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26 (大卫的<09001><01732>诗。)耶和华<03068>啊,求你为我伸冤<08199>(8798),因<03588><0589>向来行事<01980>(8804)纯全<09002><08537>;我又倚靠<0982>(8804)耶和华<09002><03068>,并不<03808>摇动<04571>(8799)
[FO][FO] A Psalm of David<01732>.[Fo][Fo] Judge<08199>(8798) me, O LORD<03068>; for I have walked<01980>(8804) in mine integrity<08537>: I have trusted<0982>(8804) also in the LORD<03068>; therefore I shall not slide<04571>(8799).
2 耶和华<03068>啊,求你察看我<0974>(8798),试验我<05254>(8761),熬炼<06884>(8798)我的肺腑<03629>心肠<03820>
Examine<0974>(8798) me, O LORD<03068>, and prove<05254>(8761) me; try<06884>(8798) my reins<03629> and my heart<03820>.
3 因为<03588>你的慈爱<02617>常在我眼<05869><09001><05048>,我也按你的真理<09002><0571>而行<01980>(8694)
For thy lovingkindness<02617> is before mine eyes<05869>: and I have walked<01980>(8694) in thy truth<0571>.
4 我没有<03808><05973>虚谎<07723><04962>同坐<03427>(8804),也不<03808><05973>瞒哄人的<05956>(8737)同群<0935>(8799)
I have not sat<03427>(8804) with vain<07723> persons<04962>, neither will I go in<0935>(8799) with dissemblers<05956>(8737).
5 我恨恶<08130>(8804)恶人<07489>(8688)的会<06951>,必不<03808><05973>恶人<07563>同坐<03427>(8799)
I have hated<08130>(8804) the congregation<06951> of evil doers<07489>(8688); and will not sit<03427>(8799) with the wicked<07563>.
6 耶和华<03068>啊,我要洗photo<07364>(8799)<03709>表明无辜<09002><05356>,才环绕<05437>(8779){<0853>}你的祭坛photophoto<04196>
I will wash<07364>(8799) mine hands<03709> in innocency<05356>: so will I compass<05437>(8779) thine altar<04196>, O LORD<03068>:
7 我好发<09001><08085>(8687)称谢<08426>的声音<09002><06963>,也要述说<09001><05608>(8763)你一切<03605>奇妙的作为<06381>(8737)
That I may publish<08085>(8687) with the voice<06963> of thanksgiving<08426>, and tell<05608>(8763) of all thy wondrous works<06381>(8737).
8 耶和华<03068>啊,我喜爱<0157>(8804)你所住<04583>的殿<01004>和你显荣耀<03519>的居<04908><04725>
LORD<03068>, I have loved<0157>(8804) the habitation<04583> of thy house<01004>, and the place<04725> where thine honour<03519> dwelleth<04908>. {where...: Heb. of the tabernacle of thy honour}
9 不要<0408>把我的灵魂<05315><05973>罪人<02400>一同除掉<0622>(8799);不要把我的性命<02416><05973>流人血<01818>的{<0582>}一同除掉。
Gather<0622>(8799) not my soul<05315> with sinners<02400>, nor my life<02416> with bloody<01818> men<0582>: {Gather...: or, Take not away} {bloody...: Heb. men of blood}
10 他们<0834>的手中<09002><03027>有奸恶<02154>,右手<03225>满有<04390>(8804)贿赂<07810>
In whose hands<03027> is mischief<02154>, and their right hand<03225> is full<04390>(8804) of bribes<07810>. {full...: Heb. filled with}
11 至于我<0589>,却要行事<03212>(8799)纯全<09002><08537>;求你救赎我<06299>(8798),怜恤我<02603>(8798)
But as for me, I will walk<03212>(8799) in mine integrity<08537>: redeem<06299>(8798) me, and be merciful<02603>(8798) unto me.
12 我的脚<07272><05975>(8804)在平坦地方<09002><04334>;在众会中<09002><04721>我要称颂<01288>(8762)耶和华<03068>
My foot<07272> standeth<05975>(8804) in an even place<04334>: in the congregations<04721> will I bless<01288>(8762) the LORD<03068>.

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