哥林多后书 2章9节 到 2章9节     上一笔  下一笔
 {That I might know the proof of you} (hina gn(9320)t(886e) dokim(886e)
hum(936e)). Ingressive second aorist active subjunctive, come to
know. Dokim(885c) is proof by testing. Late word from dokimos and
is in Dioscorides, medical writer in reign of Hadrian. Earliest
use in Paul and only in him in N.T. ( 2Co 2:9  8:2  9:13  13:3  Ro 5:4  Php 2:22 ). {Obedient} (hup(886b)ooi). Old word from
hupakou(935c), to give ear. In N.T. only in Paul ( 2Co 2:9  Php 2:8  Ac 7:39 ).

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