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12:1 喜爱<0157>(8802)管教<04148>的,就是喜爱<0157>(8802)知识<01847>;恨恶<08130>(8802)责备<08433>的,却是畜类<01198>
Whoso loveth<0157>(8802) instruction<04148> loveth<0157>(8802) knowledge<01847>: but he that hateth<08130>(8802) reproof<08433> is brutish<01198>.
12:2 善人<02896>必蒙<06329>(8686)耶和华<04480><03068>的恩惠<07522>;设诡计<04209>的人<0376>,耶和华必定他的罪<07561>(8686)
A good<02896> man obtaineth<06329>(8686) favour<07522> of the LORD<03068>: but a man<0376> of wicked devices<04209> will he condemn<07561>(8686).
A man<0120> shall not be established<03559>(8735) by wickedness<07562>: but the root<08328> of the righteous<06662> shall not be moved<04131>(8735).
12:4 才德的<02428>妇人<0802>是丈夫<01167>的冠冕<05850>;贻羞的<0954>(8688)妇人如同朽烂<09003><07538>在她丈夫的骨中<09002><06106>
A virtuous<02428> woman<0802> is a crown<05850> to her husband<01167>: but she that maketh ashamed<0954>(8688) is as rottenness<07538> in his bones<06106>.
12:5 义人<06662>的思念<04284>是公平<04941>;恶人<07563>的计谋<08458>是诡诈<04820>
The thoughts<04284> of the righteous<06662> are right<04941>: but the counsels<08458> of the wicked<07563> are deceit<04820>.
12:6 恶人<07563>的言论<01697>是埋伏<0693>(8800)流人的血<01818>;正直人<03477>的口<06310>必拯救人<05337>(8686)
The words<01697> of the wicked<07563> are to lie in wait<0693>(8800) for blood<01818>: but the mouth<06310> of the upright<03477> shall deliver<05337>(8686) them.
12:7 恶人<07563>倾覆<02015>(8800),归于无有<0369>;义人<06662>的家<01004>必站得住<05975>(8799)
The wicked<07563> are overthrown<02015>(8800), and are not: but the house<01004> of the righteous<06662> shall stand<05975>(8799).
A man<0376> shall be commended<01984>(8792) according<06310> to his wisdom<07922>: but he that is of a perverse<05753>(8737) heart<03820> shall be despised<0937>. {of a...: Heb. perverse of heart}
12:9 被人轻贱<07034>(8737),却有<09001>仆人<05650>,强<02896>如自尊<04480><03513>(8693),缺少<02638>食物<03899>
He that is despised<07034>(8737), and hath a servant<05650>, is better<02896> than he that honoureth<03513>(8693) himself, and lacketh<02638> bread<03899>.
12:10 义人<06662>顾惜<03045>(8802)他牲畜<0929>的命<05315>;恶人<07563>的怜悯<07356>也是残忍<0394>
A righteous<06662> man regardeth<03045>(8802) the life<05315> of his beast<0929>: but the tender mercies<07356> of the wicked<07563> are cruel<0394>. {tender...: or, bowels}
12:11 耕种<05647>(8802)自己田地<0127>的,必得饱<07646>(8799)<03899>;追随<07291>(8764)虚浮<07386>的,却是无<02638><03820>
He that tilleth<05647>(8802) his land<0127> shall be satisfied<07646>(8799) with bread<03899>: but he that followeth<07291>(8764) vain<07386> persons is void<02638> of understanding<03820>.
12:12 恶人<07563><02530>(8804)得坏人<07451>的网罗<04685>;义人<06662>的根<08328>得以结实<05414>(8799)
The wicked<07563> desireth<02530>(8804) the net<04685> of evil<07451> men : but the root<08328> of the righteous<06662> yieldeth<05414>(8799) fruit . {the net: or, the fortress}
12:13 恶人<07451>嘴中<08193>的过错<09002><06588>是自己的网罗<04170>;但义人<06662>必脱离<03318>(8799)患难<04480><06869>
The wicked<07451> is snared<04170> by the transgression<06588> of his lips<08193>: but the just<06662> shall come out<03318>(8799) of trouble<06869>. {The wicked...: Heb. The snare of the wicked is in the transgression of lips}
A man<0376> shall be satisfied<07646>(8799) with good<02896> by the fruit<06529> of his mouth<06310>: and the recompence<01576> of a man's<0120> hands<03027> shall be rendered<07725>(8686)(8675)<07725>(8799) unto him.
12:15 愚妄人<0191>所行的<01870>,在自己眼中<09002><05869>看为正直<03477>;惟智慧人<02450>肯听<08085>(8802)人的劝教<09001><06098>
The way<01870> of a fool<0191> is right<03477> in his own eyes<05869>: but he that hearkeneth<08085>(8802) unto counsel<06098> is wise<02450>.
12:16 愚妄人<0191>的恼怒<03708>立时<09002><03117>显露<03045>(8735);通达人<06175>能忍辱藏<03680>(8802)<07036>
A fool's<0191> wrath<03708> is presently<03117> known<03045>(8735): but a prudent<06175> man covereth<03680>(8802) shame<07036>. {presently: Heb. in that day}
12:17 说出<06315>(8686)真话<0530>的,显明<05046>(8686)公义<06664>;作假<08267>见证<05707>的,显出诡诈<04820>
He that speaketh<06315>(8686) truth<0530> sheweth forth<05046>(8686) righteousness<06664>: but a false<08267> witness<05707> deceit<04820>.
12:18 {<03426>}说话浮躁的<0981>(8802),如刀<02719><09003><04094>人;智慧人<02450>的舌头<03956>却为医人的良药<04832>
There is<03426> that speaketh<0981>(8802) like the piercings<04094> of a sword<02719>: but the tongue<03956> of the wise<02450> is health<04832>.
The lip<08193> of truth<0571> shall be established<03559>(8735) for ever<05703>: but a lying<08267> tongue<03956> is but for a moment<07280>(8686).
12:20 图谋<02790>(8802)恶事<07451>的,心存<09002><03820>诡诈<04820>;劝人<09001><03289>(8802)和睦<07965>的,便得喜乐<08057>
Deceit<04820> is in the heart<03820> of them that imagine<02790>(8802) evil<07451>: but to the counsellors<03289>(8802) of peace<07965> is joy<08057>.
12:21 义人<09001><06662><03808><0579>(8792){<03605>}灾害<0205>;恶人<07563>满受<04390>(8804)祸患<07451>
There shall no evil<0205> happen<0579>(8792) to the just<06662>: but the wicked<07563> shall be filled<04390>(8804) with mischief<07451>.
12:22 说谎言的<08267><08193>为耶和华<03068>所憎恶<08441>;行事<06213>(8802)诚实<0530>的,为他所喜悦<07522>
Lying<08267> lips<08193> are abomination<08441> to the LORD<03068>: but they that deal<06213>(8802) truly<0530> are his delight<07522>.
12:23 通达<06175><0120>隐藏<03680>(8802)知识<01847>;愚昧人<03684>的心<03820>彰显<07121>(8799)愚昧<0200>
A prudent<06175> man<0120> concealeth<03680>(8802) knowledge<01847>: but the heart<03820> of fools<03684> proclaimeth<07121>(8799) foolishness<0200>.
12:24 殷勤人<02742>的手<03027>必掌权<04910>(8799);懒惰<07423>的人必<01961>服苦<09001><04522>
The hand<03027> of the diligent<02742> shall bear rule<04910>(8799): but the slothful<07423> shall be under tribute<04522>. {slothful: or, deceitful}
Heaviness<01674> in the heart<03820> of man<0376> maketh it stoop<07812>(8686): but a good<02896> word<01697> maketh it glad<08055>(8762).
12:26 义人<06662>引导<08446>(8686)他的邻舍<04480><07453>;恶人<07563>的道<01870>叫人失迷<08582>(8686)
The righteous<06662> is more excellent<08446>(8686) than his neighbour<07453>: but the way<01870> of the wicked<07563> seduceth<08582>(8686) them. {excellent: or, abundant}
12:27 懒惰的人<07423><03808><02760>(8799)打猎所得的<06718>;殷勤<02742>的人<0120>却得宝贵<03368>的财物<01952>
The slothful<07423> man roasteth<02760>(8799) not that which he took in hunting<06718>: but the substance<01952> of a diligent<02742> man<0120> is precious<03368>.
12:28 在公义<06666>的道<09002><0734>上有生命<02416>;其路<05410>之中{<01870>}并无<0408>死亡<04194>
In the way<0734> of righteousness<06666> is life<02416>; and in the pathway<05410><01870> thereof there is no death<04194>.

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