主題Ships (船 )
 - 可能始於挪亞造的方舟
      創 7:17,18 

 - 猶太人乘船歷史悠久
      創 49:13  士 5:17 

 - 描述
   . 威嚴
        賽 33:21 

   . 寬敞
        雅 3:4 

   . 堅固
        賽 23:14 

   . 快捷
        伯 9:26 

 - 所羅門造了一支船隊
      王上 9:26 

 - 聖經上提到下列地方的船
   . 基提
        民 24:24  但 11:30 

   . 他施船
        賽 23:1  60:9 

   . 亞大米田
        徒 27:2 

   . 亞力山大
        徒 27:6 

   . 迦勒底
        賽 43:14 

   . 推羅
        代下 8:18 

 - 通常由松樹製成
      結 27:5 

 - 有時由蒲草製成
      賽 18:2 

 - 人把船的裂縫填補起來
      結 27:9,27 

 - 提到船的部件
   . 船的前部或船頭
        徒 27:30,41 

   . 船的後部或船尾
        徒 27:29,41 

   . 船艙
        拿 1:5 

   . 桅杆
        賽 33:23  結 27:5 

   . 篷帆
        賽 33:23  結 27:7 

   . 繩索
        賽 33:23  徒 27:19 

   . 舵
        雅 3:4 

   . 舵繩
        徒 27:40 

   . 錨
        徒 27:29,40 

   . 小船
        徒 27:30,32 

   . 槳
        賽 33:21  結 27:6 

 - 常常是個人財產
      徒 27:11 

 - 由船主指揮
      拿 1:6  徒 27:11 

 - 由水手導航
      結 27:8,27-29 

 - 用舵控制掌管
      雅 3:4 

 - 航道每每靠天體指引
      徒 27:20 

 - 由船員或水手操作
      結 27:9,27  拿 1:5  徒 27:30 

 - 通常由船帆推進
      徒 27:2-7 

 - 常常靠槳往前推進
      拿 1:13  約 6:19 

 - 航行於
   . 河上
        賽 33:21 

   . 湖上
        路 5:1,2 

   . 海上
        詩 104:26  107:23 

 - 在險惡的地方通常會探測水深
      徒 27:28 

 - 通常以符號或人頭識別
      徒 28:11 

 - 船在海中的航道
      箴 30:18,19 

 - 用來
   . 貿易
        王上 22:48  代下 8:18  9:21 

   . 捕魚
        太 4:21  路 5:4-9  約 21:3-8 

   . 打仗
        民 24:24  但 11:30,40 

   . 載客
        拿 1:3  徒 27:2,6  28:11 

 - 乘客坐在船尾
      可 4:38 

 - 遭受危機的原因
   . 暴風雨
        拿 1:4  可 4:37,38 

   . 沙灘
        徒 27:17 

   . 暗礁
        徒 27:29 

 - 船受損時, 有時船員用纜繩捆綁船底
      徒 27:17 

 - 常常失事
      王上 22:48  詩 48:7  徒 27:41-44  林後 11:25 

 - 用來說明
   . 勤勉的婦人
        箴 31:14 

   . (失事的船,) 離開信仰
        提前 1:19 
 - Probably originated from the ark made by Noah
      Ge 7:17,18 

 - Antiquity of, among the Jews
      Ge 49:13  Jud 5:17 

   . Gallant
        Isa 33:21 

   . Large
        Jas 3:4 

   . Strong
        Isa 23:14 

   . Swift
        Job 9:26 

 - Solomon built a navy of
      1Ki 9:26 

   . Of Chittim
        Nu 24:24  Da 11:30 

   . Of Tarshish
        Isa 23:1  60:9 

   . Of Adramyttium
        Ac 27:2 

   . Of Alexandria
        Ac 27:6 

   . Of Chaldea
        Isa 43:14 

   . Of Tyre
        2Ch 8:18 

 - Generally made of the fir tree
      Eze 27:5 

 - Sometimes made of bulrushes
      Isa 18:2 

 - The seams of, were caulked
      Eze 27:9,27 

   . The forepart or foreship
        Ac 27:30,41 

   . The hinder part or stern
        Ac 27:29,41 

   . The hold or between the sides
        Jon 1:5 

   . The mast
        Isa 33:23  Eze 27:5 

   . The sails
        Isa 33:23  Eze 27:7 

   . The tackling
        Isa 33:23  Ac 27:19 

   . The rudder or helm
        Jas 3:4 

   . The rudder-bands
        Ac 27:40 

   . The anchors
        Ac 27:29,40 

   . The boats
        Ac 27:30,32 

   . The oars
        Isa 33:21  Eze 27:6 

 - Often the property of individuals
      Ac 27:11 

 - Commanded by a master
      Jon 1:6  Ac 27:11 

 - Guided in their course by pilots
      Eze 27:8,27-29 

 - Governed and directed by the helm
      Jas 3:4 

 - Course of frequently directed by the heavenly bodies
      Ac 27:20 

 - Worked by mariners or sailors
      Eze 27:9,27  Jon 1:5  Ac 27:30 

 - Generally impelled by sails
      Ac 27:2-7 

 - Often impelled by oars
      Jon 1:13  Joh 6:19 

   . Rivers
        Isa 33:21 

   . Lakes
        Lu 5:1,2 

   . The ocean
        Ps 104:26  107:23 

 - Soundings usually taken for, in dangerous places
      Ac 27:28 

 - Usually distinguished by signs or figure heads
      Ac 28:11 

 - Course of, through the midst of the sea, wonderful
      Pr 30:18,19 

   . Trading
        1Ki 22:48  2Ch 8:18  9:21 

   . Fishing
        Mt 4:21  Lu 5:4-9  Joh 21:3-8 

   . War
        Nu 24:24  Da 11:30,40 

   . Carrying passengers
        Jon 1:3  Ac 27:2,6  28:11 

 - The hinder part of, occupied by the passengers
      Mr 4:38 

   . Storms
        Jon 1:4  Mr 4:37,38 

   . Quicksands
        Ac 27:17 

   . Rocks
        Ac 27:29 

 - When damaged were sometimes undergirded with cables
      Ac 27:17 

 - Were often wrecked
      1Ki 22:48  Ps 48:7  Ac 27:41-44  2Co 11:25 

   . Of industrious women
        Pr 31:14 

   . (Wrecked,) of departure from the faith
        1Ti 1:19 
