腓立比书 3章11节 到 3章11节     上一笔  下一笔
 {If by any means I may attain} (ei p(9373) katant(8873)(935c)). Not an
expression of doubt, but of humility (Vincent), a modest hope
(Lightfoot). For ei p(9373), see  Ro 1:10  11:14  where
paraz(886c)(9373)(935c) can be either future indicative or aorist
subjunctive like katant(8873)(935c) here (see subjunctive katalab(935c) in
verse  12 ), late compound verb katanta(935c). {Resurrection}
(exanastasin). Late word, not in LXX, but in Polybius and one
papyrus example. Apparently Paul is thinking here only of the
resurrection of believers out from the dead and so double ex
(	en exanastasin t(886e) ek nekr(936e)). Paul is not denying a general
resurrection by this language, but emphasizing that of believers.

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