彼得后书 2章12节 到 2章12节     上一笔  下一笔
 {But these} (houtoi de). The false teachers of verse  1 .
{As creatures} (z(9361)). Living creatures, old word, from z(936f)s
(alive),  Jude 1:10  Re 4:6-9 . {Without reason} (aloga). Old
adjective, in N.T. only here,  Jude 1:10  Ac 25:27 . Brute beasts
like 	h(8872)ia (wild animals). {Born} (gegenn(886d)ena). Perfect
passive participle of genna(935c). {Mere animals} (phusika). Old
adjective in -ikos (from phusis, nature), natural animals,
here only in N.T. {To be taken} (eis hal(9373)in). "For capture"
(old substantive, from halo(935c), here only in N.T.). {And
destroyed} (kai phthoran). "And for destruction" just like a
beast of prey caught. See  1:4 . {In matters whereof they are
ignorant} (en hois agnoousin). "In which things they are
ignorant." Here en hois = en toutois ha (in those things
which), a common Greek idiom. For agnoe(935c) (present active
indicative) see  1Th 4:13  1Ti 1:7  for a like picture of loud
ignoramuses posing as professional experts. {Shall in their
destroying surely be destroyed} (en t(8869) phthor(8369) aut(936e)
phthar(8873)ontai). Second future passive of phtheir(935c). Rhetorical
Hebraism in the use of en phthor(8369) (same root as phtheir(935c)),
word four times in II Peter. See  Jude 1:10 .

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