马太福音 10章1节 到 10章1节     上一笔  下一笔
 {His twelve disciples} (	ous d(9364)eka math(8874)as autou). First
mention of the group of "learners" by Matthew and assumed as
already in existence (note the article) as they were ( Mr 3:14 ).
They were chosen before the Sermon on the Mount was delivered,
but Matthew did not mention it in connection with that sermon.

{Gave them authority} (ed(936b)en autois exousian). "Power"
(Moffatt, Goodspeed). One may be surprised that here only the
healing work is mentioned, though Luke ( Lu 9:2 ) has it "to
preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick." And Matthew
says ( Mt 10:7 ), "And as ye go, preach." Hence it is not fair to
say that Matthew knows only the charge to heal the sick,
important as that is. The physical distress was great, but the
spiritual even greater. Power is more likely the idea of
exousia here. This healing ministry attracted attention and did
a vast deal of good. Today we have hospitals and skilled
physicians and nurses, but we should not deny the power of God to
bless all these agencies and to cure disease as he wills. Jesus
is still the master of soul and body. But intelligent faith does
not justify us in abstaining from the help of the physician who
must not be confounded with the quack and the charlatan.

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