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 {Which are here present with us} (hoi sunparontes h(886d)in).
Present articular participle of sunpareimi (only here in N.T.)
with associative instrumental case h(886d)in. {Made suit to me}
(enetuchon moi). Second aorist active indicative of
entugchan(935c), old verb to fall in with a person, to go to meet
for consultation or supplication as here. Common in old Greek and
_Koin(825f). Cf.  Ro 8:27,34 . See enteuxis (petition)  1Ti 2:1 .
Papyri give many examples of the technical sense of enteuxis as
petition (Deissmann, _Bible Studies_, p. 121). Some MSS. have
plural here enetuchon rather than the singular enetuchen.
{Crying} (o(936e)tes). Yelling and demanding with loud voices.
{That he ought not to live any longer} (m(8820)dein auton z(8869)n
m(886b)eti). Indirect command (demand) with the infinitive dein
for dei (it is necessary). The double negative (m(882d)-m(886b)eti)
with z(8869)n intensifies the demand.

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