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25 以下<0428>也是<01571>所罗门<08010>的箴言<04912>,是<0834>犹大<03063><04428>希西家<02396>的人<0582>所誊录<06275>(8689)的。
These are also proverbs<04912> of Solomon<08010>, which the men<0582> of Hezekiah<02396> king<04428> of Judah<03063> copied out<06275>(8689).
2 将事<01697>隐秘<05641>(8687)乃 神<0430>的荣耀<03519>;将事<01697>察清<02713>(8800)乃君王<04428>的荣耀<03519>
It is the glory<03519> of God<0430> to conceal<05641>(8687) a thing<01697>: but the honour<03519> of kings<04428> is to search out<02713>(8800) a matter<01697>.
The heaven<08064> for height<07312>, and the earth<0776> for depth<06011>, and the heart<03820> of kings<04428> is unsearchable<02714>. {is...: Heb. there is no searching}
4 除去<01898>(8800)银子<04480><03701>的渣滓<05509>就有银子出来<03318>(8799),银匠<09001><06884>(8802)能以做器皿<03627>
Take away<01898>(8800) the dross<05509> from the silver<03701>, and there shall come forth<03318>(8799) a vessel<03627> for the finer<06884>(8802).
5 除去<01898>(8800)<04428>面前<09001><06440>的恶人<07563>,国位<03678>就靠公义<09002><06664>坚立<03559>(8735)
Take away<01898>(8800) the wicked<07563> from before<06440> the king<04428>, and his throne<03678> shall be established<03559>(8735) in righteousness<06664>.
6 不要<0408>在王<04428>面前<09001><06440>妄自尊大<01921>(8691);不要<0408>在大人<01419>的位<09002><04725>上站立<05975>(8799)
Put not forth<01921>(8691) thyself in the presence<06440> of the king<04428>, and stand<05975>(8799) not in the place<04725> of great<01419> men : {Put...: Heb. Set not out thy glory}
7 宁可<03588>有人说<0559>(8800){<09001>}:请你上来<05927>(8798){<02008>},强<02896><0834>在你{<05869>}觐见<07200>(8804)的王子<05081>面前<09001><06440>叫你退下<04480><08213>(8687)
For better<02896> it is that it be said<0559>(8800) unto thee, Come up<05927>(8798) hither; than that thou shouldest be put lower<08213>(8687) in the presence<06440> of the prince<05081> whom thine eyes<05869> have seen<07200>(8804).
8 不要<0408>冒失<04118>出去<03318>(8799)与人争竞<09001><07378>(8800),免得<06435>至终<09002><0319>被他{<07453>}羞辱<09002><03637>(8687){<0853>},你就不知道怎样<04100><06213>(8799)了。
Go not forth<03318>(8799) hastily<04118> to strive<07378>(8800), lest thou know not what to do<06213>(8799) in the end<0319> thereof, when thy neighbour<07453> hath put thee to shame<03637>(8687).
9 你与<0854>邻舍<07453>争讼<07379>,要与他一人辩论<07378>(8798),不可<0408>泄漏<01540>(8762)<0312>的密事<05475>
Debate<07378>(8798) thy cause<07379> with thy neighbour<07453> himself ; and discover<01540>(8762) not a secret<05475> to another<0312>: {a secret...: or, the secret of}
10 恐怕<06435>听见的人<08085>(8802)骂你<02616>(8762),你的臭名<01681>就难以<03808>脱离<07725>(8799)
Lest he that heareth<08085>(8802) it put thee to shame<02616>(8762), and thine infamy<01681> turn not away<07725>(8799).
11 一句话<01697><01696>(8803)得{<05921>}合宜<0212>(8675)<0655>,就如金<02091>苹果<08598>在银<03701>网子<09002><04906>里。
A word<01697> fitly<0212>(8675)<0655> spoken<01696>(8803) is like apples<08598> of gold<02091> in pictures<04906> of silver<03701>. {fitly...: Heb. spoken upon his wheels}
12 智慧人<02450>的劝戒<03198>(8688),在<05921>顺从的人<08085>(8802)<0241>中,好像金<02091>耳环<05141>和精金<03800>的妆饰<02481>
As an earring<05141> of gold<02091>, and an ornament<02481> of fine gold<03800>, so is a wise<02450> reprover<03198>(8688) upon an obedient<08085>(8802) ear<0241>.
13 忠信<0539>(8737)的使者<06735>叫差他的<09001><07971>(8802)<0113><05315>里舒畅<07725>(8686),就如在收割<07105><09002><03117>有冰雪<07950>的凉气<09003><06793>
As the cold<06793> of snow<07950> in the time<03117> of harvest<07105>, so is a faithful<0539>(8737) messenger<06735> to them that send<07971>(8802) him: for he refresheth<07725>(8686) the soul<05315> of his masters<0113>.
Whoso<0376> boasteth<01984>(8693) himself of a false<08267> gift<04991> is like clouds<05387> and wind<07307> without rain<01653>. {of a...: Heb. in a gift of falsehood}
15 恒常<09002><0753>忍耐<0639>可以劝动<06601>(8792)君王<07101>;柔和的<07390>舌头<03956>能折断<07665>(8799)骨头<01634>
By long<0753> forbearing<0639> is a prince<07101> persuaded<06601>(8792), and a soft<07390> tongue<03956> breaketh<07665>(8799) the bone<01634>.
16 你得了<04672>(8804)<01706>吗?只可吃<0398>(8798)<01767>而已,恐怕<06435>你过饱<07646>(8799)就呕吐<06958>(8689)出来。
Hast thou found<04672>(8804) honey<01706>? eat<0398>(8798) so much as is sufficient<01767> for thee, lest thou be filled<07646>(8799) therewith, and vomit<06958>(8689) it.
17 你的脚<07272>要少进<03365>(8685)邻舍<07453>的家<04480><01004>,恐怕<06435>他厌烦你<07646>(8799),恨恶你<08130>(8804)
Withdraw<03365>(8685) thy foot<07272> from thy neighbour's<07453> house<01004>; lest he be weary<07646>(8799) of thee, and so hate<08130>(8804) thee. {Withdraw...: or, Let thy foot be seldom in} {weary...: Heb. full of thee}
A man<0376> that beareth<06030>(8802) false<08267> witness<05707> against his neighbour<07453> is a maul<04650>, and a sword<02719>, and a sharp<08150>(8802) arrow<02671>.
19 患难<06869><09002><03117>倚靠<04009>不忠诚<0898>(8802)的人,好像破坏的<07465><08127>,错骨缝<04154>的脚<07272>
Confidence<04009> in an unfaithful man<0898>(8802) in time<03117> of trouble<06869> is like a broken<07465> tooth<08127>, and a foot<07272> out of joint<04154>.
As he that taketh away<05710>(8688) a garment<0899> in cold<07135> weather<03117>, and as vinegar<02558> upon nitre<05427>, so is he that singeth<07891>(8802) songs<07892> to an heavy<07451> heart<03820>.
21 你的仇敌<08130>(8802)<0518>饿<07457>了,就给他饭<03899><0398>(8685);若<0518><06771>了,就给他水<04325><08248>(8685)
If thine enemy<08130>(8802) be hungry<07457>, give him bread<03899> to eat<0398>(8685); and if he be thirsty<06771>, give him water<04325> to drink<08248>(8685):
22 因为<03588>,你<0859>这样行就是把炭火<01513><02846>(8802)<05921>他的头<07218>上;耶和华<03068>也必赏赐<07999>(8762)<09001>
For thou shalt heap<02846>(8802) coals of fire<01513> upon his head<07218>, and the LORD<03068> shall reward<07999>(8762) thee.
The north<06828> wind<07307> driveth away<02342>(8787) rain<01653>: so doth an angry<02194>(8737) countenance<06440> a backbiting<05643> tongue<03956>. {driveth...: or, bringeth forth rain: so doth a backbiting tongue an angry countenance}
24 宁可<02896><03427>(8800)<05921>房顶<01406>的角<06438>上,不在宽阔的<02267>房屋<01004>与争吵的<04079>(8675)<04066>妇人<04480><0802>同住。
It is better<02896> to dwell<03427>(8800) in the corner<06438> of the housetop<01406>, than with a brawling<04079>(8675)<04066> woman<0802> and in a wide<02267> house<01004>.
25 有好<02896>消息<08052>从远<04801><04480><0776>来,就如拿凉<07119><04325><05921>口渴<05889>的人<05315>喝。
As cold<07119> waters<04325> to a thirsty<05889> soul<05315>, so is good<02896> news<08052> from a far<04801> country<0776>.
A righteous<06662> man falling down<04131>(8801) before<06440> the wicked<07563> is as a troubled<07515>(8737) fountain<04599>, and a corrupt<07843>(8716) spring<04726>.
It is not good<02896> to eat<0398>(8800) much<07235>(8687) honey<01706>: so for men to search<02714> their own glory<03519> is not glory<03519>.
He<0376> that hath no rule<04623> over his own spirit<07307> is like a city<05892> that is broken down<06555>(8803), and without walls<02346>.

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