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25:1耶和华<03068>啊,你<0859>是我的 神<0430>;我要尊崇你<07311>(8787),我要称赞<03034>(8686)你的名<08034>。因为<03588>你以忠信<0530>诚实<0544>行过<06213>(8804)奇妙的事<06382>,成就你古时<04480><07350>所定的<06098>O LORD<03068>, thou art my God<0430>; I will exalt<07311>(8787) thee, I will praise<03034>(8686) thy name<08034>; for thou hast done<06213>(8804) wonderful<06382> things; thy counsels<06098> of old<07350> are faithfulness<0530> and truth<0544>.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 原文 典藏
25:2{<03588>}你使<07760>(8804)<04480><05892>变为乱堆<09001><01530>,使坚固<01219>(8803)<07151>变为荒场<09001><04654>,使外邦人<02114>(8801)宫殿<0759>的城不再为城<04480><05892>,永远<09001><05769><03808>再建造<01129>(8735)For thou hast made<07760>(8804) of a city<05892> an heap<01530>; of a defenced<01219>(8803) city<07151> a ruin<04654>: a palace<0759> of strangers<02114>(8801) to be no city<05892>; it shall never<05769> be built<01129>(8735).注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 字典 原文 典藏
25:3所以<05921><03651>,刚强的<05794><05971>必荣耀你<03513>(8762);强暴<06184>之国<01471>的城<07151>必敬畏你<03372>(8799)Therefore shall the strong<05794> people<05971> glorify<03513>(8762) thee, the city<07151> of the terrible<06184> nations<01471> shall fear<03372>(8799) thee.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 原文 典藏
25:4因为<03588>当强暴人<06184>催逼<07307>人的时候,如同暴风<09003><02230>直吹墙壁<07023>,你就<03588><01961>贫穷人<09001><01800>的保障<04581>{<09001>},作困乏人<09001><034>急难中<09002><06862>的保障<04581>,作躲暴风<04480><02230>之处<04268>,作避炎热<04480><02721>的阴凉<06738>For thou hast been a strength<04581> to the poor<01800>, a strength<04581> to the needy<034> in his distress<06862>, a refuge<04268> from the storm<02230>, a shadow<06738> from the heat<02721>, when the blast<07307> of the terrible ones<06184> is as a storm<02230> against the wall<07023>.C注释 注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 字典 原文 典藏
25:5你要压制<03665>(8686)外邦人<02114>(8801)的喧哗<07588>,好像干燥地<09002><06724>的热气<09003><02721>下落;禁止<06031>(8799)强暴人<06184>的凯歌<02158>,好像热气<02721>被云<05645><09002><06738>消化。Thou shalt bring down<03665>(8686) the noise<07588> of strangers<02114>(8801), as the heat<02721> in a dry place<06724>; even the heat<02721> with the shadow<06738> of a cloud<05645>: the branch<02159> of the terrible ones<06184> shall be brought low<06030>(8799).C注释 注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 原文 典藏
25:6在这<02088>山上<09002><02022>,万军<06635>之耶和华<03068>必为万<09001><03605><05971>用肥甘<08081>设摆<06213>(8804)筵席<04960>,用陈酒<08105>和满髓<04229>(8794)的肥甘<08081>,并澄清<02212>(8794)的陈酒<08105>,设摆筵席<04960>And in this mountain<02022> shall the LORD<03068> of hosts<06635> make<06213>(8804) unto all people<05971> a feast<04960> of fat things<08081>, a feast<04960> of wines on the lees<08105>, of fat things<08081> full of marrow<04229>(8794), of wines on the lees<08105> well refined<02212>(8794).注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 字典 原文 典藏
25:7他又必在这<02088>山上<09002><02022>除灭<01104>(8765)遮盖<03874>(8802){<05921>}万<03605><05971>之物<03875>和遮蔽<05259>(8803){<05921>}万<03605><01471>蒙脸<06440>的帕子<04541>And he will destroy<01104>(8765) in this mountain<02022> the face<06440> of the covering<03875> cast over<03874>(8802) all people<05971>, and the vail<04541> that is spread<05259>(8803) over all nations<01471>. {destroy: Heb. swallow up} {cast: Heb. covered}注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 原文 典藏
25:8他已经吞灭<01104>(8765)死亡<04194>直到永远<09001><05331>。主<03069>耶和华<0136>必擦去<04229>(8804){<04480>}{<05921>}各人<03605>脸上<06440>的眼泪<01832>,又除掉<05493>(8686){<04480>}{<05921>}普<03605>天下<0776>他百姓<05971>的羞辱<02781>,因为<03588>这是耶和华<03068>说的<01696>(8765)He will swallow up<01104>(8765) death<04194> in victory<05331>; and the Lord<0136> GOD<03069> will wipe away<04229>(8804) tears<01832> from off all faces<06440>; and the rebuke<02781> of his people<05971> shall he take away<05493>(8686) from off all the earth<0776>: for the LORD<03068> hath spoken<01696>(8765) it .注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 原文 典藏
25:9到那<01931><09002><03117>,人必说<0559>(8804):「看哪<02009>,这是<02088>我们的 神<0430>;我们素来等候<06960>(8765)<09001>,他必拯救我们<03467>(8686)。这是<02088>耶和华<03068>,我们素来等候<06960>(8765)<09001>,我们必因他的救恩<09002><03444>欢喜<01523>(8799)快乐<08055>(8799)。」And it shall be said<0559>(8804) in that day<03117>, Lo, this is our God<0430>; we have waited<06960>(8765) for him, and he will save<03467>(8686) us: this is the LORD<03068>; we have waited<06960>(8765) for him, we will be glad<01523>(8799) and rejoice<08055>(8799) in his salvation<03444>.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 原文 典藏
25:10耶和华<03068>的手<03027><03588><05117>(8799)在这<02088>山上<09002><02022>;摩押人<04124>在所居之地<08478>必被践踏<01758>(8736),好像干草<04963>被践踏<09003><01758>(8738)<01119>粪池<04087>(8675)的水<04325>中。For in this mountain<02022> shall the hand<03027> of the LORD<03068> rest<05117>(8799), and Moab<04124> shall be trodden down<01758>(8736) under him, even as straw<04963> is trodden down<01758>(8738) for the dunghill<01119><04087>(8675)<04325>. {trodden down under: or, threshed, etc} {trodden down for...: or, threshed in Madmenah}注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 原文 典藏
25:11他必在其中<09002><07130>伸开<06566>(8765)<03027>,好像<09003><0834>游水的<07811>(8802)伸开<06566>(8762)手游水<09001><07811>(8800)一样;但耶和华必使他的骄傲<01346><05973>他手<03027>所行的诡计<0698>一并败落<08213>(8689)And he shall spread forth<06566>(8765) his hands<03027> in the midst<07130> of them, as he that swimmeth<07811>(8802) spreadeth forth<06566>(8762) his hands to swim<07811>(8800): and he shall bring down<08213>(8689) their pride<01346> together with the spoils<0698> of their hands<03027>.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 原文 典藏
25:12耶和华使你城上<02346>的坚固<04013>高台<04869>倾倒<07817>(8689),拆平<08213>(8689)<05060>(8689),{<09001>}{<0776>}直到<05704>尘埃<06083>And the fortress<04013> of the high fort<04869> of thy walls<02346> shall he bring down<07817>(8689), lay low<08213>(8689), and bring<05060>(8689) to the ground<0776>, even to the dust<06083>.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 字典 原文 典藏

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