哥林多前书 15章9节 到 15章9节     上一笔  下一笔
 {The least} (ho elachistos). True superlative, not
elative. Explanation of the strong word ektr(936d)a just used. See
 Eph 3:8  where he calls himself "less than the least of all
saints" and  1Ti 1:15  the "chief" (pr(9374)os) of sinners. Yet
under attack from the Judaizers Paul stood up for his rank as
equal to any apostle ( 2Co 11:5f.,23 ). {Because I persecuted the
church of God} (edi(9378)a t(886e) ekkl(8873)ian tou theou). There were
times when this terrible fact confronted Paul like a nightmare.
Who does not understand this mood of contrition?

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