启示录 1章19节 到 1章19节     上一笔  下一笔
 {Therefore} (oun). In view of Christ's words about himself
in verse  18  and the command in verse  11 . {Which thou sawest}
(ha eides). The vision of the Glorified Christ in verses
 13-18 . {The things which are} (ha eisin). Plural verb
(individualising the items) though ha is neuter plural,
certainly the messages to the seven churches ( 1:20-3:22 ) in
relation to the world in general, possibly also partly epexegetic
or explanatory of ha eides. {The things which shall come to
pass hereafter} (ha mellei ginesthai meta tauta). Present
middle infinitive with mellei, though both aorist and future
are also used. Singular verb here (mellei) blending in a single
view the future. In a rough outline this part begins in 4:1 and
goes to end of chapter 22, though the future appears also in
chapters 2 and 3 and the present occurs in 4 to 22 and the
elements in the vision of Christ ( 1:13-18 ) reappear repeatedly.

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