希伯来书 8章10节 到 8章10节     上一笔  下一笔
 {This} (haut(885c)). The "new" one of verse  8 . {That I will
make} (h(886e) diath(8873)omai). Future middle of diatith(886d)i, "that I
will covenant," cognate accusative (h(886e)), using the same root
in the verb as in diath(886b)(885c). {I will put} (didous). "Giving,"
present active participle of did(936d)i, to give. {Into their mind}
(eis t(886e) dianoian aut(936e)). Their intellect, their moral
understanding, all the intellect as in Aristotle ( Col 1:21  Eph
4:18 ). {On their heart} (epi kardias aut(936e)). Either genitive
singular or accusative plural. Kardia is the seat of man's
personal life (Westcott), the two terms covering the whole of
man's inward nature. {A god} (eis theon). Note the Hebraistic
use of eis in the predicate instead of the usual nominative
	heos as in "a people" (eis laon). This was the ideal of the
old covenant ( Ex 6:7 ), now at last to be a fact.

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