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1:1论尼尼微<05210>的默示<04853>,就是伊勒歌斯人<0512>那鸿<05151>所得的默示{<05612>}<02377>The burden<04853> of Nineveh<05210>. The book<05612> of the vision<02377> of Nahum<05151> the Elkoshite<0512>.注释 串珠 康来昌 康来昌 字典 原文 典藏
1:2耶和华<03068>是忌邪<07072>施报<05358>(8802)的 神<0410>。耶和华<03068>施报<05358>(8802)大有忿怒<01167><02534>;{<03068>}向他的敌人<09001><06862>施报<05358>(8802),{<01931>}向他的仇敌<09001><0341>(8802)怀怒<05201>(8802)God<0410> is jealous<07072>, and the LORD<03068> revengeth<05358>(8802); the LORD<03068> revengeth<05358>(8802), and is furious<01167><02534>; the LORD<03068> will take vengeance<05358>(8802) on his adversaries<06862>, and he reserveth<05201>(8802) wrath for his enemies<0341>(8802). {God...: or, The LORD is a jealous God, and a revenger, etc} {is furious: Heb. that hath fury}注释 串珠 康来昌 康来昌 原文 典藏
1:3耶和华<03068>不轻易<0750>发怒<0639>,大有<01419>能力<03581>,万不<03808>以有罪的<05352>(8763)为无罪<05352>(8762)。他{<03068>}乘旋风<09002><05492>和暴风<09002><08183>而来<01870>,云彩<06051>为他脚下<07272>的尘土<080>The LORD<03068> is slow<0750> to anger<0639>, and great<01419> in power<03581>, and will not at all<05352>(8763) acquit<05352>(8762) the wicked : the LORD<03068> hath his way<01870> in the whirlwind<05492> and in the storm<08183>, and the clouds<06051> are the dust<080> of his feet<07272>.注释 串珠 康来昌 康来昌 字典 原文 典藏
1:4他斥责<01605>(8802)<09002><03220>,使海干了<03001>(8762),使一切<03605>江河<05104>干涸<02717>(8689)。巴珊<01316>和迦密<03760>的树林衰残<0535>(8797);黎巴嫩<03844>的花草<06525>也衰残了<0535>(8797)He rebuketh<01605>(8802) the sea<03220>, and maketh it dry<02717>(8689), and drieth up<03001>(8762) all the rivers<05104>: Bashan<01316> languisheth<0535>(8797), and Carmel<03760>, and the flower<06525> of Lebanon<03844> languisheth<0535>(8797).注释 串珠 康来昌 康来昌 原文 典藏
1:5大山<02022>因他<04480>震动<07493>(8804);小山<01389>也都消化<04127>(8712)。大地<0776>在他面前<04480><06440>突起<05375>(8799);世界<08398><03605><03427>(8802)在其间的<09002>也都如此。The mountains<02022> quake<07493>(8804) at him, and the hills<01389> melt<04127>(8712), and the earth<0776> is burned<05375>(8799) at his presence<06440>, yea, the world<08398>, and all that dwell<03427>(8802) therein.注释 串珠 康来昌 康来昌 原文 典藏
1:6{<09001>}{<06440>}他发忿恨<02195>,谁<04310>能立得住<05975>(8799)呢?他发烈<09002><02740><0639>,谁<04310>能当得起<06965>(8799)呢?他的忿怒<02534>如火<09003><0784>倾倒<05413>(8738);磐石<06697>因他<04480>崩裂<05422>(8738)Who can stand<05975>(8799) before<06440> his indignation<02195>? and who can abide<06965>(8799) in the fierceness<02740> of his anger<0639>? his fury<02534> is poured out<05413>(8738) like fire<0784>, and the rocks<06697> are thrown down<05422>(8738) by him. {abide: Heb. stand up}注释 串珠 康来昌 康来昌 原文 典藏
1:7耶和华<03068>本为善<02896>,在患难<06869>的日子<09002><03117>为人的保障<09001><04581>,并且认得<03045>(8802)那些投靠<02620>(8802)<09002>的人。The LORD<03068> is good<02896>, a strong hold<04581> in the day<03117> of trouble<06869>; and he knoweth<03045>(8802) them that trust<02620>(8802) in him. {strong hold: or, strength}注释 串珠 康来昌 康来昌 原文 典藏
1:8但他必以<06213>(8799)涨溢<05674>(8802)的洪水<09002><07858>淹没<03617>尼尼微<04725>,又驱逐<07291>(8762)仇敌<0341>(8802)进入黑暗<02822>But with an overrunning<05674>(8802) flood<07858> he will make<06213>(8799) an utter end<03617> of the place<04725> thereof, and darkness<02822> shall pursue<07291>(8762) his enemies<0341>(8802).注释 串珠 康来昌 康来昌 原文 典藏
1:9尼尼微人哪,设<02803>(8762)<04100>谋攻击<0413>耶和华<03068>呢?他<01931>必将<06213>(8802)你们灭绝净尽<03617>;灾难<06869><03808><06471>兴起<06965>(8799)What do ye imagine<02803>(8762) against the LORD<03068>? he will make<06213>(8802) an utter end<03617>: affliction<06869> shall not rise up<06965>(8799) the second time<06471>.注释 串珠 康来昌 康来昌 原文 典藏
1:10{<03588>}你们像<05704>丛杂<05440>(8803)的荆棘<05518>,像喝<05433>(8803)醉了的人<09003><05435>,又如枯干<03002>的碎秸<09003><07179>全然<04392>烧灭<0398>(8795)For while they be folden together<05440>(8803) as thorns<05518>, and while they are drunken<05433>(8803) as drunkards<05435>, they shall be devoured<0398>(8795) as stubble<07179> fully<04392> dry<03002>.注释 串珠 康来昌 康来昌 字典 原文 典藏
1:11有一人从你那里<04480>出来<03318>(8804),图谋<03289>(8802)邪恶<01100>,设<02803>(8802)恶计<07451>攻击<05921>耶和华<03068>There is one come out<03318>(8804) of thee, that imagineth<02803>(8802) evil<07451> against the LORD<03068>, a wicked<01100> counsellor<03289>(8802). {a wicked...: Heb. a counsellor of Belial}注释 串珠 康来昌 康来昌 原文 典藏
1:12耶和华<03068>如此<03541><0559>(8804):尼尼微虽然<0518>势力充足<08003>,{<03651>}人数繁多<07227>,也<03651>被剪除<01494>(8738),归于无有<05674>(8804)。犹大啊,我虽然使你受苦<06031>(8765),却不<03808><05750>使你受苦<06031>(8762)Thus saith<0559>(8804) the LORD<03068>; Though they be quiet<08003>, and likewise many<07227>, yet thus shall they be cut down<01494>(8738), when he shall pass through<05674>(8804). Though I have afflicted<06031>(8765) thee, I will afflict<06031>(8762) thee no more. {Though...: or, If they would have been at peace, so should they have been many, and so should they have been shorn, and he should have passed away} {cut down: Heb. shorn}注释 串珠 康来昌 康来昌 原文 典藏
1:13现在<06258>我必从<04480><05921>你颈项上折断<07665>(8799)他的轭<04132>,扭开<05423>(8762)他的绳索<04147>For now will I break<07665>(8799) his yoke<04132> from off thee, and will burst<05423><00> thy bonds<04147> in sunder<05423>(8762).注释 串珠 康来昌 康来昌 字典 原文 典藏
1:14耶和华<03068>已经出令<06680>(8765),指着<05921>尼尼微说:你名下的人<04480><08034>必不<03808>留后<02232>(8735){<05750>};我必从你神<0430>的庙中<04480><01004>除灭<03772>(8686)雕刻的偶像<06459>和铸造的偶像<04541>;我必因<03588>你鄙陋<07043>(8804),使你归于<07760>(8799)坟墓<06913>And the LORD<03068> hath given a commandment<06680>(8765) concerning thee, that no more of thy name<08034> be sown<02232>(8735): out of the house<01004> of thy gods<0430> will I cut off<03772>(8686) the graven image<06459> and the molten image<04541>: I will make<07760>(8799) thy grave<06913>; for thou art vile<07043>(8804).注释 串珠 康来昌 康来昌 字典 原文 典藏
1:15看哪<02009>,有报好信<01319>(8764)<08085>(8688)平安<07965>之人的脚<07272><05921><02022>,说:犹大啊<03063>,可以守<02287>(8798)你的节期<02282>,还<07999>(8761)你所许的愿吧<05088>!因为<03588>那恶人<01100><03808><03254>(8686)<05750>从你中间<09002>经过<09001><05674>(8800),他已灭绝净尽了<03605><03772>(8738)Behold upon the mountains<02022> the feet<07272> of him that bringeth good tidings<01319>(8764), that publisheth<08085>(8688) peace<07965>! O Judah<03063>, keep<02287>(8798) thy solemn feasts<02282>, perform<07999>(8761) thy vows<05088>: for the wicked<01100> shall no more<03254>(8686) pass through<05674>(8800) thee; he is utterly cut off<03772>(8738). {keep...: Heb. feast} {the wicked: Heb. Belial}注释 串珠 康来昌 康来昌 原文 典藏

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