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36 (耶和华<03068>的仆人<09001><05650>大卫的<09001><01732>诗,交与伶长<09001><05329>(8764)。)恶人的<09001><07563>罪过<06588>在他心<03820><09002><07130><05002>(8803):我眼<05869><09001><05048><0369><06343> 神<0430>
[FO][FO]To the chief Musician<05329>(8764), A Psalm of David<01732> the servant<05650> of the LORD<03068>.[Fo][Fo] The transgression<06588> of the wicked<07563> saith<05002>(8803) within<07130> my heart<03820>, that there is no fear<06343> of God<0430> before his eyes<05869>.
2 {<03588>}他自<0413><02505>(8689)自媚<09002><05869>,以为他的罪孽<05771>终不显露<09001><04672>(8800),不被恨恶<09001><08130>(8800)
For he flattereth<02505>(8689) himself in his own eyes<05869>, until his iniquity<05771> be found<04672>(8800) to be hateful<08130>(8800). {until...: Heb. to find his iniquity to hate}
3 他口<06310>中的言语<01697>尽是罪孽<0205>诡诈<04820>;他与智慧<09001><07919>(8687)善行<09001><03190>(8687)已经断绝<02308>(8804)
The words<01697> of his mouth<06310> are iniquity<0205> and deceit<04820>: he hath left off<02308>(8804) to be wise<07919>(8687), and to do good<03190>(8687).
4 他在<05921>床上<04904>图谋<02803>(8799)罪孽<0205>,定意行<03320>(8691){<05921>}不<03808>善的<02896><01870>,不<03808>憎恶<03988>(8799)恶事<07451>
He deviseth<02803>(8799) mischief<0205> upon his bed<04904>; he setteth<03320>(8691) himself in a way<01870> that is not good<02896>; he abhorreth<03988>(8799) not evil<07451>. {mischief: or, vanity}
5 耶和华<03068>啊,你的慈爱<02617>上及诸天<09002><08064>;你的信实<0530>达到<05704>穹苍<07834>
Thy mercy<02617>, O LORD<03068>, is in the heavens<08064>; and thy faithfulness<0530> reacheth unto the clouds<07834>.
6 你的公义<06666>好像高<0410><09003><02042>;你的判断<04941>如同深<07227><08415>。耶和华<03068>啊,人民<0120>、牲畜<0929>,你都救护<03467>(8686)
Thy righteousness<06666> is like the great<0410> mountains<02042>; thy judgments<04941> are a great<07227> deep<08415>: O LORD<03068>, thou preservest<03467>(8686) man<0120> and beast<0929>. {the...: Heb. the mountains of God}
7  神<0430>啊,你的慈爱<02617>何其<04100>宝贵<03368>!世人<01121><0120>投靠<02620>(8799)在你翅膀<03671>的荫下<09002><06738>
How excellent<03368> is thy lovingkindness<02617>, O God<0430>! therefore the children<01121> of men<0120> put their trust<02620>(8799) under the shadow<06738> of thy wings<03671>. {excellent: Heb. precious}
8 他们必因你殿<01004>里的肥甘<04480><01880>得以饱足<07301>(8799);你也必叫他们喝<08248>(8686)你乐<05730><05158>的水。
They shall be abundantly satisfied<07301>(8799) with the fatness<01880> of thy house<01004>; and thou shalt make them drink<08248>(8686) of the river<05158> of thy pleasures<05730>. {abundantly...: Heb. watered}
9 因为<03588>,在你那里<05973>有生命<02416>的源头<04726>;在你的光中<09002><0216>,我们必得见<07200>(8799)<0216>
For with thee is the fountain<04726> of life<02416>: in thy light<0216> shall we see<07200>(8799) light<0216>.
10 愿你常施<04900>(8798)慈爱<02617>给认识你的人<09001><03045>(8802),常以公义<06666>待心<03820>里正直<09001><03477>的人。
O continue<04900>(8798) thy lovingkindness<02617> unto them that know<03045>(8802) thee; and thy righteousness<06666> to the upright<03477> in heart<03820>. {continue: Heb. draw out at length}
11 不容<0408>骄傲人<01346>的脚<07272>践踏我<0935>(8799);不容<0408>凶恶人<07563>的手<03027>赶逐我<05110>(8686)
Let not the foot<07272> of pride<01346> come<0935>(8799) against me, and let not the hand<03027> of the wicked<07563> remove<05110>(8686) me.
12 在那里<08033>,作<06466>(8802)<0205>的人已经仆倒<05307>(8804);他们被推倒<01760>(8795),不<03808><03201>(8804)再起来<06965>(8800)
There are the workers<06466>(8802) of iniquity<0205> fallen<05307>(8804): they are cast down<01760>(8795), and shall not be able<03201>(8804) to rise<06965>(8800).

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