民数记 4章44节 到 4章44节     上一笔  下一笔
   The family of Merari, though smaller than either of the other
   families of Levi, yet had a greater number of able men than
   any of them; for out of 6,200; males of a month old and
   upwards, we find 3,200; who were neither too young nor too old
   for the service of the sanctuary; which was more than
   one-half of their whole number.  In this the wisdom and
   providence of God appear most conspicuously; for the
   Merarites were charged with the heaviest part of the
   sanctuary, as the boards, bars, sockets, etc; and though
   waggons were afterwards provided for them, yet the loading
   and unloading of the sockets, and other things of great
   weight, would require much strength, both bodily and
   numerical.  (Compare ver. 36, 40, with ch. 3:22, 28, 24.)
   Thus God ever manifests his wisdom, in fitting men for the
   work to which they are appointed, whether with respect to
   number or gifts:  "For to one is given, by the Spirit, the
   word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge, by the same
   Spirit; to another faith, by the same Spirit; to another the
   gifts of healing, by the same Spirit; to another the working
   of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of
   spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the
   interpretation of tongues:  but all these worketh that one
   and the self-same Spirit, dividing to every man severally as
   he will."

  3:34  De 33:25  1Co 10:13  12:8-12  2Co 12:9,10 

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