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4:1在那<01931><09002><03117>,七个<07651>女人<0802>必拉住<02388>(8689)一个<0259>男人<09002><0376>,说<09001><0559>(8800):「我们吃<0398>(8799)自己的食物<03899>,穿<03847>(8799)自己的衣服<08071>,但<07535>求你许我们<05921><07121>(8735)你名下<08034>;求你除掉<0622>(8798)我们的羞耻<02781>。」And in that day<03117> seven<07651> women<0802> shall take hold<02388>(8689) of one<0259> man<0376>, saying<0559>(8800), We will eat<0398>(8799) our own bread<03899>, and wear<03847>(8799) our own apparel<08071>: only let us be called<07121>(8735) by thy name<08034>, to take away<0622>(8798) our reproach<02781>. {let...: Heb. let thy name be called upon us} {to take...: or, take thou away}注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
4:2到那<01931><09002><03117>,耶和华<03068>发生的苗<06780><01961>华美<09001><06643>尊荣<09001><03519>,地<0776>的出产<06529>必为以色列<03478>逃脱的人<09001><06413>显为荣华<09001><01347>茂盛<09001><08597>In that day<03117> shall the branch<06780> of the LORD<03068> be beautiful<06643> and glorious<03519>, and the fruit<06529> of the earth<0776> shall be excellent<01347> and comely for<08597> them that are escaped<06413> of Israel<03478>. {beautiful...: Heb. beauty and glory} {them...: Heb. the escaping}i注释 注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
4:3{<0518>}主<0136>以公义<04941>的灵<09002><07307>和焚烧<01197>(8763)的灵<09002><07307>,将<0853>锡安<06726>女子<01323>的污秽<06675>洗去<07364>(8804),又将<0853>耶路撒冷<03389><04480><07130>杀人的血<01818>除净<01740>(8686)。那时<01961>,剩<07604>(8737)在锡安<09002><06726>、留<03498>(8737)在耶路撒冷<09002><03389>的,就是一切<03605>住耶路撒冷<09002><03389>、在生命<09001><02416>册上记名的<03789>(8803),必称<0559>(8735)为{<09001>}圣<06918>And it shall come to pass, that he that is left<07604>(8737) in Zion<06726>, and he that remaineth<03498>(8737) in Jerusalem<03389>, shall be called<0559>(8735) holy<06918>, even every one that is written<03789>(8803) among the living<02416> in Jerusalem<03389>: {among...: or, to life}i注释 注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
4:4【并于上节】When the Lord<0136> shall have washed away<07364>(8804) the filth<06675> of the daughters<01323> of Zion<06726>, and shall have purged<01740>(8686) the blood<01818> of Jerusalem<03389> from the midst<07130> thereof by the spirit<07307> of judgment<04941>, and by the spirit<07307> of burning<01197>(8763).i注释 注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
4:5耶和华<03068>也必{<01254>}{(8804)}在<05921>锡安<06726><03605><02022>{<04349>},并<05921>各会众<04744>以上,使白日<03119>有烟<06227><06051>,黑夜<03915>有火焰<0784><03852>的光<05051>。因为<03588><05921><03605>荣耀<03519>之上必有遮蔽<02646>And the LORD<03068> will create<01254>(8804) upon every dwelling place<04349> of mount<02022> Zion<06726>, and upon her assemblies<04744>, a cloud<06051> and smoke<06227> by day<03119>, and the shining<05051> of a flaming<03852> fire<0784> by night<03915>: for upon all the glory<03519> shall be a defence<02646>. {upon all: or, above all} {defence: Heb. covering}注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
4:6必有<01961>亭子<05521>,白日<03119>可以得荫<09001><06738>避暑<04480><02721>,也可以作为藏身之处<09001><04268>,躲避<09001><04563>狂风<04480><02230>暴雨<04480><04306>And there shall be a tabernacle<05521> for a shadow<06738> in the daytime<03119> from the heat<02721>, and for a place of refuge<04268>, and for a covert<04563> from storm<02230> and from rain<04306>.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏

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