启示录 15章3节 到 15章3节     上一笔  下一笔
 {The song of Moses} (	(886e) (9369)d(886e) tou M(9375)se(9373)).  Ex 14:31  15:1-19 . A song of victory like that of Moses after crossing the
Red Sea. {And the song of the Lamb} (	(886e) (9369)d(886e) tou arniou). A
separate note of victory like that of Moses, though one song, not
two. Charles finds it impossible to reconcile the two
expressions, if genuine, but it is a needless objection. The
words come from the O.T.: "great" (megala) from  Ps 111:2 ,
"wonderful" (	haumasta) from  Ps 139:14 , "O Lord God the
Almighty" (Kurie ho theos ho pantokrat(9372)) from  Am 4:13  ( Re
4:8 ), "righteous and true" (dikaiai kai al(8874)hinai) from  De
32:4 , "Thou King of the ages" (ho basileus t(936e) ai(936e)(936e)) like
 Jer 10:10  1Ti 1:17 . Some MSS. have "the king of the saints"
and some "the king of the nations," like  Jer 10:7 . John thus
combines in Hebraic tone the expressions of the old and the new
in the song to the Glorified Messiah.

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