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12:1以法莲<0669><07462>(8802)<07307>,且追赶<07291>(8802)东风<06921>,时常<03605><03117>增添<07235>(8686)虚谎<03577>和强暴<07701>,与<05973>亚述<0804><03772>(8799)<01285>,把油<08081>送到<02986>(8714)埃及<09001><04714>Ephraim<0669> feedeth<07462>(8802) on wind<07307>, and followeth<07291>(8802) after the east wind<06921>: he daily<03117> increaseth<07235>(8686) lies<03577> and desolation<07701>; and they do make<03772>(8799) a covenant<01285> with the Assyrians<0804>, and oil<08081> is carried<02986>(8714) into Egypt<04714>.注释 串珠 康来昌 康来昌 原文 典藏
12:2耶和华<09001><03068><05973>犹大<03063>争辩<07379>,必照雅各<03290>所行的<09003><01870>惩罚<09001><06485>(8800){<05921>}他,按他所做的<09003><04611>报应<07725>(8686)<09001>The LORD<03068> hath also a controversy<07379> with Judah<03063>, and will punish<06485>(8800) Jacob<03290> according to his ways<01870>; according to his doings<04611> will he recompense<07725>(8686) him. {punish: Heb. visit upon}注释 串珠 康来昌 康来昌 字典 原文 典藏
12:3他在腹中<09002><0990>抓住{<0853>}哥哥<0251>的脚跟<06117>(8804),壮年的时候<09002><0202><0854> 神<0430>较力<08280>(8804)He took his brother<0251> by the heel<06117>(8804) in the womb<0990>, and by his strength<0202> he had power<08280>(8804) with God<0430>: {had...: Heb. was a prince, or, behaved himself princely}注释 串珠 康来昌 康来昌 字典 原文 典藏
12:4<0413>天使<04397>较力<07786>(8799),并且得胜<03201>(8799),哭泣<01058>(8804)恳求<02603>(8691){<09001>},在伯特利<01008>遇见<04672>(8799)耶和华。耶和华<03068>―万军<06635>之 神<0430>在那里<08033>晓谕<01696>(8762)我们<05973>以色列人;耶和华<03068>是他可记念<02143>的名。Yea, he had power<07786>(8799) over the angel<04397>, and prevailed<03201>(8799): he wept<01058>(8804), and made supplication<02603>(8691) unto him: he found<04672>(8799) him in Bethel<01008>, and there he spake<01696>(8762) with us;注释 串珠 康来昌 康来昌 原文 典藏
12:5【并于上节】Even the LORD<03068> God<0430> of hosts<06635>; the LORD<03068> is his memorial<02143>.注释 串珠 康来昌 康来昌 原文 典藏
12:6所以你<0859>当归向<07725>(8799)你的 神<09002><0430>,谨守<08104>(8798)仁爱<02617>、公平<04941>,常常<08548>等候<06960>(8761){<0413>}你的 神<0430>Therefore turn<07725>(8799) thou to thy God<0430>: keep<08104>(8798) mercy<02617> and judgment<04941>, and wait<06960>(8761) on thy God<0430> continually<08548>.注释 串珠 康来昌 康来昌 原文 典藏
12:7以法莲是商人<03667>,手里<09002><03027>有诡诈<04820>的天平<03976>,爱<0157>(8804)行欺骗<09001><06231>(8800) He is a merchant<03667>, the balances<03976> of deceit<04820> are in his hand<03027>: he loveth<0157>(8804) to oppress<06231>(8800). {a merchant: or, Canaan} {oppress: or, deceive}注释 串珠 康来昌 康来昌 原文 典藏
12:8以法莲<0669><0559>(8799):我果然<0389>成了富足<06238>(8804),得了<04672>(8804)财宝<0202>{<09001>};我所<03605>劳碌<03018>得来的,人必不<03808><04672>(8799){<09001>}有甚么不义<05771>,{<0834>}可算为罪的<02399>And Ephraim<0669> said<0559>(8799), Yet I am become rich<06238>(8804), I have found me out<04672>(8804) substance<0202>: in all my labours<03018> they shall find<04672>(8799) none iniquity<05771> in me that were sin<02399>. {in all...: or, all my labours suffice me not: he shall have punishment of iniquity in whom is sin} {that: Heb. which}注释 串珠 康来昌 康来昌 字典 原文 典藏
12:9自从你出埃及<04714><04480><0776>以来,我就是<0595>耶和华<03068>―你的 神<0430>;我必使你再<05750><03427>(8686)帐棚<09002><0168>,如在大会<04150>的日子<09003><03117>一样。And I that am the LORD<03068> thy God<0430> from the land<0776> of Egypt<04714> will yet make thee to dwell<03427>(8686) in tabernacles<0168>, as in the days<03117> of the solemn feast<04150>.注释 串珠 康来昌 康来昌 原文 典藏
12:10<0595>已晓谕<01696>(8765){<05921>}众先知<05030>,并且加增<07235>(8689)默示<02377>,藉<09002><03027>先知<05030>设立比喻<01819>(8762)I have also spoken<01696>(8765) by the prophets<05030>, and I have multiplied<07235>(8689) visions<02377>, and used similitudes<01819>(8762), by the ministry<03027> of the prophets<05030>. {ministry: Heb. hand}注释 串珠 康来昌 康来昌 原文 典藏
12:11基列人<01568>没有罪孽<0205><0518>?他们全然<0389><01961>虚假<07723>的。人在吉甲<09002><01537>献牛犊<07794>为祭<02076>(8765),他们的祭坛<04196>好像田间<07704>犁沟<08525><05921>的乱堆<09003><01530> Is there iniquity<0205> in Gilead<01568>? surely they are vanity<07723>: they sacrifice<02076>(8765) bullocks<07794> in Gilgal<01537>; yea, their altars<04196> are as heaps<01530> in the furrows<08525> of the fields<07704>.注释 串珠 康来昌 康来昌 原文 典藏
12:12从前雅各<03290>逃到<01272>(8799)亚兰<0758><07704>,以色列<03478><09002>得妻<0802>服事<05647>(8799)人,为<09002>得妻<0802>与人放<08104>(8804)羊。And Jacob<03290> fled<01272>(8799) into the country<07704> of Syria<0758>, and Israel<03478> served<05647>(8799) for a wife<0802>, and for a wife<0802> he kept<08104>(8804) sheep .注释 串珠 康来昌 康来昌 字典 原文 典藏
12:13耶和华<03068><09002>先知<05030><05927>(8689){<0853>}以色列<03478><04480>埃及<04714>上来;以色列也藉<09002>先知<05030>而得保存<08104>(8738)And by a prophet<05030> the LORD<03068> brought<05927>(8689) Israel<03478> out of Egypt<04714>, and by a prophet<05030> was he preserved<08104>(8738).注释 串珠 康来昌 康来昌 原文 典藏
12:14以法莲<0669>大大<08563>惹动主怒<03707>(8689),所以他流血<01818>的罪必归<05203>(8799)在他身上<05921>。主<0113>必将那因以法莲所受的羞辱<02781>归还<07725>(8686)<09001>Ephraim<0669> provoked him to anger<03707>(8689) most bitterly<08563>: therefore shall he leave<05203>(8799) his blood<01818> upon him, and his reproach<02781> shall his Lord<0113> return<07725>(8686) unto him. {most...: Heb. with bitternesses} {blood: Heb. bloods}注释 串珠 康来昌 康来昌 原文 典藏

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