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3 (大卫<09001><01732>逃避<09002><01272>(8800){<04480>}<06440>他儿子<01121>押沙龙<053>的时候作的诗<04210>。)耶和华<03068>啊,我的敌人<06862>何其<04100>加增<07231>(8804);有许多人<07227>起来<06965>(8801)攻击我<05921>
[FO][FO]A Psalm<04210> of David<01732>, when he fled<01272>(8800) from<06440> Absalom<053> his son<01121>.[Fo][Fo] LORD<03068>, how are they increased<07231>(8804) that trouble<06862> me! many<07227> are they that rise up<06965>(8801) against me.
2 有许多人<07227>议论<0559><00><09001><05315><0559>(8802):他<09001>得不着<0369> 神<09002><0430>的帮助<03444>。(细拉<05542>
Many<07227> there be which say<0559>(8802) of my soul<05315>, There is no help<03444> for him in God<0430>. Selah<05542>.
3 但你<0859>―耶和华<03068>是我四围<01157>的盾牌<04043>,是我的荣耀<03519>,又是叫我抬起<07311>(8688)<07218>来的。
But thou, O LORD<03068>, art a shield<04043> for me; my glory<03519>, and the lifter up<07311>(8688) of mine head<07218>. {for: or, about}
4 我用我的声音<06963>求告<07121>(8799){<0413>}耶和华<03068>,他就从他的圣<06944><04480><02022>上应允我<06030>(8799)。(细拉<05542>
I cried<07121>(8799) unto the LORD<03068> with my voice<06963>, and he heard<06030>(8799) me out of his holy<06944> hill<02022>. Selah<05542>.
I laid me down<07901>(8804) and slept<03462>(8799); I awaked<06974>(8689); for the LORD<03068> sustained<05564>(8799) me.
6 虽有成万<04480><07233>的百姓<05971>{<0834>}来<07896>(8804)周围<05439>攻击我<05921>,我也不<03808><03372>(8799)
I will not be afraid<03372>(8799) of ten thousands<07233> of people<05971>, that have set<07896>(8804) themselves against me round about<05439>.
7 耶和华<03068>啊,求你起来<06965>(8798)!我的 神<0430>啊,求你救我<03467>(8685)!因为<03588>你打了<05221>(8689){<0853>}我一切<03605>仇敌<0341>(8802)的腮骨<03895>,敲碎了<07665>(8765)恶人<07563>的牙齿<08127>
Arise<06965>(8798), O LORD<03068>; save<03467>(8685) me, O my God<0430>: for thou hast smitten<05221>(8689) all mine enemies<0341>(8802) upon the cheek bone<03895>; thou hast broken<07665>(8765) the teeth<08127> of the ungodly<07563>.
8 救恩<03444>属乎耶和华<09001><03068>;愿你赐福<01293><05921>你的百姓<05971>。(细拉<05542>
Salvation<03444> belongeth unto the LORD<03068>: thy blessing<01293> is upon thy people<05971>. Selah<05542>.

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