以西结书 16章15节 到 16章15节     上一笔  下一笔
 * thou didst.
  33:13  De 32:15  Isa 48:1  Jer 7:4  Mic 3:11  Zep 3:11  Mt 3:9 
 * and playedst.
  20:8  23:3,8,11,12-21  Ex 32:6-35  Nu 25:1,2  Jud 2:12  3:6  10:6 
  1Ki 11:5  12:28  2Ki 17:7  21:3  Ps 106:35  Isa 1:21  57:8  Jer 2:20 
  Jer 3:1  7:4  Ho 1:2  4:10  Re 17:5 
 * because.
   Raised from the most abject state to dignity and splendour by
   Jehovah, Israel became proud of her numbers, riches, strength,
   and reputation, forgetting that it was "through his comeliness
   which he had put upon them;" and thus departing from God, made
   alliances with heathen nations, and worshipped their idols.

 * and pouredst.

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