哥林多前书 13章11节 到 13章11节     上一笔  下一笔
 {A child} (
(8870)ios). See on 氨:1| for 
(8870)ios in contrast
with 	eleios (adult). {I spake} (elaloun). Imperfect active,
I used to talk. {I felt} (ephronoun). Imperfect active, I used
to think. Better, I used to understand. {I thought}
(elogizom(886e)). Imperfect middle, I used to reason or calculate.
{Now that I am become} (hote gegona). Perfect active indicative
gegona, I have become a man (an(8872)) and remain so ( Eph
4:14 ). {I have put away} (kat(8872)g(886b)a). Perfect active
indicative. I have made inoperative (verse  8 ) for good.

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