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8:1 (大卫的<09001><01732><04210>,交与伶长<09001><05329>(8764)。用<05921>迦特<01665>乐器。)耶和华<03068>―我们的主<0113>啊,你的名<08034>在全<09002><03605><0776>何其<04100><0117>!{<0834>}你将你的荣耀<01935>彰显<05414>(8798)<05921><08064>
[FO][FO]To the chief Musician<05329>(8764) upon Gittith<01665>, A Psalm<04210> of David<01732>.[Fo][Fo] O LORD<03068> our Lord<0113>, how excellent<0117> is thy name<08034> in all the earth<0776>! who hast set<05414>(8798) thy glory<01935> above the heavens<08064>.
8:2 你因敌人<06887>(8802)的缘故<09001><04616>,从婴孩<05768>和吃奶<03243>(8802)的口中<04480><06310>,建立了<03245>(8765)能力<05797>,使仇敌<0341>(8802)和报仇的<05358>(8693)闭口无言<09001><07673>(8687)
Out of the mouth<06310> of babes<05768> and sucklings<03243>(8802) hast thou ordained<03245>(8765) strength<05797> because of thine enemies<06887>(8802), that thou mightest still<07673>(8687) the enemy<0341>(8802) and the avenger<05358>(8693). {ordained: Heb. founded}
8:3 {<03588>}我观看<07200>(8799)你指头<0676>所造<04639>的天<08064>,并你所<0834>陈设<03559>(8790)的月亮<03394>星宿<03556>
When I consider<07200>(8799) thy heavens<08064>, the work<04639> of thy fingers<0676>, the moon<03394> and the stars<03556>, which thou hast ordained<03559>(8790);
8:4 便说:人<0582>算甚么<04100>,你竟<03588>顾念他<02142>(8799)?世人<01121><0120>算甚么,你竟<03588>眷顾他<06485>(8799)
What is man<0582>, that thou art mindful<02142>(8799) of him? and the son<01121> of man<0120>, that thou visitest<06485>(8799) him?
8:5 你叫他比天使(或译: 神<04480><0430>)微小<02637>(8762)一点<04592>,并赐他荣耀<03519>尊贵<01926>为冠冕<05849>(8762)
For thou hast made him a little<04592> lower<02637>(8762) than the angels<0430>, and hast crowned<05849>(8762) him with glory<03519> and honour<01926>.
8:6 你派他管理<04910>(8686)你手<03027>所造的<09002><04639>,使<07896>(8804)万物<03605>,就是一切的<03605><0504><06792>、田野<07704>的兽<0929>、空中<08064>的鸟<06833>、海里<03220>的鱼<01709>,凡经行<05674>(8802)<03220><0734>的,都<01571>服在他的脚下<08478><07272>
Thou madest him to have dominion<04910>(8686) over the works<04639> of thy hands<03027>; thou hast put<07896>(8804) all things under his feet<07272>:
8:7 【并于上节】
All sheep<06792> and oxen<0504>, yea, and the beasts<0929> of the field<07704>; {All...: Heb. Flocks and oxen all of them}
8:8 【并于上节】
The fowl<06833> of the air<08064>, and the fish<01709> of the sea<03220>, and whatsoever passeth through<05674>(8802) the paths<0734> of the seas<03220>.
8:9 耶和华<03068>―我们的主<0113>啊,你的名<08034>在全<09002><03605><0776>何其<04100><0117>
O LORD<03068> our Lord<0113>, how excellent<0117> is thy name<08034> in all the earth<0776>!

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