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7 耶和華<03068>對挪亞<09001><05146><0559>(8799):「你<0859>和你的全<03605><01004>都要進<0935>(8798)<0413>方舟<08392>;因為<03588>在這<02088>世代中<09002><01755>,我見<07200>(8804)<0853>在我面前<09001><06440>是義人<06662>
And the LORD<03068> said<0559>(8799) unto Noah<05146>, Come<0935>(8798) thou and all thy house<01004> into the ark<08392>; for thee have I seen<07200>(8804) righteous<06662> before me<06440> in this<02088> generation<01755>.
Of every clean<02889> beast<0929> thou shalt take<03947>(8799) to thee by sevens<07651><07651>, the male<0376> and his female<0802>: and of beasts<0929> that are not clean<02889><01931> by two<08147>, the male<0376> and his female<0802>. {by sevens: Heb. seven seven}
3 空中<08064>的飛鳥<04480><05775><01571>要帶七<07651><02145><07651><05347>,可以留種<02233>,活<09001><02421>(8763)<05921><03605><0776><06440>
Of fowls<05775> also of the air<08064> by sevens<07651><07651>, the male<02145> and the female<05347>; to keep<02421><00> seed<02233> alive<02421>(8763) upon the face<06440> of all the earth<0776>. {by sevens: Heb. seven seven}
4 因為<03588>再過<05750><07651><09001><03117>,我要<0595>降雨<04305>(8688)<05921>地上<0776>四十<0705><03117>{<0705>}夜<03915>,把<0853>我所<0834>造的<06213>(8804)各種<03605>活物<03351>都從<04480><05921><0127><06440>除滅<04229>(8804)。」
For yet<05750> seven<07651> days<03117>, and I will cause it to rain<04305>(8688) upon the earth<0776> forty<0705> days<03117> and forty<0705> nights<03915>; and every<03605> living substance<03351> that I have made<06213>(8804) will I destroy<04229>(8804) from off<05921> the face<06440> of the earth<0127>. {destroy: Heb. blot out}
5 挪亞<05146>就遵著<09003><03605>耶和華<03068><0834>吩咐的<06680>(8765)行了<06213>(8799)
And Noah<05146> did<06213>(8799) according unto all that the LORD<03068> commanded<06680>(8765) him.
6 當{<01961>}{(8804)}洪<03999><04325>氾濫在<05921>地上<0776>的時候,挪亞<05146>整六<08337><03967><08141><01121>
And Noah<05146> was six<08337> hundred<03967> years<08141> old<01121> when the flood<03999> of waters<04325> was upon the earth<0776>.
7 挪亞<05146>就同<0854>他的妻<0802>和兒子<01121>兒婦<01121><0802>都進<0935>(8799)<0413>方舟<08392>,躲避<04480><06440>洪水<04325><03999>
And Noah<05146> went in<0935>(8799), and his sons<01121>, and his wife<0802>, and his sons<01121>' wives<0802> with him, into the ark<08392>, because of<06440> the waters<04325> of the flood<03999>.
8 潔淨的<02889>畜類<04480><0929>和{<0834>}不<0369>潔淨的<02889>畜類<04480><0929>,飛鳥<04480><05775>並地上<05921><0127>一切的<03605>{<0834>}昆蟲<07430>(8802)
Of clean<02889> beasts<0929>, and of beasts<0929> that are not clean<02889>, and of fowls<05775>, and of every thing that creepeth<07430>(8802) upon the earth<0127>,
9 都是一對<08147>一對地<08147>,有公<02145>有母<05347>,到<0413>挪亞<05146>那裡進<0935>(8804)<0413>方舟<08392>,正如<09003><0834><0430>所吩咐<06680>(8765){<0853>}挪亞的<05146>
There went in<0935>(8804) two<08147> and two<08147> unto Noah<05146> into the ark<08392>, the male<02145> and the female<05347>, as<0834> God<0430> had commanded<06680>(8765) Noah<05146>.
10 過了{<01961>}{(8799)}那七<09001><07651><03117>,洪水<04325><03999>氾濫{<01961>}{(8804)}在<05921>地上<0776>
And it came to pass after seven<07651> days<03117>, that the waters<04325> of the flood<03999> were upon the earth<0776>. {after...: or, on the seventh day}
In<08141> the six<08337> hundredth<03967> year<08141> of Noah's<05146> life<02416>, in the second<08145> month<02320>, the seventeenth<07651><06240> day<03117> of the month<02320>, the same<02088> day<03117> were all the fountains<04599> of the great<07227> deep<08415> broken up<01234>(8738), and the windows<0699> of heaven<08064> were opened<06605>(8738). {windows: or, floodgates}
12 {<01961>}{(8799)}四十<0705><03117>{<0705>}夜<03915>降大雨<01653><05921>地上<0776>
And the rain<01653> was upon the earth<0776> forty<0705> days<03117> and forty<0705> nights<03915>.
13 正當<09002><06106><02088><03117>,挪亞<05146><0854>他{<05146>}三個兒子<01121><08035>、含<02526>、雅弗<03315>,並挪亞<05146>的妻子<0802>和三個<07969><01121><0802>,都進<0935>(8804)<0413>方舟<08392>
In the selfsame<06106> day<03117> entered<0935>(8804) Noah<05146>, and Shem<08035>, and Ham<02526>, and Japheth<03315>, the sons<01121> of Noah<05146>, and Noah's<05146> wife<0802>, and the three<07969> wives<0802> of his sons<01121> with them, into the ark<08392>;
14 他們<01992>和百<03605><02416>,各從其類<09001><04327>,一切<03605>牲畜<0929>,各從其類<09001><04327>,爬<07430>(8802)<05921>地上的<0776>{<03605>}昆蟲<07431>,各從其類<09001><04327>,一切<03605><05775>{<03605>}鳥<06833>{<03605>}{<03671>},各從其類<09001><04327>,都進入方舟。
They<01992>, and every beast<02416> after his kind<04327>, and all the cattle<0929> after their kind<04327>, and every creeping thing<07431> that creepeth<07430>(8802) upon the earth<0776> after his kind<04327>, and every fowl<05775> after his kind<04327>, every bird<06833> of every sort<03671>. {sort: Heb. wing}
And they went in<0935>(8799) unto Noah<05146> into the ark<08392>, two<08147> and two<08147> of all flesh<01320>, wherein<0834> is the breath<07307> of life<02416>.
And they that went in<0935>(8802), went in<0935>(8804) male<02145> and female<05347> of all flesh<01320>, as God<0430> had commanded<06680>(8765) him: and the LORD<03068> shut him in<05462>(8799).
17 {<01961>}{(8799)}洪水<03999>氾濫在<05921>地上<0776>四十<0705><03117>,水<04325>往上長<07235>(8799),把<0853>方舟<08392><04480><05921>地上<0776><05375>(8799)<07311>(8799)
And the flood<03999> was forty<0705> days<03117> upon the earth<0776>; and the waters<04325> increased<07235>(8799), and bare up<05375>(8799) the ark<08392>, and it was lift up<07311>(8799) above the earth<0776>.
18 水勢<04325>浩大<01396>(8799),在<05921>地上<0776>大大地<03966>往上長<07235>(8799),方舟<08392><05921><04325>面上<06440>漂來漂去<03212>(8799)
And the waters<04325> prevailed<01396>(8799), and were increased<07235>(8799) greatly<03966> upon the earth<0776>; and the ark<08392> went<03212>(8799) upon the face<06440> of the waters<04325>.
19 水勢<04325><05921>地上<0776>極其<03966><03966>浩大<01396>(8804),{<03605>}天<08478><08064><0834><01364><02022><03605>淹沒了<03680>(8792)
And the waters<04325> prevailed<01396>(8804) exceedingly<03966><03966> upon the earth<0776>; and all the high<01364> hills<02022>, that were under<08478> the whole heaven<08064>, were covered<03680>(8792).
20 水勢<01396>(8804)<04325>比山高過<04480><09001><04605>十五<02568><06240><0520>,山嶺<02022>都淹沒了<03680>(8792)
Fifteen<06240><02568> cubits<0520> upward<04605> did the waters<04325> prevail<01396>(8804); and the mountains<02022> were covered<03680>(8792).
And all flesh<01320> died<01478>(8799) that moved<07430>(8802) upon the earth<0776>, both of fowl<05775>, and of cattle<0929>, and of beast<02416>, and of every creeping thing<08318> that creepeth<08317>(8802) upon the earth<0776>, and every man<0120>:
All in whose nostrils<0639> was the breath<05397><07307> of life<02416>, of all that was in the dry<02724> land , died<04191>(8804). {the breath...: Heb. the breath of the spirit of life}
23 {<0853>}凡{<0834>}{<05921>}地<0127><06440>各類的<03605>活物<03351>,連人<04480><0120><05704>牲畜<0929>、{<05704>}昆蟲<07431>,以及{<05704>}空中的<08064>飛鳥<05775>,都從<04480>地上<0776>除滅了<04229>(8735),只<0389>留下<07604>(8735)挪亞<05146>和那些<0834>與他<0854>同在方舟裡的<09002><08392>
And every living substance<03351> was destroyed<04229>(8735) which was upon the face<06440> of the ground<0127>, both man<0120>, and cattle<0929>, and the creeping things<07431>, and the fowl<05775> of the heaven<08064>; and they were destroyed<04229>(8735) from the earth<0776>: and Noah<05146> only<0389> remained<07604>(8735) alive , and they that<0834> were with him in the ark<08392>.
And the waters<04325> prevailed<01396>(8799) upon the earth<0776> an hundred<03967> and fifty<02572> days<03117>.

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