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3 耶和華<03068>對我<0413><0559>(8799):「你再<05750><03212>(8798)<0157>(8798)一個淫<05003>(8764)<0802>,就是她情人<07453>所愛的<0157>(8803);好像{<0853>}以色列<03478><01121>,雖然偏<06437>(8802)<0413><0312><0430>,喜愛<0157>(8802)葡萄<06025><0809>,耶和華<03068>還是愛<09003><0160>他們<01992>。」
Then said<0559>(8799) the LORD<03068> unto me, Go<03212>(8798) yet, love<0157>(8798) a woman<0802> beloved<0157>(8803) of her friend<07453>, yet an adulteress<05003>(8764), according to the love<0160> of the LORD<03068> toward the children<01121> of Israel<03478>, who look<06437>(8802) to other<0312> gods<0430>, and love<0157>(8802) flagons<0809> of wine<06025>. {of wine: Heb. of grapes}
2 我便用銀子<03701>十五<09002><02568><06240>舍客勒,大麥<08184>一賀梅珥<02563><03963>{<08184>},買她<03739>(8799)歸我<09001>
So I bought<03739>(8799) her to me for fifteen<06240><02568> pieces of silver<03701>, and for an homer<02563> of barley<08184>, and an half homer<03963> of barley<08184>: {half...: Heb. lethech}
3 我對她<0413><0559>(8799):「你當多<07227><03117>為我<09001>獨居<03427>(8799),不可<03808>行淫<02181>(8799),不可<03808>歸別人<09001><0376><01961>(8799)妻,我<0589>向你<0413><01571>必這樣。」
And I said<0559>(8799) unto her, Thou shalt abide<03427>(8799) for me many<07227> days<03117>; thou shalt not play the harlot<02181>(8799), and thou shalt not be<01961>(8799) for another man<0376>: so will I also be for thee.
4 {<03588>}以色列<03478><01121>也必多<07227><03117>獨居<03427>(8799),無<0369>君王<04428>,無<0369>首領<08269>,無<0369>祭祀<02077>,無<0369>柱像<04676>,無<0369>以弗得<0646>,無家中的神像<08655>
For the children<01121> of Israel<03478> shall abide<03427>(8799) many<07227> days<03117> without a king<04428>, and without a prince<08269>, and without a sacrifice<02077>, and without an image<04676>, and without an ephod<0646>, and without teraphim<08655>: {image: Heb. a standing, or, statue, or, pillar}
5 後來<0310>以色列<03478><01121>必歸回<07725>(8799)(或譯:回心轉意),尋求<01245>(8765){<0853>}他們的神<0430>─耶和華<03068><0853>他們的王<04428>大衛<01732>。在末後<09002><0319>的日子<03117>,必以敬畏的心<06342>(8804)歸向<0413>耶和華<03068>,領受{<0413>}他的恩惠<02898>
Afterward<0310> shall the children<01121> of Israel<03478> return<07725>(8799), and seek<01245>(8765) the LORD<03068> their God<0430>, and David<01732> their king<04428>; and shall fear<06342>(8804) the LORD<03068> and his goodness<02898> in the latter<0319> days<03117>.

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