使徒行传 20章22节 到 20章22节     上一笔  下一笔
 {Bound in the spirit} (dedemenos t(9369) pneumati). Perfect
passive participle of de(935c), to bind, with the locative case.
"Bound in my spirit" he means, as in  19:21 , from a high sense
of duty. The mention of "the Holy Spirit" specifically in verse
 23  seems to be in contrast to his own spirit here. His own
spirit was under the control of the Holy Spirit ( Ro 8:16 ) and
the sense does not differ greatly. {Not knowing} (m(8820)eid(9373)).
Second perfect active participle of oida with m(885c). {That shall
befall me} (	a sunant(8873)onta emoi). Articular future active
participle of sunanta(935c), to meet with ( Ac 10:25 ), to befall
(with associative instrumental case) and compare with sumbant(936e)
(befell) in verse  19 . One of the rare instances of the future
participle in the N.T.

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