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25:1 (大卫的<09001><01732>诗。)耶和华<03068>啊,我的心<05315>仰望<05375>(8799)<0413>
[FO][FO] A Psalm of David<01732>.[Fo][Fo] Unto thee, O LORD<03068>, do I lift up<05375>(8799) my soul<05315>.
25:2 我的 神<0430>啊,我素来倚靠<0982>(8804)<09002>;求你不要<0408>叫我羞愧<0954>(8799),不要<0408>叫我的仇敌<0341>(8802)向我<09001>夸胜<05970>(8799)
O my God<0430>, I trust<0982>(8804) in thee: let me not be ashamed<0954>(8799), let not mine enemies<0341>(8802) triumph<05970>(8799) over me.
Yea, let none that wait<06960>(8802) on thee be ashamed<0954>(8799): let them be ashamed<0954>(8799) which transgress<0898>(8802) without cause<07387>.
25:4 耶和华<03068>啊,求你将你的道<01870>指示我<03045>(8685),将你的路<0734>教训我<03925>(8761)
Shew<03045>(8685) me thy ways<01870>, O LORD<03068>; teach<03925>(8761) me thy paths<0734>.
25:5 求你以你的真理<09002><0571>引导我<01869>(8685),教训我<03925>(8761),因为<03588><0859>是救我<03468>的 神<0430>。我终<03605><03117>等候<06960>(8765)<0853>
Lead<01869>(8685) me in thy truth<0571>, and teach<03925>(8761) me: for thou art the God<0430> of my salvation<03468>; on thee do I wait<06960>(8765) all the day<03117>.
25:6 耶和华<03068>啊,求你记念<02142>(8798)你的怜悯<07356>和慈爱<02617>,因为<03588>这是<01992>亘古以来<04480><05769>所常有的。
Remember<02142>(8798), O LORD<03068>, thy tender mercies<07356> and thy lovingkindnesses<02617>; for they have been ever of old<05769>. {tender...: Heb. bowels}
25:7 求你不要<0408>记念<02142>(8799)我幼年<05271>的罪愆<02403>和我的过犯<06588>;耶和华<03068>啊,求你<0859><09001><04616>你的恩惠<02898>,按你的慈爱<09003><02617>记念<02142>(8798)<09001>
Remember<02142>(8799) not the sins<02403> of my youth<05271>, nor my transgressions<06588>: according to thy mercy<02617> remember<02142>(8798) thou me for thy goodness<02898>' sake, O LORD<03068>.
25:8 耶和华<03068>是良善<02896>正直<03477>的,所以<05921><03651>他必指示<03384>(8686)罪人<02400>走正路<09002><01870>
Good<02896> and upright<03477> is the LORD<03068>: therefore will he teach<03384>(8686) sinners<02400> in the way<01870>.
25:9 他必按公平<09002><04941>引领<01869>(8686)谦卑人<06035>,将他的道<01870>教训<03925>(8762)他们{<06035>}。
The meek<06035> will he guide<01869>(8686) in judgment<04941>: and the meek<06035> will he teach<03925>(8762) his way<01870>.
All the paths<0734> of the LORD<03068> are mercy<02617> and truth<0571> unto such as keep<05341>(8802) his covenant<01285> and his testimonies<05713>.
25:11 耶和华<03068>啊,求你因<09001><04616>你的名<08034>赦免<05545>(8804)我的罪<09001><05771>,因为<03588>我的罪{<01931>}重大<07227>
For thy name's<08034> sake, O LORD<03068>, pardon<05545>(8804) mine iniquity<05771>; for it is great<07227>.
What man<0376> is he that feareth<03373> the LORD<03068>? him shall he teach<03384>(8686) in the way<01870> that he shall choose<0977>(8799).
25:13 他必<05315>安然<09002><02896>居住<03885>(8799);他的后裔<02233>必承受<03423>(8799)地土<0776>
His soul<05315> shall dwell<03885>(8799) at ease<02896>; and his seed<02233> shall inherit<03423>(8799) the earth<0776>. {dwell...: Heb. lodge in goodness}
25:14 耶和华<03068>与敬畏他的人<09001><03373>亲密<05475>;他必将自己的约<01285>指示他们<09001><03045>(8687)
The secret<05475> of the LORD<03068> is with them that fear<03373> him; and he will shew<03045>(8687) them his covenant<01285>. {and...: or, and his covenant to make them know it}
25:15 我的眼目<05869>时常<08548>仰望<0413>耶和华<03068>,因为<03588>他必<01931>将我的脚<07272>从网里<04480><07568>拉出来<03318>(8686)
Mine eyes<05869> are ever<08548> toward the LORD<03068>; for he shall pluck<03318>(8686) my feet<07272> out of the net<07568>. {pluck: Heb. bring forth}
25:16 求你转<06437>(8798)向我<0413>,怜恤我<02603>(8798),因为<03588>我是<0589>孤独<03173>困苦<06041>
Turn<06437>(8798) thee unto me, and have mercy<02603>(8798) upon me; for I am desolate<03173> and afflicted<06041>.
25:17 我心里<03824>的愁苦<06869>甚多<07337>(8689),求你救我<03318>(8685)脱离我的祸患<04480><04691>
The troubles<06869> of my heart<03824> are enlarged<07337>(8689): O bring thou me out<03318>(8685) of my distresses<04691>.
25:18 求你看顾<07200>(8798)我的困苦<06040>,我的艰难<05999>,赦免<05375>(8798)我一切的<09001><03605><02403>
Look<07200>(8798) upon mine affliction<06040> and my pain<05999>; and forgive<05375>(8798) all my sins<02403>.
25:19 求你察看<07200>(8798)我的仇敌<0341>(8802),因为<03588>他们人多<07231>(8804),并且痛痛地<08135><02555>恨我<08130>(8804)
Consider<07200>(8798) mine enemies<0341>(8802); for they are many<07231>(8804); and they hate<08130>(8804) me with cruel<02555> hatred<08135>. {cruel...: Heb. hatred of violence}
25:20 求你保护<08104>(8798)我的性命<05315>,搭救我<05337>(8685),使我不<0408>致羞愧<0954>(8799),因为<03588>我投靠<02620>(8804)<09002>
O keep<08104>(8798) my soul<05315>, and deliver<05337>(8685) me: let me not be ashamed<0954>(8799); for I put my trust<02620>(8804) in thee.
25:21 愿纯全<08537>、正直<03476>保守我<05341>(8799),因为<03588>我等候你<06960>(8765)
Let integrity<08537> and uprightness<03476> preserve<05341>(8799) me; for I wait<06960>(8765) on thee.
25:22  神<0430>啊,求你救赎<06299>(8798){<0853>}以色列<03478>脱离他一切的<04480><03605>愁苦<06869>
Redeem<06299>(8798) Israel<03478>, O God<0430>, out of all his troubles<06869>.

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