使徒行传 21章34节 到 21章34节     上一笔  下一笔
 {Some shouting one thing, some another} (alloi allo ti
epeph(936e)oun). Same idiom of alloi allo as in  19:32  which see.
The imperfect of epiph(936e)e(935c), to call out to, suits well the
idiom. This old verb occurs in the N.T. only in Luke and Acts
(already in  12:22 ). {When he could not know} (m(8820)dunamenou
autou gn(936e)ai). Genitive absolute of present middle participle of
dunamai with negative m(885c) and second aorist active infinitive
of gin(9373)k(935c). {The certainty} (	o asphales). Neuter articular
adjective from a privative and sphall(935c), to make totter or
fall. Old word, in the N.T. only in  Ac 21:34  22:30  25:26  Php
3:1  Heb 6:19 . {Into the castle} (eis t(886e) parembol(886e)). _Koin(825f)
word from paremball(935c), to cast in by the side of, to assign
soldiers a place, to encamp (see on 烊u 19:43|). So parembol(885c)
comes to mean an interpolation, then an army drawn up ( Heb
11:34 ), but mainly an encampment ( Heb 13:11,13 ), frequent in
Polybius and LXX. So here barracks of the Roman soldiers in the
tower of Antonia as in verse  37  22:24  23:10,16,32 .

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