03037 03039舊約新約 Strong's number
03038 !WtWd>y\   出現經文 相關查詢
03038 Yᵉduwthuwn {yed-oo-thoon'} 或 Yᵉduthuwn {yed-oo-thoon'} 或
          Yᵉdiythuwn {yed-ee-thoon'}

可能源自 03034; 陽性專有名詞

欽定本 - Jeduthun 17; 17

耶杜頓 = "讚美"
1) 一位米拉利家族的利未人, 他是聖殿三個詩班之一的領導人. 其後
裔亦長久在聖殿的詩班服事; 他的名字在三篇詩篇( 詩 39:1  62:1  77:1 )
開頭處被提及,  他或是那些詩篇的創作者, 或是領受那些詩篇的人,
本字典尚在發展中,錯繆缺漏難免,請多多包涵!有意見請聯繫twcbhdic「@」fhl.net 註:<神出>表示TWOT神學辭典編號和此字第一次出處
<神出> 代上9:16
<譯詞>耶杜頓16 (16)
1. 一利未人,大衛王時三大樂師中的一人, 代上16:41 25:1,6 代下5:12 35:15 尼11:17 詩39:1 62:1 77:1

2. 可拉族守門者俄別以東的父親, 代上16:38
03038 Y@duwthuwn {yed-oo-thoon'} or Y@duthuwn {yed-oo-thoon'} or
          Y@diythuwn {yed-ee-thoon'}

probably from 03034;; n pr m

AV - Jeduthun 17; 17

Jeduthun = "praising"
1) a Levite of the family of Merari and the chief of one of the 3
   choirs of the temple whose descendants also formed one of the
   perpetual temple choirs; he is named at the beginning of 3 Psalms
   (39, 62, 77) either as the composer or the recipient of those
   Psalms but most likely as the leader of the choir by which those
   Psalms were to be sung