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6 你这女子中<09002><0802>极美丽的<03303>,你的良人<01730>往何处<0575>去了<01980>(8804)?你的良人<01730>转向<06437>(8804)何处<0575>去了,我们好与你<05973>同去寻找他<01245>(8762)
Whither is thy beloved<01730> gone<01980>(8804), O thou fairest<03303> among women<0802>? whither is thy beloved<01730> turned aside<06437>(8804)? that we may seek<01245>(8762) him with thee.
2 我的良人<01730>下入<03381>(8804)自己园中<09001><01588>,到香花<01314><09001><06170>,在园内<09002><01588>牧放<09001><07462>(8800)群羊,采<09001><03950>(8800)百合花<07799>
My beloved<01730> is gone down<03381>(8804) into his garden<01588>, to the beds<06170> of spices<01314>, to feed<07462>(8800) in the gardens<01588>, and to gather<03950>(8800) lilies<07799>.
I am my beloved's<01730>, and my beloved<01730> is mine: he feedeth<07462>(8802) among the lilies<07799>.
4 我的佳偶<07474>啊,你<0859>美丽<03303>如得撒<09003><08656>,秀美<05000>如耶路撒冷<09003><03389>,威武<0366>如展开旌旗的军队<09003><01713>(8737)
Thou art beautiful<03303>, O my love<07474>, as Tirzah<08656>, comely<05000> as Jerusalem<03389>, terrible<0366> as an army with banners<01713>(8737).
5 求你掉转<05437>(8685)眼目<05869>不看我<04480><05048>,因你的眼目<07945><01992>使我惊乱<07292>(8689)。你的头发<08181>如同山羊<05795><09003><05739>卧在<07945><01570>基列山<01568><04480>
Turn away<05437>(8685) thine eyes<05869> from me, for they<01992> have overcome<07292>(8689) me: thy hair<08181> is as a flock<05739> of goats<05795> that appear<01570> from Gilead<01568>. {overcome...: or, puffed me up}
6 你的牙齿<08127>如一群<09003><05739>母羊<07353>{<04480>}洗净<07367>上来<05927>(8804),个个都<07945><03605>有双生<08382>(8688),没有<0369>一只丧掉子的<07909>{<09002>}。
Thy teeth<08127> are as a flock<05739> of sheep<07353> which go up<05927>(8804) from the washing<07367>, whereof every one beareth twins<08382>(8688), and there is not one barren<07909> among them.
7 你的两太阳<07541><04480><01157>帕子<09001><06777>内,如同一块<09003><06400>石榴<07416>
As a piece<06400> of a pomegranate<07416> are thy temples<07541> within<01157> thy locks<06777>.
There are threescore<08346> queens<04436>, and fourscore<08084> concubines<06370>, and virgins<05959> without number<04557>.
9 我的鸽子<03123>,我的完全人<08535>,只有<01931>这一个<0259><01931>她母亲<09001><0517>独生的<0259>,是<01931>生养她者<09001><03205>(8802)所宝爱的<01249>。众女子<01323>见了<07200>(8804)就称她有福<0833>(8762);王后<04436>妃嫔<06370>见了也赞美她<01984>(8762)
My dove<03123>, my undefiled<08535> is but one<0259>; she is the only one<0259> of her mother<0517>, she is the choice<01249> one of her that bare<03205>(8802) her. The daughters<01323> saw<07200>(8804) her, and blessed<0833>(8762) her; yea , the queens<04436> and the concubines<06370>, and they praised<01984>(8762) her.
Who is she that looketh forth<08259>(8737) as the morning<07837>, fair<03303> as the moon<03842>, clear<01249> as the sun<02535>, and terrible<0366> as an army with banners<01713>(8737)?
11 我下<03381>(8804)<0413>核桃<093><01594>,要看<09001><07200>(8800)谷中<05158>青绿的植物<09002><03>,要看<09001><07200>(8800)葡萄<01612>发芽<06524>(8804)没有,石榴<07416>开花<05132>(8689)没有。
I went down<03381>(8804) into the garden<01594> of nuts<093> to see<07200>(8800) the fruits<03> of the valley<05158>, and to see<07200>(8800) whether the vine<01612> flourished<06524>(8804), and the pomegranates<07416> budded<05132>(8689).
Or ever I was aware<03045>(8804), my soul<05315> made<07760>(8804) me like the chariots<04818> of Amminadib<05993>. {Or ever...: Heb. I knew not} {made...: or, set me on the chariots of my willing people}
13 回来<07725>(8798),回来<07725>(8798),书拉密女<07759>;你回来<07725>(8798),你回来<07725>(8798),使我们得观看<02372>(8799)<09002>。你们为何<04100>要观看<02372>(8799)书拉密女<09002><07759>,像观看玛哈念<04266>跳舞的<09003><04246>呢?
Return<07725>(8798), return<07725>(8798), O Shulamite<07759>; return<07725>(8798), return<07725>(8798), that we may look<02372>(8799) upon thee. What will ye see<02372>(8799) in the Shulamite<07759>? As it were the company<04246> of two armies<04264>. {of...: or, of Mahanaim}

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