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 * Nineveh.
   Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, was situated on the eastern
   bank of the river Tigris, opposite the present Mosul, about
   280; miles north of Babylon, 400; N. E. of Damascus, in latitude
   36; degrees 20' N. longitude 73; degrees 10' E.  It was not only
   a very ancient, (Ge 10:11,) but also a very great city.
   Strabo says that it was much larger than Babylon, the circuit
   of which he estimates at 385; furlongs; and, according to
   Diodorus Siculus, it was an oblong parallelogram, extending
   150; furlongs in length, 90; in breadth, and 480; in
   circumference, i.e., about 20; miles long, 12; broad, and 60; in
   compass.  This agrees with the account given here of its being
   "an exceeding great city of three days' journey," i.e., in
   circuit; for 20; miles a day was the common computation for a
   pedestrian.  It was surrounded by large walls 100; feet high,
   so broad that three chariots could drive abreast on them, and
   defended by 1,500; towers 200; feet in height.  See notes on

  3  1:2  Zep 2:13-15 
 * preach.
  Jer 1:17  15:19-21  Eze 2:7  3:17  Mt 3:8  Joh 5:14 

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