主題RAIN (雨水 )
     創 7:4,10-12,17-24 

     出 9:22-26,33,34 

       撒上 12:16-19 
       王上 18:41-45 

     撒下 5:17-21  賽 28:21 

 -北風不利於雨水生成 (譯註:英譯為「北風驅走雨水」)
     箴 25:23 

 -天不落雨, 作為審判
     申 11:17  28:24  王上 8:35  代下 7:13  耶 3:3  摩 4:7 
     番 14:17 

     創 9:8-17 

     申 11:13,14  伯 37:6  賽 30:23  耶 5:24  14:22 

     利 26:3,4  申 11:13,14 

     王上 8:35,36  代下 6:26,27 

     代下 7:13,14  亞 10:1 

     雅 5:17,18 

 -巴勒斯坦的雨季在九月, 相當於現今的十二月
     拉 10:9,13 

 -見 氣象與天象 

     詩 72:6 

 -Forty days of, at the time of the great flood of Noah
     Ge 7:4,10-12,17-24 

 -The plague of, upon Egypt
     Ex 9:22-26,33,34 

 -Miraculously caused
   .By Samuel
       1Sa 12:16-19 
   .By Elijah
       1Ki 18:41-45 

 -David delivered by
     2Sa 5:17-21  Isa 28:21 

 -North wind unfavorable to
     Pr 25:23 

 -Withheld as judgment
     De 11:17  28:24  1Ki 8:35  2Ch 7:13  Jer 3:3  Am 4:7  Zec

 -The earth will never again be destroyed by
     Ge 9:8-17 

 -Sent by God
     De 11:13,14  Job 37:6  Isa 30:23  Jer 5:24  14:22 

 -Contingent upon obedience
     Le 26:3,4  De 11:13,14 

 -Prayer for
     1Ki 8:35,36  2Ch 6:26,27 

 -Answer to prayer for, promised
     2Ch 7:13,14  Zec 10:1 

 -Withheld, in answer to prayer
     Jas 5:17,18 

 -Rainy season in Palestine is in the ninth month, corresponding
  to December
     Ezr 10:9,13 


     Ps 72:6 
