主題Holy Spirit, The, is God (聖靈是上帝 )
 - 是耶和華
      出 17:7  來 3:7-9  民 12:6  彼後 1:21 

 - 是萬軍之耶和華
      賽 6:3,8-10  徒 28:25 

 - 是至高者耶和華
      詩 78:17,21  徒 7:51 

 - 人們祈求名為耶和華的聖靈上帝
      路 2:26-29  徒 4:23-25  1:16,20  帖後 3:5 

 - 稱為上帝
      徒 5:3,4 

 - 在洗禮的慣例中與聖父、聖子聯合
      太 28:19 

 - 名為永遠
      來 9:14 

 - 無所不在
      詩 139:7-13 

 - 全知
      林前 2:10 

 - 全能
      路 1:35  羅 15:19 

 - 是上帝與榮耀的靈
      彼前 4:14 

 - 是造物主
      創 1:26,27  伯 33:4 

 - 與天父同等, 與天父為一
      太 28:19  林後 13:14 

 - 為處理萬事的至高者
      但 4:35  林前 12:6,11 

 - 為重生之人的創始者
      約 3:5,6  約一 5:4 

 - 使基督從死裡復活
      徒 2:24  彼前 3:18  來 13:20  羅 1:4 

 - 默示聖經
      提後 3:16  彼後 1:21 

 - 是智慧的源頭
      林前 12:8  賽 11:2  約 16:13  14:26 

 - 是超自然力量的源頭
      太 12:28  路 11:20  徒 19:11  羅 15:19 

 - 任命並差派牧者
      徒 13:2,4  9:38  20:28 

 - 引導福音應被傳揚的方向
      徒 16:6,7,10 

 - 住在聖徒身上
      約 14:17  林前 14:25  3:16  6:19 

 - 是教會的保惠師
      徒 9:31  林後 1:3 

 - 使教會成聖
      結 37:28  羅 15:16 

 - 是見證者
      來 10:15  約一 5:9 

 - 叫人知罪, 知公義, 知審判
      約 16:8-11 
 - As Jehovah
      Ex 17:7  Heb 3:7-9  Nu 12:6  2Pe 1:21 

 - As Jehovah of hosts
      Isa 6:3,8-10  Ac 28:25 

 - As Jehovah, Most High
      Ps 78:17,21  Ac 7:51 

 - Being invoked as Jehovah
      Lu 2:26-29  Ac 4:23-25  1:16,20  2Th 3:5 

 - As called God
      Ac 5:3,4 

 - As joined with the Father and the Son in the baptismal
      Mt 28:19 

 - As eternal
      Heb 9:14 

 - As omnipresent
      Ps 139:7-13 

 - As omniscient
      1Co 2:10 

 - As omnipotent
      Lu 1:35  Ro 15:19 

 - As the Spirit of glory and of God
      1Pe 4:14 

 - As Creator
      Ge 1:26,27  Job 33:4 

 - As equal to, and one with the Father
      Mt 28:19  2Co 13:14 

 - As Sovereign Disposer of all things
      Da 4:35  1Co 12:6,11 

 - As Author of the new birth
      Joh 3:5,6  1Jo 5:4 

 - As raising Christ from the dead
      Ac 2:24  1Pe 3:18  Heb 13:20  Ro 1:4 

 - As inspiring Scripture
      2Ti 3:16  2Pe 1:21 

 - As the source of wisdom
      1Co 12:8  Isa 11:2  Joh 16:13  14:26 

 - As the source of miraculous power
      Mt 12:28  Lu 11:20  Ac 19:11  Ro 15:19 

 - As appointing and sending ministers
      Ac 13:2,4  9:38  20:28 

 - As directing where the gospel should be preached
      Ac 16:6,7,10 

 - As dwelling in saints
      Joh 14:17  1Co 14:25  3:16  6:19 

 - As Comforter of the Church
      Ac 9:31  2Co 1:3 

 - As sanctifying the Church
      Eze 37:28  Ro 15:16 

 - As the Witness
      Heb 10:15  1Jo 5:9 

 - As convincing of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment
      Joh 16:8-11 
