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14 「你们是<0859>耶和华<09001><03068>―你们 神<0430>的儿女<01121>。不可<03808>为死人<09001><04191>(8801)用刀划身<01413>(8704),也不可<03808>将额上<0996><05869>剃光<07760>(8799)<07144>
Ye are the children<01121> of the LORD<03068> your God<0430>: ye shall not cut<01413>(8704) yourselves, nor make<07760>(8799) any baldness<07144> between your eyes<05869> for the dead<04191>(8801).
2 因为<03588><0859>归耶和华<09001><03068>―你 神<0430>为圣洁<06918>的民<05971>,耶和华<03068>从地<0127><05921><06440><0834><04480><03605><05971>中拣选<0977>(8804)<09002><05459><09001><01961>自己的<09001>子民<09001><05971>。」
For thou art an holy<06918> people<05971> unto the LORD<03068> thy God<0430>, and the LORD<03068> hath chosen<0977>(8804) thee to be a peculiar<05459> people<05971> unto himself, above all the nations<05971> that are upon<06440> the earth<0127>.
3 「凡<03605>可憎的物<08441>都不可<03808><0398>(8799)
Thou shalt not eat<0398>(8799) any abominable thing<08441>.
4 {<0834>}可吃<0398>(8799)的牲畜<0929>就是<02063><07794>、绵羊<07716><03775>、山羊<07716><05795>
These are the beasts<0929> which ye shall eat<0398>(8799): the ox<07794>, the sheep<07716><03775>, and the goat<05795>,
5 鹿<0354>、羚羊<06643>、麃子<03180>、野山羊<0689>、麋鹿<01788>、黄羊<08377>、青羊<02169>
The hart<0354>, and the roebuck<06643>, and the fallow deer<03180>, and the wild goat<0689>, and the pygarg<01788>, and the wild ox<08377>, and the chamois<02169>. {pygarg: or bison: Heb. dishon}
And every beast<0929> that parteth<06536>(8688) the hoof<06541>, and cleaveth<08157> the cleft<08156>(8802) into two<08147> claws<06541>, and cheweth<05927>(8688) the cud<01625> among the beasts<0929>, that ye shall eat<0398>(8799).
Nevertheless these ye shall not eat<0398>(8799) of them that chew<05927>(8688) the cud<01625>, or of them that divide<06536>(8688) the cloven<08156>(8803) hoof<06541>; as the camel<01581>, and the hare<0768>, and the coney<08227>: for they chew<05927>(8688) the cud<01625>, but divide<06536>(8689) not the hoof<06541>; therefore they are unclean<02931> unto you.
8 {<0853>}猪<02386>―因为<03588><01931><06536>(8688)<06541>却不<03808>倒嚼<01625>,{<01931>}就与你们<09001>不洁净<02931>。这些兽的肉<04480><01320>,你们不可<03808><0398>(8799),死的<09002><05038>也不可<03808><05060>(8799)
And the swine<02386>, because it divideth<06536>(8688) the hoof<06541>, yet cheweth not the cud<01625>, it is unclean<02931> unto you: ye shall not eat<0398>(8799) of their flesh<01320>, nor touch<05060>(8799) their dead carcase<05038>.
9 「{<04480>}{<03605>}{<0834>}水<09002><04325>中可吃<0398>(8799)的乃是<0853>这些<02088>:凡<0834>{<09001>}有翅<05579>有鳞<07193>的都<03605>可以吃<0398>(8799)
These ye shall eat<0398>(8799) of all that are in the waters<04325>: all that have fins<05579> and scales<07193> shall ye eat<0398>(8799):
And whatsoever hath not fins<05579> and scales<07193> ye may not eat<0398>(8799); it is unclean<02931> unto you.
11 「凡<03605>洁净<02889>的鸟<06833>,你们都可以吃<0398>(8799)
Of all clean<02889> birds<06833> ye shall eat<0398>(8799).
12 {<0834>}不可<03808><0398>(8799)的{<04480>}乃是<02088><05404>、狗头雕<06538>、红头雕<05822>
But these are they of which ye shall not eat<0398>(8799): the eagle<05404>, and the ossifrage<06538>, and the ospray<05822>,
And the glede<07201>, and the kite<0344>, and the vulture<01772> after his kind<04327>,
14 {<0853>}{<03605>}乌鸦<06158>与其类<09001><04327>
And every raven<06158> after his kind<04327>,
15 {<0853>}鸵鸟<01323><03284>、{<0853>}夜鹰<08464>、{<0853>}鱼鹰<07828>、{<0853>}鹰<05322>与其类<09001><04327>
And the owl<01323><03284>, and the night hawk<08464>, and the cuckow<07828>, and the hawk<05322> after his kind<04327>,
16 {<0853>}枭鸟<03563>、{<0853>}猫头鹰<03244>、角鸱<08580>
The little owl<03563>, and the great owl<03244>, and the swan<08580>,
17 鹈鹕<06893>、{<0853>}秃雕<07360>、{<0853>}鸬鹚<07994>
And the pelican<06893>, and the gier eagle<07360>, and the cormorant<07994>,
And the stork<02624>, and the heron<0601> after her kind<04327>, and the lapwing<01744>, and the bat<05847>.
And every creeping thing<08318> that flieth<05775> is unclean<02931> unto you: they shall not be eaten<0398>(8735).
But of all clean<02889> fowls<05775> ye may eat<0398>(8799).
21 「凡<03605>自死的<05038>,你们都不可<03808><0398>(8799),可以给<05414>(8799)你城<09002><08179>里{<0834>}寄居的<09001><01616><0398>(8804),或<0176><04376>(8800)与外人<09001><05237>吃,因为<03588>你是<0859>归耶和华<09001><03068>―你 神<0430>为圣洁<06918>的民<05971>。「不可<03808>用山羊羔母<0517>的奶<09002><02461><01310>(8762)山羊羔<01423>。」
Ye shall not eat<0398>(8799) of any thing that dieth of itself<05038>: thou shalt give<05414>(8799) it unto the stranger<01616> that is in thy gates<08179>, that he may eat<0398>(8804) it; or thou mayest sell<04376>(8800) it unto an alien<05237>: for thou art an holy<06918> people<05971> unto the LORD<03068> thy God<0430>. Thou shalt not seethe<01310>(8762) a kid<01423> in his mother's<0517> milk<02461>.
22 「你要把<0853>{<03605>}你撒种<02233>所产<08393>的,就是你田地<07704><08141><08141>所出<03318>(8802)的,十分<06237>(8763)取一分<06237>(8762)
Thou shalt truly<06237>(8763) tithe<06237>(8762) all the increase<08393> of thy seed<02233>, that the field<07704> bringeth forth<03318>(8802) year<08141> by year<08141>.
23 又要把你的五谷<01715>、新酒<08492>、和油<03323>的十分之一<04643>,并牛群<01241>羊群<06629>中头生的<01060>,吃<0398>(8804)在耶和华<03068>―你 神<0430>面前<09001><06440>,就是他所<0834>选择<0977>(8799)要立<09001><07931>(8763)为他名<08034>的{<08033>}居所<09002><04725>。这样<09001><04616>,你可以学习<03925>(8799)时常<03605><03117>敬畏<09001><03372>(8800){<0853>}耶和华<03068>―你的 神<0430>
And thou shalt eat<0398>(8804) before<06440> the LORD<03068> thy God<0430>, in the place<04725> which he shall choose<0977>(8799) to place<07931>(8763) his name<08034> there, the tithe<04643> of thy corn<01715>, of thy wine<08492>, and of thine oil<03323>, and the firstlings<01062> of thy herds<01241> and of thy flocks<06629>; that thou mayest learn<03925>(8799) to fear<03372>(8800) the LORD<03068> thy God<0430> always<03117>.
24<03588>耶和华<03068>―你 神<0430>赐福与你<01288>(8762)的时候,耶和华<03068>―你 神<0430><0834>选择<0977>(8799)要立<09001><07760>(8800)为他名<08034>的{<08033>}地方<04725><03588>离你<04480>太远<07368>(8799),那路<01870>也太长<07235>(8799){<04480>},{<03588>}使你不<03808><03201>(8799)把这物带<05375>(8800)到那里去,
And if the way<01870> be too long<07235>(8799) for thee, so that<03588> thou art not able<03201>(8799) to carry<05375>(8800) it; or if the place<04725> be too far<07368>(8799) from thee, which the LORD<03068> thy God<0430> shall choose<0977>(8799) to set<07760>(8800) his name<08034> there, when the LORD<03068> thy God<0430> hath blessed<01288>(8762) thee:
25 你就可以换成<05414>(8804)银子<09002><03701>,将银子<03701>包起来<06696>(8804),拿在手<09002><03027>中,往<0413>耶和华<03068>―你 神<0430><0834>要选择<0977>(8799)的地方<04725><01980>(8804){<09002>}。
Then shalt thou turn<05414>(8804) it into money<03701>, and bind up<06696>(8804) the money<03701> in thine hand<03027>, and shalt go<01980>(8804) unto the place<04725> which the LORD<03068> thy God<0430> shall choose<0977>(8799):
26 你用<05414>(8804)这银子<03701>,随<09002><03605><05315><0834><0183>(8762),或买牛<09002><01241><09002><06629>,或买清酒<09002><03196>浓酒<09002><07941>,凡<09002><03605>你心<05315><0834><07592>(8799)的都可以买;你<0859>和你的家属<01004>在耶和华<03068>―你 神<0430>的面前<09001><06440><0398>(8804){<08033>}喝快乐<08055>(8804)
And thou shalt bestow<05414>(8804) that money<03701> for whatsoever thy soul<05315> lusteth after<0183>(8762), for oxen<01241>, or for sheep<06629>, or for wine<03196>, or for strong drink<07941>, or for whatsoever thy soul<05315> desireth<07592>(8799): and thou shalt eat<0398>(8804) there before<06440> the LORD<03068> thy God<0430>, and thou shalt rejoice<08055>(8804), thou, and thine household<01004>, {desireth: Heb. asketh of thee}
27 「住在你城<09002><08179>里的<0834>利未人<03881>,你不可<03808>丢弃他<05800>(8799),因为<03588><09001>在你们中间<05973><0369><02506>无业<05159>
And the Levite<03881> that is within thy gates<08179>; thou shalt not forsake<05800>(8799) him; for he hath no part<02506> nor inheritance<05159> with thee.
28 每逢三<07969><08141>的末<04480><07097>一年,你要将<0853><01931><09002><08141>的土产<08393>十分之一<04643><03605>取出来<03318>(8686),积存<05117>(8689)在你的城<09002><08179>中。
At the end<07097> of three<07969> years<08141> thou shalt bring forth<03318>(8686) all the tithe<04643> of thine increase<08393> the same year<08141>, and shalt lay it up<03240>(8689) within thy gates<08179>:
29 {<03588>}在你<05973>城里无<0369>{<09001>}分<02506>无业<05159>的利未人<03881>,和{<0834>}你城<09002><08179>里寄居的<01616>,并孤儿<03490>寡妇<0490>,都可以来<0935>(8804),吃<0398>(8804)得饱足<07646>(8804)。这样<09001><04616>,耶和华<03068>―你的 神<0430>必在你手<03027>里所<0834><06213>(8799)的一切<09002><03605><04639>上赐福与你<01288>(8762)。」
And the Levite<03881>, (because he hath no part<02506> nor inheritance<05159> with thee,) and the stranger<01616>, and the fatherless<03490>, and the widow<0490>, which are within thy gates<08179>, shall come<0935>(8804), and shall eat<0398>(8804) and be satisfied<07646>(8804); that the LORD<03068> thy God<0430> may bless<01288>(8762) thee in all the work<04639> of thine hand<03027> which thou doest<06213>(8799).

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