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22:1论异象<02384><01516>的默示<04853>:有甚么<04100>事使你<09001>{<0645>}这<03588>满城的人都<03605><05927>(8804)房顶<09001><01406>呢?The burden<04853> of the valley<01516> of vision<02384>. What aileth thee now<0645>, that thou art wholly gone up<05927>(8804) to the housetops<01406>?注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
22:2你这满处<04392>呐喊<08663>、大有喧哗<01993>(8802)的城<05892>,欢乐<05947>的邑<07151>啊,你中间被杀的<02491>并不是<03808>被刀<02719><02491>,也不是<03808>因打仗<04421>死亡<04191>(8801)Thou that art full<04392> of stirs<08663>, a tumultuous<01993>(8802) city<05892>, a joyous<05947> city<07151>: thy slain<02491> men are not slain<02491> with the sword<02719>, nor dead<04191>(8801) in battle<04421>.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
22:3你所有的<03605>官长<07101>一同<03162>逃跑<05074>(8804),都为弓箭手<04480><07198>所捆绑<0631>(8795)。你中间一切<03605>被找到的<04672>(8737)都一同<03162>被捆绑<0631>(8795);他们本是逃往<01272>(8804)远方<04480><07350>的。All thy rulers<07101> are fled<05074>(8804) together<03162>, they are bound<0631>(8795) by the archers<07198>: all that are found<04672>(8737) in thee are bound<0631>(8795) together<03162>, which have fled<01272>(8804) from far<07350>. {by...: Heb. of the bow}注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
22:4所以<05921><03651>我说<0559>(8804):你们转眼<08159>(8798)不看我<04480>,我要痛<04843>(8762)<09002><01065>。不要<0408><05921>我众民(原文是民<05971><01323>)的毁灭<07701>,就竭力<0213>(8686)安慰我<09001><05162>(8763)Therefore said<0559>(8804) I, Look away<08159>(8798) from me; I will weep<01065> bitterly<04843>(8762), labour<0213>(8686) not to comfort<05162>(8763) me, because of the spoiling<07701> of the daughter<01323> of my people<05971>. {weep...: Heb. be bitter in weeping}注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
22:5因为<03588><09001><0136>―万军<06635>之耶和华<03069>使「异象<02384><09002><01516>」有溃乱<03998>、践踏<04001>、烦扰<04103>的日子<03117>。城<07023>被攻破<06979>(8772),哀声<07771>达到<0413>山间<02022>For it is a day<03117> of trouble<04103>, and of treading down<04001>, and of perplexity<03998> by the Lord<0136> GOD<03069> of hosts<06635> in the valley<01516> of vision<02384>, breaking<06979>(8772) down the walls<07023>, and of crying<07771> to the mountains<02022>.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
22:6以拦<05867>带着<05375>(8804)箭袋<0827>,还有坐战车<09002><07393>的和马<06571><0120>;吉珥<07024>揭开<06168>(8765)盾牌<04043>And Elam<05867> bare<05375>(8804) the quiver<0827> with chariots<07393> of men<0120> and horsemen<06571>, and Kir<07024> uncovered<06168>(8765) the shield<04043>. {uncovered: Heb. made naked}注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
22:7{<01961>}你嘉美的<04005><06010>遍满<04390>(8804)战车<07393>,也有马兵<06571>在城门<08179><07896>(8804)排列<07896>(8800)And it shall come to pass, that thy choicest<04005> valleys<06010> shall be full<04390>(8804) of chariots<07393>, and the horsemen<06571> shall set<07896>(8804) themselves in array<07896>(8800) at the gate<08179>. {thy...: Heb. the choice of thy valleys} {at: or, toward}注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
22:8他去掉<01540>(8762){<0853>}犹大<03063>的遮盖<04539>。那<01931><09002><03117>,你就仰望<05027>(8686){<0413>}林<03293><01004>内的军器<05402>And he discovered<01540>(8762) the covering<04539> of Judah<03063>, and thou didst look<05027>(8686) in that day<03117> to the armour<05402> of the house<01004> of the forest<03293>.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
22:9你们看见<07200>(8804){<0853>}大卫<01732><05892>的破口<01233>{<03588>}很多<07231>(8804),便聚积<06908>(8762){<0853>}下<08481><01295>的水<04325>Ye have seen<07200>(8804) also the breaches<01233> of the city<05892> of David<01732>, that they are many<07231>(8804): and ye gathered together<06908>(8762) the waters<04325> of the lower<08481> pool<01295>.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
22:10又数点<05608>(8804){<0853>}耶路撒冷<03389>的房屋<01004>,将房屋<01004>拆毁<05422>(8799),修补<09001><01219>(8763)城墙<02346>And ye have numbered<05608>(8804) the houses<01004> of Jerusalem<03389>, and the houses<01004> have ye broken down<05422>(8799) to fortify<01219>(8763) the wall<02346>.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
22:11又在两道城墙<02346>中间<0996><06213>(8804)一个聚水池<04724>可盛旧<03465><01295>的水<09001><04325>,却不<03808>仰望<05027>(8689){<0413>}做这事的主<06213>(8802),也不<03808>顾念<07200>(8804)从古<04480><07350>定这事的<03335>(8802)Ye made<06213>(8804) also a ditch<04724> between the two walls<02346> for the water<04325> of the old<03465> pool<01295>: but ye have not looked<05027>(8689) unto the maker<06213>(8802) thereof, neither had respect<07200>(8804) unto him that fashioned<03335>(8802) it long ago<07350>.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
22:12当那<01931><09002><03117>,主<0136>―万军<06635>之耶和华<03069>叫人<07121>(8799)哭泣<09001><01065>哀号<09001><04553>,头上光秃<09001><07144>,身披<09001><02296>(8800)麻布<08242>And in that day<03117> did the Lord<0136> GOD<03069> of hosts<06635> call<07121>(8799) to weeping<01065>, and to mourning<04553>, and to baldness<07144>, and to girding<02296>(8800) with sackcloth<08242>:注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
22:13谁知<02009>,人倒欢喜<08342>快乐<08057>,宰<02026>(8800)<01241><07819>(8800)<06629>,吃<0398>(8800)<01320><08354>(8800)<03196>,说:我们吃<0398>(8800)<08354>(8800)吧!因为<03588>明天<04279>要死了<04191>(8799)And behold joy<08342> and gladness<08057>, slaying<02026>(8800) oxen<01241>, and killing<07819>(8800) sheep<06629>, eating<0398>(8800) flesh<01320>, and drinking<08354>(8800) wine<03196>: let us eat<0398>(8800) and drink<08354>(8800); for to morrow<04279> we shall die<04191>(8799).注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
22:14万军<06635>之耶和华<03068>亲自默示<01540>(8738)<09002><0241>说:这<02088>罪孽<05771>直到<05704>你们<09001><04191>(8799),断不得<0518>赦免<03722>(8792)!这是主<0136>―万军<06635>之耶和华<03069>说的<0559>(8804)And it was revealed<01540>(8738) in mine ears<0241> by the LORD<03068> of hosts<06635>, Surely this iniquity<05771> shall not be purged<03722>(8792) from you till ye die<04191>(8799), saith<0559>(8804) the Lord<0136> GOD<03069> of hosts<06635>.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
22:15<0136>―万军<06635>之耶和华<03069>这样<03541><0559>(8804):「你{<0935>}{(8798)}去<03212>(8798)<0413>掌银库的<05532>(8802){<02088>},就是<0834>{<05921>}家<01004>宰{<05921>}舍伯那<07644>,对他说:Thus saith<0559>(8804) the Lord<0136> GOD<03069> of hosts<06635>, Go<03212>(8798), get<0935>(8798) thee unto this treasurer<05532>(8802), even unto Shebna<07644>, which is over the house<01004>, and say ,注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
22:16『你<09001>在这里<06311>做甚么<04100>呢?{<09001>}有{<06311>}甚么人<04310><03588>在这里<06311><02672>(8804)坟墓<06913>,就是在高处<04791>为自己<09001><02672>(8802)坟墓<06913>,在磐石中<09002><05553>为自己<09001>凿出<02710>(8802)安身之所<04908>What hast thou here? and whom hast thou here, that thou hast hewed thee out<02672>(8804) a sepulchre<06913> here<06311>, as he that heweth him out<02672>(8802) a sepulchre<06913> on high<04791>, and that graveth<02710>(8802) an habitation<04908> for himself in a rock<05553>? {as...: or, O he}C注释 注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
22:17看哪<02009>,耶和华<03068>必像大<01397>有力<02925>的人,将你紧紧<05844>(8800)缠裹<05844>(8802),竭力抛去<02904>(8772)Behold, the LORD<03068> will carry thee away<02904>(8772) with a mighty<01397> captivity<02925>, and will surely<05844>(8800) cover<05844>(8802) thee. {will carry...: or, who covered thee with an excellent covering, and clothed thee gorgeously, (next verse) shall surely, etc} {a mighty...: Heb. the captivity of a man}注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
22:18他必<06801>(8800)将你滚成<06801>(8799)一团<06802>,抛在<0413>宽阔<07342><03027>之地<0776>,好像抛球<09003><01754>一样。你这主人<0113><01004>的羞辱<07036>,必在那里<08033>坐你荣耀<03519>的车<04818>,也必在那里<08033>死亡<04191>(8799)He will surely<06801>(8800) violently turn<06801>(8799) and toss<06802> thee like a ball<01754> into a large<07342><03027> country<0776>: there shalt thou die<04191>(8799), and there the chariots<04818> of thy glory<03519> shall be the shame<07036> of thy lord's<0113> house<01004>. {large: Heb. large of spaces}注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
22:19我必赶逐你<01920>(8804)离开官职<04480><04673>;你必从你的原位<04480><04612>撤下<02040>(8799)。』And I will drive<01920>(8804) thee from thy station<04673>, and from thy state<04612> shall he pull thee down<02040>(8799).注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
22:20「到<01961><01931><09002><03117>,我必召<07121>(8804)我仆人<09001><05650>希勒家<02518>的儿子<01121>以利亚敬<09001><0471>来,And it shall come to pass in that day<03117>, that I will call<07121>(8804) my servant<05650> Eliakim<0471> the son<01121> of Hilkiah<02518>:注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
22:21将你的外袍<03801>给他穿上<03847>(8689),将你的腰带<073>给他系紧<02388>(8762),将你的政权<04475><05414>(8799)在他手中<09002><03027>。他必作<01961>耶路撒冷<03389>居民<09001><03427>(8802)和犹大<03063><09001><01004>的父<09001><01>And I will clothe<03847>(8689) him with thy robe<03801>, and strengthen<02388>(8762) him with thy girdle<073>, and I will commit<05414>(8799) thy government<04475> into his hand<03027>: and he shall be a father<01> to the inhabitants<03427>(8802) of Jerusalem<03389>, and to the house<01004> of Judah<03063>.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
22:22我必将大卫<01732><01004>的钥匙<04668><05414>(8804)<05921>他肩头<07926>上。他开<06605>(8804),无人<0369>能关<05462>(8802);他关<05462>(8804),无人<0369>能开<06605>(8802)And the key<04668> of the house<01004> of David<01732> will I lay<05414>(8804) upon his shoulder<07926>; so he shall open<06605>(8804), and none shall shut<05462>(8802); and he shall shut<05462>(8804), and none shall open<06605>(8802).注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
22:23我必将他安稳<08628>(8804),像钉子<03489>钉在坚固<0539>(8737)<09002><04725>;他必作<01961>为他父<01><09001><01004>荣耀<03519>的宝座<09001><03678>And I will fasten<08628>(8804) him as a nail<03489> in a sure<0539>(8737) place<04725>; and he shall be for a glorious<03519> throne<03678> to his father's<01> house<01004>.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
22:24他父<01><01004>所有的<03605>荣耀<03519>,连儿女<06631>带子孙<06849>,都挂<08518>(8804)在他身上<05921>,好像一切<03605><06996>器皿<03627>,从{<04480>}{<03627>}杯子<0101><05704>{<03605>}{<03627>}酒瓶<05035>挂上一样。And they shall hang<08518>(8804) upon him all the glory<03519> of his father's<01> house<01004>, the offspring<06631> and the issue<06849>, all vessels<03627> of small<06996> quantity, from the vessels<03627> of cups<0101>, even to all the vessels<03627> of flagons<05035>. {vessels of flagons: or, instruments of viols}注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
22:25万军<06635>之耶和华<03068><05002>(8803):当那<01931><09002><03117>,钉<08628>(8803)在坚固<0539>(8737)<09002><04725>的钉子<03489>必压斜<04185>(8799),被砍断<01438>(8738)落地<05307>(8804);{<0834>}挂在其上的<05921>重担<04853>必被剪断<03772>(8738)。因为<03588>这是耶和华<03068>说的<01696>(8765)。」In that day<03117>, saith<05002>(8803) the LORD<03068> of hosts<06635>, shall the nail<03489> that is fastened<08628>(8803) in the sure<0539>(8737) place<04725> be removed<04185>(8799), and be cut down<01438>(8738), and fall<05307>(8804); and the burden<04853> that was upon it shall be cut off<03772>(8738): for the LORD<03068> hath spoken<01696>(8765) it .注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏

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