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1 {<0834>}不<03808><01980>(8804)恶人<07563>的计谋<09002><06098>,不<03808><05975>(8804)罪人<02400>的道路<09002><01870>,不<03808><03427>(8804)亵慢人<03887>(8801)的座位<09002><04186>
Blessed<0835> is the man<0376> that walketh<01980>(8804) not in the counsel<06098> of the ungodly<07563>, nor standeth<05975>(8804) in the way<01870> of sinners<02400>, nor sitteth<03427>(8804) in the seat<04186> of the scornful<03887>(8801). {ungodly: or, wicked}
2 {<03588>}惟<0518>喜爱<02656>耶和华<03068>的律法<09002><08451>,昼<03119><03915>思想<01897>(8799){<09002>}{<08451>},这人<0376>便为有福<0835>
But his delight<02656> is in the law<08451> of the LORD<03068>; and in his law<08451> doth he meditate<01897>(8799) day<03119> and night<03915>.
3 他要<01961>像一棵树<09003><06086>栽在<08362>(8803)<06388><04325><05921>,{<0834>}按时候<09002><06256><05414>(8799)果子<06529>,叶子<05929>也不<03808>枯干<05034>(8799)。凡<03605>他所<0834>做的<06213>(8799)尽都顺利<06743>(8686)
And he shall be like a tree<06086> planted<08362>(8803) by the rivers<06388> of water<04325>, that bringeth forth<05414>(8799) his fruit<06529> in his season<06256>; his leaf<05929> also shall not wither<05034>(8799); and whatsoever he doeth<06213>(8799) shall prosper<06743>(8686). {wither: Heb. fade}
4 恶人<07563>并不是<03808>这样<03651>,乃<03588>{<0518>}像糠秕<09003><04671>{<0834>}被风<07307>吹散<05086>(8799)
The ungodly<07563> are not so: but are like the chaff<04671> which the wind<07307> driveth away<05086>(8799).
5 因此<05921><03651>,当审判的时候<09002><04941>恶人<07563>必站立<06965>(8799)不住<03808>;罪人<02400>在义人<06662>的会中<09002><05712>也是如此。
Therefore the ungodly<07563> shall not stand<06965>(8799) in the judgment<04941>, nor sinners<02400> in the congregation<05712> of the righteous<06662>.
6 因为<03588>耶和华<03068>知道<03045>(8802)义人<06662>的道路<01870>;恶人<07563>的道路<01870>却必灭亡<06>(8799)
For the LORD<03068> knoweth<03045>(8802) the way<01870> of the righteous<06662>: but the way<01870> of the ungodly<07563> shall perish<06>(8799).

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