使徒行传 17章1节 到 17章1节     上一笔  下一笔
 {When they had passed through} (diodeusantes). First
aorist active participle of diodeu(935c), common verb in the _Koin(825f)
(Polybius, Plutarch, LXX, etc.), but in the N.T. only here and
 Lu 8:1 . It means literally to make one's way (hodos) through
(dia). They took the Egnatian Way, one of the great Roman roads
from Byzantium to Dyrrachium (over 500 miles long) on the
Adriatic Sea, opposite Brundisium and so an extension of the
Appian Way. {Amphipolis} (	(886e) Amphipolin). So called because
the Strymon flowed almost around (amphi) it, the metropolis of
Macedonia Prima, a free city, about 32 miles from Philippi, about
three miles from the sea. Paul and Silas may have spent only a
night here or longer. {Apollonia} (	(886e) Apoll(936e)ian). Not the
famous Apollonia in Illyria, but 32 miles from Amphipolis on the
Egnatian Way. So here again a night was spent if no more. Why
Paul hurried through these two large cities, if he did, we do not
know. There are many gaps in Luke's narrative that we have no way
of filling up. There may have been no synagogues for one thing.
{To Thessalonica} (eis Thessalonik(886e)). There was a synagogue
here in this great commercial city, still an important city
called Saloniki, of 70,000 population. It was originally called
Therma, at the head of the Thermaic Gulf. Cassander renamed it
Thessalonica after his wife, the sister of Alexander the Great.
It was the capital of the second of the four divisions of
Macedonia and finally the capital of the whole province. It
shared with Corinth and Ephesus the commerce of the Aegean. One
synagogue shows that even in this commercial city the Jews were
not very numerous. As a political centre it ranked with Antioch
in Syria and Caesarea in Palestine. It was a strategic centre for
the spread of the gospel as Paul later said for it sounded
(echoed) forth from Thessalonica throughout Macedonia and Achaia
( 1Th 1:8 ).

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