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19 (大卫的<09001><01732><04210>,交与伶长<09001><05329>(8764)。)诸天<08064>述说<05608>(8764) 神<0410>的荣耀<03519>;穹苍<07549>传扬<05046>(8688)他的手段<04639><03027>
[FO][FO]To the chief Musician<05329>(8764), A Psalm<04210> of David<01732>.[Fo][Fo] The heavens<08064> declare<05608>(8764) the glory<03519> of God<0410>; and the firmament<07549> sheweth his<05046>(8688) handywork<04639><03027>.
2 这日<03117>到那日<09001><03117>发出<05042>(8686)言语<0562>;这夜<03915>到那夜<09001><03915>传出<02331>(8762)知识<01847>
Day<03117> unto day<03117> uttereth<05042>(8686) speech<0562>, and night<03915> unto night<03915> sheweth<02331>(8762) knowledge<01847>.
There is no speech<0562> nor language<01697>, where their voice<06963> is not heard<08085>(8738). {where...: or, without these their voice is heard: Heb. without their voice heard}
4 它的量带<06957><03318>(8804)<09002><03605>天下<0776>,它的言语<04405>传到地<08398><09002><07097>。 神在其间<09002>为太阳<09001><08121>安设<07760>(8804)帐幕<0168>
Their line<06957> is gone out<03318>(8804) through all the earth<0776>, and their words<04405> to the end<07097> of the world<08398>. In them hath he set<07760>(8804) a tabernacle<0168> for the sun<08121>, {line: or, rule, or, direction}
5 太阳{<01931>}如同新郎<09003><02860><03318>(8802)洞房<04480><02646>,又如勇士<09003><01368>欢然<07797>(8799)<09001><07323>(8800)<0734>
Which is as a bridegroom<02860> coming out<03318>(8802) of his chamber<02646>, and rejoiceth<07797>(8799) as a strong man<01368> to run<07323>(8800) a race<0734>.
6 它从天<08064>这边<04480><07097>出来<04161>,绕<08622><05921>天那边<07098>,没有<0369>一物被隐藏<05641>(8737)不得它的热气<04480><02535>
His going forth<04161> is from the end<07097> of the heaven<08064>, and his circuit<08622> unto the ends<07098> of it: and there is nothing hid<05641>(8737) from the heat<02535> thereof.
7 耶和华<03068>的律法<08451>全备<08549>,能苏醒<07725>(8688)人心<05315>;耶和华<03068>的法度<05715>确定<0539>(8737),能使愚人<06612>有智慧<02449>(8688)
The law<08451> of the LORD<03068> is perfect<08549>, converting<07725>(8688) the soul<05315>: the testimony<05715> of the LORD<03068> is sure<0539>(8737), making wise<02449>(8688) the simple<06612>. {law: or, doctrine} {converting: or, restoring}
8 耶和华<03068>的训词<06490>正直<03477>,能快活<08055>(8764)人的心<03820>;耶和华<03068>的命令<04687>清洁<01249>,能明亮<0215>(8688)人的眼目<05869>
The statutes<06490> of the LORD<03068> are right<03477>, rejoicing<08055>(8764) the heart<03820>: the commandment<04687> of the LORD<03068> is pure<01249>, enlightening<0215>(8688) the eyes<05869>.
9 耶和华<03068>的道理<03374>洁净<02889>,存<05975>(8802)到永远<09001><05703>;耶和华<03068>的典章<04941>真实<0571>,全然<03162>公义<06663>(8804)
The fear<03374> of the LORD<03068> is clean<02889>, enduring<05975>(8802) for ever<05703>: the judgments<04941> of the LORD<03068> are true<0571> and righteous<06663>(8804) altogether<03162>. {true: Heb. truth}
10 都比金子<04480><02091>可羡慕<02530>(8737),且比极多的<07227>精金<04480><06337>可羡慕;比蜜<04480><01706>甘甜<04966>,且比蜂房<06688>下滴的蜜<05317>甘甜。
More to be desired<02530>(8737) are they than gold<02091>, yea, than much<07227> fine gold<06337>: sweeter<04966> also than honey<01706> and the honeycomb<05317><06688>. {the honeycomb: Heb. the dropping of honeycombs}
11 况且<01571>你的仆人<05650>因此<09002>受警戒<02094>(8737),守着这些<09002><08104>(8800)便有大<07227><06118>
Moreover by them is thy servant<05650> warned<02094>(8737): and in keeping<08104>(8800) of them there is great<07227> reward<06118>.
Who can understand<0995>(8799) his errors<07691>? cleanse<05352>(8761) thou me from secret<05641>(8737) faults .
13 {<01571>}求你拦阻<02820>(8798)仆人<05650>不犯任意妄为的罪<04480><02086>,不<0408>容这罪辖制<04910>(8799)<09002>,我便<0227>完全<08552>(8799),免犯<05352>(8738)<07227><04480><06588>
Keep back<02820>(8798) thy servant<05650> also from presumptuous<02086> sins ; let them not have dominion<04910>(8799) over me: then shall I be upright<08552>(8799), and I shall be innocent<05352>(8738) from the great<07227> transgression<06588>. {the great: or, much}
14 耶和华<03068>―我的磐石<06697>,我的救赎主<01350>(8802)啊,愿<01961>我口中<06310>的言语<0561>、心<03820>里的意念<01902>在你面前<09001><06440>蒙悦纳<09001><07522>
Let the words<0561> of my mouth<06310>, and the meditation<01902> of my heart<03820>, be acceptable<07522> in thy sight<06440>, O LORD<03068>, my strength<06697>, and my redeemer<01350>(8802). {strength: Heb. rock}

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