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1:1所罗门的<09001><08010>歌,是<0834><07892>中的雅歌<07892>The song<07892> of songs<07892>, which is Solomon's<08010>.注释 串珠 原文 典藏
1:2愿他用口<06310>{<04480>}{<05390>}与我亲嘴<05401>(8799);因<03588>你的爱情<01730>比酒<04480><03196>更美<02896>Let him kiss<05401>(8799) me with the kisses<05390> of his mouth<06310>: for thy love<01730> is better<02896> than wine<03196>. {thy...: Heb. thy loves}注释 串珠 字典 原文 典藏
1:3你的膏油<08081><02896><09001><07381>;你的名<08034>如同倒出来的<07324>(8714)香膏<08081>,所以<05921><03651>众童女<05959>都爱你<0157>(8804)Because of the savour<07381> of thy good<02896> ointments<08081> thy name<08034> is as ointment<08081> poured forth<07324>(8714), therefore do the virgins<05959> love<0157>(8804) thee.注释 串珠 字典 原文 典藏
1:4愿你吸引我<04900>(8798),我们就快跑<07323>(8799)跟随你<0310>。王<04428>带我进了<0935>(8689)内室<02315>,我们必因你<09002>欢喜<01523>(8799)快乐<08055>(8799)。我们要称赞<02142>(8686)你的爱情<01730>,胜似称赞美酒<04480><03196>。他们爱你<0157>(8804)是理所当然的<04339>Draw<04900>(8798) me, we will run<07323>(8799) after<0310> thee: the king<04428> hath brought<0935>(8689) me into his chambers<02315>: we will be glad<01523>(8799) and rejoice<08055>(8799) in thee, we will remember<02142>(8686) thy love<01730> more than wine<03196>: the upright<04339> love<0157>(8804) thee. {the upright...: or, they love thee uprightly}注释 串珠 字典 原文 典藏
1:5耶路撒冷<03389>的众女子啊<01323>,我<0589>虽然黑<07838>,却是秀美<05000>,如同基达<06938>的帐棚<09003><0168>,好像所罗门<08010>的幔子<09003><03407>I am black<07838>, but comely<05000>, O ye daughters<01323> of Jerusalem<03389>, as the tents<0168> of Kedar<06938>, as the curtains<03407> of Solomon<08010>.注释 串珠 字典 原文 典藏
1:6不要<0408>因日头<08121>把我<0589><07805>(8804)<07840>了就轻看我<07200>(8799)。我同母<0517>的弟兄<01121>向我<09002>发怒<02787>(8738),他们使<07760>(8804)我看守<05201>(8802){<0853>}葡萄园<03754>;我自己的<07945><09001>葡萄园<03754>却没有<03808>看守<05201>(8804)Look<07200>(8799) not upon me, because I am black<07840>, because the sun<08121> hath looked<07805>(8804) upon me: my mother's<0517> children<01121> were angry<02787>(8738) with me; they made<07760>(8804) me the keeper<05201>(8802) of the vineyards<03754>; but mine own vineyard<03754> have I not kept<05201>(8804).注释 串珠 字典 原文 典藏
1:7我心<05315>所爱的<07945><0157>(8804)啊,求你告诉<05046>(8685)<09001>,你在何处<0349>牧羊<07462>(8799)?晌午<09002><06672>在何处<0349>使羊歇卧<07257>(8686)?我何必<07945><09001><04100><01961>你同伴<02270>的羊群<05739>旁边<05921>好像蒙着脸的人<09003><05844>(8802)呢?Tell<05046>(8685) me, O thou whom my soul<05315> loveth<0157>(8804), where thou feedest<07462>(8799), where<0349> thou makest thy flock to rest<07257>(8686) at noon<06672>: for<04100> why should I be as one that turneth aside<05844>(8802) by the flocks<05739> of thy companions<02270>? {as one...: or, as one that is veiled}注释 串珠 字典 原文 典藏
1:8你这女子中<09002><0802>极美丽的<03303>,你<09001><0518><03808>知道<03045>(8799),只管跟随羊群<06629>的脚踪<09002><06119><03318>(8798){<09001>},把<0853>你的山羊羔<01429>牧放<07462>(8798)<05921>牧人<07462>(8802)帐棚<04908>的旁边。If thou know<03045>(8799) not, O thou fairest<03303> among women<0802>, go thy way forth<03318>(8798) by the footsteps<06119> of the flock<06629>, and feed<07462>(8798) thy kids<01429> beside the shepherds<07462>(8802)' tents<04908>.注释 串珠 字典 原文 典藏
1:9我的佳偶<07474>,我将你比<01819>(8765)法老<06547>车上<09002><07393>套的骏马<09001><05484>I have compared<01819>(8765) thee, O my love<07474>, to a company of horses<05484> in Pharaoh's<06547> chariots<07393>.注释 串珠 字典 原文 典藏
1:10你的两腮<03895>因发辫<09002><08447>而秀美<04998>(8773);你的颈项<06677>因珠串<09002><02737>而华丽。Thy cheeks<03895> are comely<04998>(8773) with rows<08447> of jewels , thy neck<06677> with chains<02737> of gold .注释 串珠 字典 原文 典藏
1:11我们要为你<09001>编上<06213>(8799)<02091><08447>,镶上{<05973>}银<03701><05351>We will make<06213>(8799) thee borders<08447> of gold<02091> with studs<05351> of silver<03701>.注释 串珠 字典 原文 典藏
1:12<07945><04428><05704>坐席<09002><04524>的时候,我的哪哒香膏<05373>发出<05414>(8804)香味<07381>While the king<04428> sitteth at his table<04524>, my spikenard<05373> sendeth forth<05414>(8804) the smell<07381> thereof.注释 串珠 字典 原文 典藏
1:13我以<09001>我的良人<01730>为一袋<06872>没药<04753>,常在<03885>(8799)我怀<07699><0996>A bundle<06872> of myrrh<04753> is my wellbeloved<01730> unto me; he shall lie<03885>(8799) all night betwixt my breasts<07699>.注释 串珠 字典 原文 典藏
1:14我以<09001>我的良人<01730>为一棵<0811>凤仙花<03724>,在隐・基底<05872>葡萄园中<09002><03754>My beloved<01730> is unto me as a cluster<0811> of camphire<03724> in the vineyards<03754> of Engedi<05872>. {camphire: or, cypress}注释 串珠 字典 原文 典藏
1:15{<02009>}我的佳偶<07474>,你甚美丽<03303>!{<02009>}你甚美丽<03303>!你的眼<05869>好像鸽子<03123>眼。Behold, thou art fair<03303>, my love<07474>; behold, thou art fair<03303>; thou hast doves<03123>' eyes<05869>. {my love: or, my companion}注释 串珠 字典 原文 典藏
1:16{<02009>}我的良人哪<01730>,你甚{<0637>}美丽<03303>可爱<05273>!{<0637>}我们以青草<07488>为床榻<06210>Behold, thou art fair<03303>, my beloved<01730>, yea, pleasant<05273>: also our bed<06210> is green<07488>.注释 串珠 字典 原文 典藏
1:17以香柏树<0730>为房屋<01004>的栋梁<06982>,以松树<01266>为椽子<07351>(8675)The beams<06982> of our house<01004> are cedar<0730>, and our rafters<07351>(8675)<07351> of fir<01266>. {rafters: or, galleries}注释 串珠 字典 原文 典藏

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