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2:1「若<03588>有人<05315><07126>(8686)<04503><07133>为供物<07133>给耶和华<09001><03068>,要<01961>(8799)用细面<05560><03332>(8804)<05921><08081>,加<05414>(8804)<05921>乳香<03828>And when any<05315> will offer<07126>(8686) a meat<04503> offering<07133> unto the LORD<03068>, his offering<07133> shall be of fine flour<05560>; and he shall pour<03332>(8804) oil<08081> upon it, and put<05414>(8804) frankincense<03828> thereon:注释 串珠 康来昌 字典 原文 典藏
2:2<0935>(8689)<0413>亚伦<0175>子孙<01121>作祭司<03548>的那里;祭司就要从细面<04480><05560>中取<07061>(8804)<04480><08033>一把<07062><04393>来,并取些油<04480><08081><05921>所有的<03605>乳香<03828>,然后{<03548>}要把<0853>所取的这些作为纪念<0234>,烧<06999>(8689)在坛上<04196>,是献与耶和华<09001><03068>为馨香<07381><05207>的火祭<0801>And he shall bring<0935>(8689) it to Aaron's<0175> sons<01121> the priests<03548>: and he shall take<07061>(8804) thereout<08033> his handful<07062><04393> of the flour<05560> thereof, and of the oil<08081> thereof, with all the frankincense<03828> thereof; and the priest<03548> shall burn<06999>(8689) the memorial<0234> of it upon the altar<04196>, to be an offering made by fire<0801>, of a sweet<05207> savour<07381> unto the LORD<03068>:注释 串珠 康来昌 字典 原文 典藏
2:3素祭<04480><04503>所剩的<03498>(8737)要归给亚伦<09001><0175>和他的子孙<09001><01121>;这是献与耶和华<03068>的火祭<04480><0801>中为至<06944><06944>的。And the remnant<03498>(8737) of the meat offering<04503> shall be Aaron's<0175> and his sons<01121>': it is a thing most<06944> holy<06944> of the offerings<0801><00> of the LORD<03068> made by fire<0801>.注释 串珠 康来昌 原文 典藏
2:4「若<03588><07126>(8686)<08574>中烤的物<03989>为素<04503><07133>,就要用调<01101>(8803)<09002><08081>的无酵<04682>细面<05560><02471>,或是抹<04886>(8803)<09002><08081>的无酵<04682>薄饼<07550>And if thou bring<07126>(8686) an oblation<07133> of a meat offering<04503> baken<03989> in the oven<08574>, it shall be unleavened<04682> cakes<02471> of fine flour<05560> mingled<01101>(8803) with oil<08081>, or unleavened<04682> wafers<07550> anointed<04886>(8803) with oil<08081>.注释 串珠 康来昌 字典 原文 典藏
2:5<0518>用铁鏊<04227><05921>做的物<07133>为素祭<04503>,就要用<01961>(8799)<01101>(8803)<09002><08081>的无酵<04682>细面<05560>And if thy oblation<07133> be a meat offering<04503> baken in a pan<04227>, it shall be of fine flour<05560> unleavened<04682>, mingled<01101>(8803) with oil<08081>. {in a pan: or, on a flat plate, or, slice}注释 串珠 康来昌 字典 原文 典藏
2:6分成<06626>(8800){<0853>}块子<06595>,浇<03332>(8804)<05921><08081>;这是<01931>素祭<04503>Thou shalt part<06626>(8800) it in pieces<06595>, and pour<03332>(8804) oil<08081> thereon: it is a meat offering<04503>.注释 串珠 康来昌 字典 原文 典藏
2:7<0518>用煎盘<04802>做的物<07133>为素祭<04503>,就要用油<09002><08081>与细面<05560>做成<06213>(8735)And if thy oblation<07133> be a meat offering<04503> baken in the fryingpan<04802>, it shall be made<06213>(8735) of fine flour<05560> with oil<08081>.注释 串珠 康来昌 字典 原文 典藏
2:8要把<0853>这些东西<04480><0428>{<0834>}做的<06213>(8735)素祭<04503><0935>(8689)到耶和华<09001><03068>面前,并奉<07126>(8689)<0413>祭司<03548>,带<05066>(8689)<0413><04196>前。And thou shalt bring<0935>(8689) the meat offering<04503> that is made<06213>(8735) of these things unto the LORD<03068>: and when it is presented<07126>(8689) unto the priest<03548>, he shall bring<05066>(8689) it unto the altar<04196>.注释 串珠 康来昌 字典 原文 典藏
2:9祭司<03548>要从<04480>素祭<04503>中取出<07311>(8689){<0853>}作为纪念的<0234>,烧<06999>(8689)在坛<04196>上,是献与耶和华<09001><03068>为馨香<07381><05207>的火祭<0801>And the priest<03548> shall take<07311>(8689) from the meat offering<04503> a memorial<0234> thereof, and shall burn<06999>(8689) it upon the altar<04196>: it is an offering made by fire<0801>, of a sweet<05207> savour<07381> unto the LORD<03068>.注释 串珠 康来昌 字典 原文 典藏
2:10{<04480>}素祭<04503>所剩的<03498>(8737)要归给亚伦<09001><0175>和他的子孙<09001><01121>。这是献与耶和华<03068>的火祭<04480><0801>中为至<06944><06944>的。And that which is left<03498>(8737) of the meat offering<04503> shall be Aaron's<0175> and his sons<01121>': it is a thing most<06944> holy<06944> of the offerings<0801><00> of the LORD<03068> made by fire<0801>.注释 串珠 康来昌 原文 典藏
2:11「凡<0834><07126>(8686)给耶和华<09001><03068>的{<03605>}素祭<04503>都不可<03808><06213>(8735)<02557>;因为<03588>你们不可<03808><06999>(8686)一点<03605><07603>、一点<03605><01706>当作{<04480>}火祭<0801>献给耶和华<09001><03068>No meat offering<04503>, which ye shall bring<07126>(8686) unto the LORD<03068>, shall be made<06213>(8735) with leaven<02557>: for ye shall burn<06999>(8686) no leaven<07603>, nor any honey<01706>, in any offering<0801><00> of the LORD<03068> made by fire<0801>.注释 串珠 康来昌 原文 典藏
2:12这些物<0853>要献<07126>(8686)给耶和华<09001><03068>作为初熟的<07225>供物<07133>,只是不可<03808><0413><04196>上献<05927>(8799)为馨香的祭<09001><07381><05207>As for the oblation<07133> of the firstfruits<07225>, ye shall offer<07126>(8686) them unto the LORD<03068>: but they shall not be burnt<05927>(8799) on the altar<04196> for a sweet<05207> savour<07381>. {be burnt: Heb. ascend}注释 串珠 康来昌 字典 原文 典藏
2:13<03605>献为素祭<04503>的供物<07133>都要用盐<09002><04417>调和<04414>(8799),在<04480><05921>素祭<04503>上不可<03808>缺了<07673>(8686)你 神<0430>立约<01285>的盐<04417>。{<05921>}一切<03605>的供物<07133>都要配盐<04417>而献<07126>(8686)And every oblation<07133> of thy meat offering<04503> shalt thou season<04414>(8799) with salt<04417>; neither shalt thou suffer the salt<04417> of the covenant<01285> of thy God<0430> to be lacking<07673>(8686) from thy meat offering<04503>: with all thine offerings<07133> thou shalt offer<07126>(8686) salt<04417>.注释 串珠 康来昌 原文 典藏
2:14<0518>向耶和华<09001><03068><07126>(8686)初熟之物<01061>为素祭<04503>,要献上<07126>(8686)烘了<07033>(8803){<09002>}{<0784>}的禾穗子<024>,就是轧了<01643>的新穗子<03759>,当作<0853>初熟之物<01061>的素祭<04503>And if thou offer<07126>(8686) a meat offering<04503> of thy firstfruits<01061> unto the LORD<03068>, thou shalt offer<07126>(8686) for the meat offering<04503> of thy firstfruits<01061> green ears<024> of corn dried<07033>(8803) by the fire<0784>, even corn beaten<01643> out of full ears<03759>.注释 串珠 康来昌 原文 典藏
2:15并要抹<05414>(8804)<05921><08081>,加<07760>(8804)<05921>乳香<03828>;这是<01931>素祭<04503>And thou shalt put<05414>(8804) oil<08081> upon it, and lay<07760>(8804) frankincense<03828> thereon: it is a meat offering<04503>.注释 串珠 康来昌 字典 原文 典藏
2:16祭司<03548>要把<0853>其中作为纪念的<0234>,就是一些轧了的禾穗子<04480><01643>和一些油<04480><08081>,并{<05921>}所有的<03605>乳香<03828>,都焚烧<06999>(8689),是向耶和华<09001><03068>献的火祭<0801>。」And the priest<03548> shall burn<06999>(8689) the memorial<0234> of it, part of the beaten corn<01643> thereof, and part of the oil<08081> thereof, with all the frankincense<03828> thereof: it is an offering made by fire<0801> unto the LORD<03068>.注释 串珠 康来昌 字典 原文 典藏

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