歌罗西书 1章20节 到 1章20节     上一笔  下一笔
 {Through him} (di' autou). As the sufficient and chosen
agent in the work of reconciliation (apokatallaxai, first
aorist active infinitive of apokatallass(935c), further addition to
eudok(8873)en, was pleased). This double compound (apo, kata with
allass(935c)) occurs only here, verse  22  Eph 2:16 , and nowhere
else so far as known. Paul's usual word for "reconcile" is
katallass(935c) ( 2Co 5:18-20  Ro 5:10 ), though diallass(935c) ( Mt
5:24 ) is more common in Attic. The addition of apo here is
clearly for the idea of complete reconciliation. See on 氧Co
5:18-20| for discussion of katallass(935c), Paul's great word. The
use of 	a panta (the all things, the universe) as if the
universe were somehow out of harmony reminds us of the mystical
passage in  Ro 8:19-23  which see for discussion. Sin somehow has
put the universe out of joint. Christ will set it right. {Unto
himself} (eis auton). Unto God, though auton is not reflexive
unless written hauton. {Having made peace} (eir(886e)opoi(8873)as).
Late and rare compound ( Pr 10:10  and here only in N.T.) from
eir(886e)opoios, peacemaker ( Mt 5:9 ; here only in N.T.). In  Eph
2:15  we have poi(936e) eir(886e)(886e) (separate words) {making peace}.
Not the masculine gender, though agreeing with the idea of Christ
involved even if pl(8872)(936d)a be taken as the subject of
eudok(8873)en, a participial anacoluthon (construction according to
sense as in  2:19 ). If 	heos be taken as the subject of
eudok(8873)en the participle eir(886e)opoi(8873)as refers to Christ, not
to 	heos (God). {Through the blood of his cross} (dia tou
haimatos tou staurou autou). This for the benefit of the Docetic
Gnostics who denied the real humanity of Jesus and as clearly
stating the _causa medians_ (Ellicott) of the work of
reconciliation to be the Cross of Christ, a doctrine needed
today. {Or things in the heavens} (eite ta en tois ouranois).
Much needless trouble has been made over this phrase as if things
in heaven were not exactly right. It is rather a hypothetical
statement like verse  16  not put in categorical form (Abbott),
_universitas rerum_ (Ellicott).

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