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138:1 (大卫的<09001><01732>诗。)我要一<09002><03605><03820>称谢你<03034>(8686),在诸神<0430>面前<05048>歌颂你<02167>(8762)
[FO][FO] A Psalm of David<01732>.[Fo][Fo] I will praise<03034>(8686) thee with my whole heart<03820>: before the gods<0430> will I sing praise<02167>(8762) unto thee.
138:2 我要向<0413>你的圣<06944>殿<01964>下拜<07812>(8691),为<05921>你的慈爱<02617><05921>诚实<0571>称赞<03034>(8686){<0853>}你的名<08034>;因<03588>你使你的话<0565>显为大<01431>(8689),过于你所应许的(或译:超乎<05921>{<03605>}你的名声<08034>)。
I will worship<07812>(8691) toward thy holy<06944> temple<01964>, and praise<03034>(8686) thy name<08034> for thy lovingkindness<02617> and for thy truth<0571>: for thou hast magnified<01431>(8689) thy word<0565> above all thy name<08034>.
138:3 我呼求<07121>(8804)的日子<09002><03117>,你就应允我<06030>(8799),鼓励我<07292>(8686),使我心里<09002><05315>有能力<05797>
In the day<03117> when I cried<07121>(8804) thou answeredst<06030>(8799) me, and strengthenedst<07292>(8686) me with strength<05797> in my soul<05315>.
138:4 耶和华<03068>啊,地上<0776>的君王<04428><03605>要称谢你<03034>(8686),因<03588>他们听见了<08085>(8804)你口中<06310>的言语<0561>
All the kings<04428> of the earth<0776> shall praise<03034>(8686) thee, O LORD<03068>, when they hear<08085>(8804) the words<0561> of thy mouth<06310>.
138:5 他们要歌颂<07891>(8799)耶和华<03068>的作为<09002><01870>,因<03588>耶和华<03068><01419>有荣耀<03519>
Yea, they shall sing<07891>(8799) in the ways<01870> of the LORD<03068>: for great<01419> is the glory<03519> of the LORD<03068>.
138:6 耶和华<03068><03588><07311>(8802),仍看顾<07200>(8799)低微<08217>的人;他却从远处<04480><04801>看出<03045>(8799)骄傲<01364>的人。
Though the LORD<03068> be high<07311>(8802), yet hath he respect<07200>(8799) unto the lowly<08217>: but the proud<01364> he knoweth<03045>(8799) afar off<04801>.
138:7 我虽<0518><03212>(8799)在患难<06869><09002><07130>,你必将我救活<02421>(8762);我的仇敌<0341>(8802)发怒<0639>,你必伸<07971>(8799)<03027>抵挡{<05921>}他们;你的右手<03225>也必救我<03467>(8686)
Though I walk<03212>(8799) in the midst<07130> of trouble<06869>, thou wilt revive<02421>(8762) me: thou shalt stretch forth<07971>(8799) thine hand<03027> against the wrath<0639> of mine enemies<0341>(8802), and thy right hand<03225> shall save<03467>(8686) me.
138:8 耶和华<03068>必成全<01584>(8799)关乎我的事<01157>;耶和华<03068>啊,你的慈爱<02617>永远长存<09001><05769>!求你不要<0408>离弃<07503>(8686)你手<03027>所造的<04639>
The LORD<03068> will perfect<01584>(8799) that which concerneth me: thy mercy<02617>, O LORD<03068>, endureth for ever<05769>: forsake<07503>(8686) not the works<04639> of thine own hands<03027>.

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