back<05493>(8804) from him<0310>, and would not consider<07919>(8689) any of his ways<01870>: {him: Heb. after him}
34:28 甚至使贫穷人<01800>的哀声<06818><09001><0935>(8687)到他那里<05921>;他也听了<08085>(8799)困苦人<06041>的哀声<06818>
So that they cause the cry<06818> of the poor<01800> to come<0935>(8687) unto him, and he heareth<08085>(8799) the cry<06818> of the afflicted<06041>.
When he giveth quietness<08252>(8686), who then can make trouble<07561>(8686)? and when he hideth<05641>(8686) his face<06440>, who then can behold<07789>(8799) him? whether it be done against a nation<01471>, or against a man<0120> only<03162>:
34:30 使不虔敬的<02611><0120>不得作王<04480><04427>(8800),免得有人牢笼<04480><04170>百姓<05971>
That the hypocrite<0120><02611> reign<04427>(8800) not, lest the people<05971> be ensnared<04170>.
34:31 有谁<03588><0413> 神<0410><0559>(8736):我受了责罚<05375>(8804),不再<03808>犯罪<02254>(8799)
Surely it is meet to be said<0559>(8736) unto God<0410>, I have borne<05375>(8804) chastisement , I will not offend<02254>(8799) any more :
34:32 我所看<02372>(8799)不明的<01107>,求你<0859>指教我<03384>(8685);我若<0518>作了<06466>(8804)<05766>,必不<03808>再作<03254>(8686)
That which I see<02372>(8799) not<01107> teach<03384>(8685) thou me: if I have done<06466>(8804) iniquity<05766>, I will do<03254>(8686) no more.
34:33 他施行报应<07999>(8762),岂要随你<04480><05973>的心愿、叫<03588>你推辞不受<03988>(8804)吗?{<03588>}选定<0977>(8799)的是你<0859>,不是<03808><0589>。你所<04100>知道的<03045>(8804)只管说<01696>(8761)吧!
Should it be according to thy mind? he will recompense<07999>(8762) it, whether thou refuse<03588><03988>(8804), or whether thou choose<0977>(8799); and not I: therefore speak<01696>(8761) what thou knowest<03045>(8804). {according...: Heb. from with thee?}
34:34 明理的<03824><0582>和听<08085>(8802)<09001>话的智慧<02450><01397>必对我<09001><0559>(8799)
Let men<0582> of understanding<03824> tell<0559>(8799) me, and let a wise<02450> man<01397> hearken<08085>(8802) unto me. {of...: Heb. of heart}
34:35 约伯<0347>说话<01696>(8762)没有<03808>知识<09002><01847>,言语<01697>中毫无<03808>智慧<09002><07919>(8687)
Job<0347> hath spoken<01696>(8762) without knowledge<01847>, and his words<01697> were without wisdom<07919>(8687).
My desire<015>(8676)<01> is that Job<0347> may be tried<0974>(8735) unto the end<05331> because of his answers<08666> for wicked<0205> men<0582>. {My...: or, My father, let Job be tried}
34:37 {<03588>}他在<05921><02403>上又加<03254>(8686)悖逆<06588>;在我们中间<0996>拍手<05606>(8799),用许多<07235>(8686)言语<0561>轻慢 神<09001><0410>
For he addeth<03254>(8686) rebellion<06588> unto his sin<02403>, he clappeth<05606>(8799) his hands among us, and multiplieth<07235>(8686) his words<0561> against God<0410>.

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