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20 {<01961>}过了<09001><06256>{<08666>}一年<08141>,到列王<04428>出战<03318>(8800)的时候<09001><06256>,约押<03097>率领<05090>(8799){<0853>}军<06635><02428>毁坏<07843>(8686){<0853>}亚扪<05983><01121>的地<0776>,{<0935>}{(8799)}围攻<06696>(8799){<0853>}拉巴<07237>;大卫<01732>仍住<03427>(8802)在耶路撒冷<09002><03389>。约押<03097>攻打<05221>(8686){<0853>}拉巴<07237>,将城倾覆<02040>(8799)
And it came to pass, that after<06256> the year<08141> was expired<08666>, at the time<06256> that kings<04428> go out<03318>(8800) to battle , Joab<03097> led forth<05090>(8799) the power<02428> of the army<06635>, and wasted<07843>(8686) the country<0776> of the children<01121> of Ammon<05983>, and came<0935>(8799) and besieged<06696>(8799) Rabbah<07237>. But David<01732> tarried<03427>(8802) at Jerusalem<03389>. And Joab<03097> smote<05221>(8686) Rabbah<07237>, and destroyed<02040>(8799) it. {after...: Heb. at the return of the year}
2 大卫<01732>夺了<03947>(8799){<0853>}亚扪人之王<04428><04480><05921><07218>的金冠冕<05850>(王:或译玛勒堪。玛勒堪即米勒公,是亚扪族之神名),{<04672>}{(8799)}其上<09002>的金子<02091><04948>一他连得<03603>,又嵌着宝<03368><068>;人将这冠冕戴<01961><05921>大卫<01732><07218>上。大卫<01732>从城<05892>里夺了<03318>(8689)<03966><07235>(8687)财物<07998>
And David<01732> took<03947>(8799) the crown<05850> of their king<04428> from off his head<07218>, and found<04672>(8799) it to weigh<04948> a talent<03603> of gold<02091>, and there were precious<03368> stones<068> in it; and it was set upon David's<01732> head<07218>: and he brought<03318>(8689) also exceeding<03966> much<07235>(8687) spoil<07998> out of the city<05892>. {to weigh: Heb. the weight of}
And he brought out<03318>(8689) the people<05971> that were in it, and cut<07787>(8799) them with saws<04050>, and with harrows<02757> of iron<01270>, and with axes<04050>. Even so dealt<06213>(8799) David<01732> with all the cities<05892> of the children<01121> of Ammon<05983>. And David<01732> and all the people<05971> returned<07725>(8799) to Jerusalem<03389>.
4 {<01961>}后来<0310><03651>,以色列<03478>人在基色<09002><01507><05973>非利士人<06430><05975>(8799)<04421>。{<0227>}户沙人<02843>西比该<05444>杀了<05221>(8689){<0853>}伟人<07497>的一个儿子<04480><03211>细派<05598>,非利士人就被制伏了<03665>(8735)
And it came to pass after this<0310>, that there arose<05975>(8799) war<04421> at Gezer<01507> with the Philistines<06430>; at which time<0227> Sibbechai<05444> the Hushathite<02843> slew<05221>(8689) Sippai<05598>, that was of the children<03211> of the giant<07497>: and they were subdued<03665>(8735). {arose: or, continued: Heb. stood} {Gezer: also called, Gob} {Sippai: also called, Saph} {the giant: or, Rapha}
5 {<01961>}又<05750><0853>非利士人<06430>打仗<04421>。睚珥<03265>的儿子<01121>伊勒哈难<0445>杀了<05221>(8686){<0853>}迦特人<01663>歌利亚<01555>的兄弟<0251>拉哈米<03902>;这人的枪<02595><06086>粗如织布<0707>(8802)的机轴<09003><04500>
And there was war<04421> again with the Philistines<06430>; and Elhanan<0445> the son<01121> of Jair<03265> slew<05221>(8686) Lahmi<03902> the brother<0251> of Goliath<01555> the Gittite<01663>, whose spear<02595> staff<06086> was like a weaver's<0707>(8802) beam<04500>. {Jair: also called, Jaareoregim}
6 {<01961>}又<05750>在迦特<09002><01661>打仗<04421>。那里有<01961>一个身量<04060>高大的人<0376>,手脚都<08337>是六<08337><0676>,共有二十<06242><0702>个指头<0676>,他<01931><01571>是伟人的<09001><07497>儿子<03205>(8738)
And yet again there was war<04421> at Gath<01661>, where was a man<0376> of great stature<04060>, whose fingers<0676> and toes<0676> were four<0702> and twenty<06242>, six<08337> on each hand , and six<08337> on each foot : and he also was the son<03205>(8738) of the giant<07497>. {great...: Heb. measure} {the son...: Heb. born to the giant, or, Rapha}
7 这人向<0853>以色列<03478>人骂阵<02778>(8762),大卫<01732>的哥哥<0251>示米亚<08092>的儿子<01121>约拿单<03083>就杀了他<05221>(8686)
But when he defied<02778>(8762) Israel<03478>, Jonathan<03083> the son<01121> of Shimea<08092> David's<01732> brother<0251> slew<05221>(8686) him. {defied: or, reproached} {Shimea: also called Shammah}
These<0411> were born<03205>(8738) unto the giant<07497> in Gath<01661>; and they fell<05307>(8799) by the hand<03027> of David<01732>, and by the hand<03027> of his servants<05650>.

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