08818 08820舊約新約 Strong's number
08819 出現經文 相關查詢
08819 Hithpael

a) 該類型主要是表達Qal或是Piel的反身動作
      Qal 見 08851
      Piel 見 08840

   Qal                Hithpael

   他穿上了           他自己穿上了
   他洗了             他自己洗了 

b) 表達相互的行動.

   他們看見           他們彼此相看
   他們耳語           他們交頭接耳    

c) 有些Hithpael動詞僅譯為單純的動作,

   他禱告, 他哀悼, 他生氣了

08819 Hithpael

a) This form primarily expresses a "reflexive" action of Qal or Piel
      See for Qal  08851
      See for Piel 08840

   Qal                Hithpael

   he wore            he dressed himself
   he washed          he washed himself
   he fell            he flung himself, he fell upon, he attacked
   he sold            he sold himself, he devoted himself

b) It expresses a reciprocal action.

   they saw           they looked upon one another
   they whispered     they whispered one to another

c) Some verbs in Hithpael are translated as a simple action. The
   reflexive action os understood.

   he prayed, he mourned, he became angry

This form accounts for 1.4% of the verbs parsed.