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41:1 他帶我<0935>(8686)<0413>殿<01964>那裡量<04058>(8799){<0853>}牆柱<0352>:這面<04480><06311><07341><08337><0520>,那面<04480><06311><07341><08337><0520>,寬窄<07341>與會幕<0168>相同。
Afterward he brought<0935>(8686) me to the temple<01964>, and measured<04058>(8799) the posts<0352>, six<08337> cubits<0520> broad<07341> on the one side<06311>, and six<08337> cubits<0520> broad<07341> on the other side<06311>, which was the breadth<07341> of the tabernacle<0168>.
41:2 門口<06607><07341><06235><0520>。門<06607>兩旁<03802>,這邊<04480><06311><02568><0520>,那邊<04480><06311><02568><0520>。他量<04058>(8799)殿長<0753>四十<0705><0520>,寬<07341>二十<06242><0520>
And the breadth<07341> of the door<06607> was ten<06235> cubits<0520>; and the sides<03802> of the door<06607> were five<02568> cubits<0520> on the one side, and five<02568> cubits<0520> on the other side: and he measured<04058>(8799) the length<0753> thereof, forty<0705> cubits<0520>: and the breadth<07341>, twenty<06242> cubits<0520>. {door: or, entrance}
41:3 他到<0935>(8804)<09001><06441>殿量<04058>(8799)牆柱<0352>,{<06607>}各厚二<08147><0520>。門口<06607>寬六<08337><0520>,門<06607>兩旁各寬<07341><07651><0520>
Then went<0935>(8804) he inward<06441>, and measured<04058>(8799) the post<0352> of the door<06607>, two<08147> cubits<0520>; and the door<06607>, six<08337> cubits<0520>; and the breadth<07341> of the door<06607>, seven<07651> cubits<0520>.
41:4 他量<04058>(8799){<0413>}內<06440>殿<01964>,{<0853>}長<0753>二十<06242><0520>,寬<07341>二十<06242><0520>。他對我<0413><0559>(8799):「這<02088>是至<06944><06944>所。」
So he measured<04058>(8799) the length<0753> thereof, twenty<06242> cubits<0520>; and the breadth<07341>, twenty<06242> cubits<0520>, before<06440> the temple<01964>: and he said<0559>(8799) unto me, This is the most<06944> holy<06944> place .
41:5 他又量<04058>(8799)殿<01004><07023>,厚六<08337><0520>;圍著<05439><05439>殿<09001><01004>有旁<05439><06763>,各寬<07341><0702><0520>
After he measured<04058>(8799) the wall<07023> of the house<01004>, six<08337> cubits<0520>; and the breadth<07341> of every side chamber<06763>, four<0702> cubits<0520>, round about<05439> the house<01004> on every side<05439>.
41:6 旁屋<06763>有三<07969>層,層疊而上<06763><0413><06763>,每層排列<06471>三十<07970>間。旁屋<09001><06763>的梁木<09001><01961><0270>(8803)<0935>(8802)在殿<09001><01004>{<0834>}牆<09002><07023>坎上<05439><05439>,免<03808><01961>插入<0270>(8803)殿<01004><09002><07023>
And the side<06763> chambers<06763> were three<07969>, one over another<06763>, and thirty<07970> in order<06471>; and they entered<0935>(8802) into the wall<07023> which was of the house<01004> for the side chambers<06763> round about<05439>, that they might have hold<0270>(8803), but they had not hold<0270>(8803) in the wall<07023> of the house<01004>. {one...: Heb. side chamber over side chamber} {thirty...: or, three and thirty times, or, foot} {have hold: Heb. be holden}
41:7 這圍<05437>(8738)殿<01004>的旁屋<09001><06763><09001><04605><09001><04605>越寬<07337>(8804);因<03588>旁屋<06763><04141>殿<01004>懸疊<05439><05439>{<09001>}{<01004>}而上<09001><04605><09001><04605>,所以<05921><03651>越上<09001><04605>{<09001>}{<01004>}越寬<07341>,{<03651>}從下<08481>一層,由中<09001><08484>一層,到<05927>(8799){<05921>}上<05945>一層。
And there was an enlarging<07337>(8804), and a winding about<05437>(8738) still upward<04605> to the side chambers<06763>: for the winding about<04141> of the house<01004> went still upward<04605> round about<05439> the house<01004>: therefore the breadth<07341> of the house<01004> was still upward<04605>, and so increased<05927>(8799) from the lowest<08481> chamber to the highest<05945> by the midst<08484>. {there...: Heb. it was made broader, and went round}
41:8 我又見<07200>(8804)圍著<05439><05439>殿<09001><01004>有高<01363>月臺。旁屋<06763>的根基<04328>,高足<04393>一竿<07070>,就是六<08337><0679><0520>
I saw<07200>(8804) also the height<01363> of the house<01004> round about<05439>: the foundations<04328> of the side chambers<06763> were a full<04393> reed<07070> of six<08337> great<0679> cubits<0520>.
41:9 {<0834>}旁屋的<09001><06763>{<0413>}外<02351><07023><07341><02568><0520>。旁<06763><01004><0834>外{<09001>}{<01004>}還有<0834>餘地<05117>(8716)
The thickness<07341> of the wall<07023>, which was for the side chamber<06763> without<02351>, was five<02568> cubits<0520>: and that which was left<03240>(8716) was the place<01004> of the side chambers<06763> that were within<01004>.
41:10 在旁屋<03957>與對面<05439><05439>的房屋<09001><01004>中間<0996><05439>有空地<05439>,寬<07341>二十<06242><0520>
And between the chambers<03957> was the wideness<07341> of twenty<06242> cubits<0520> round about<05439> the house<01004> on every side<05439>.
41:11 旁屋<06763>的門<06607>都向餘地<09001><05117>(8716):一<0259><06607><01870><06828>,一<0259><06607>向南<09001><01864>。周圍<05439><05439>的餘<05117>(8716)<04725><07341><02568><0520>
And the doors<06607> of the side chambers<06763> were toward the place that was left<03240>(8716), one<0259> door<06607> toward<01870> the north<06828>, and another<0259> door<06607> toward the south<01864>: and the breadth<07341> of the place<04725> that was left<03240>(8716) was five<02568> cubits<0520> round about<05439>.
41:12 在{<01870>}西<03220><06285>空地<01508>之後<0413><06440><0834>房子<01146>,寬<07341>七十<07657><0520>,長<0753>九十<08673><0520>,牆<07023>{<01146>}四圍<05439><05439><07341><02568><0520>
Now the building<01146> that was before<06440> the separate place<01508> at the end<06285> toward<01870> the west<03220> was seventy<07657> cubits<0520> broad<07341>; and the wall<07023> of the building<01146> was five<02568> cubits<0520> thick<07341> round about<05439>, and the length<0753> thereof ninety<08673> cubits<0520>.
41:13 這樣,他量<04058>(8804){<0853>}殿<01004>,長<0753>一百<03967><0520>,又量空地<01508>和那房子<01140>並牆<07023>,共長<0753>一百<03967><0520>
So he measured<04058>(8804) the house<01004>, an hundred<03967> cubits<0520> long<0753>; and the separate place<01508>, and the building<01140>, with the walls<07023> thereof, an hundred<03967> cubits<0520> long<0753>;
41:14 殿<01004>的前面<06440>和兩旁<09001><06921>的空地<01508>,寬<07341>一百<03967><0520>
Also the breadth<07341> of the face<06440> of the house<01004>, and of the separate place<01508> toward the east<06921>, an hundred<03967> cubits<0520>.
41:15 他量<04058>(8804){<0413>}{<06440>}空地<01508>{<0834>}{<05921>}後面<0310>的那房子<01146>,並兩旁<04480><06311><04480><06311>的樓廊<0862>,共長<0753>一百<03967><0520>
And he measured<04058>(8804) the length<0753> of the building<01146> over against<06440> the separate place<01508> which was behind<0310> it, and the galleries<0862> thereof on the one side and on the other side, an hundred<03967> cubits<0520>, with the inner<06442> temple<01964>, and the porches<0197> of the court<02691>; {galleries: or, several walks, or, walks with pillars}
The door posts<05592>, and the narrow<0331>(8801) windows<02474>, and the galleries<0862> round about<05439> on their three stories<07969>, over against<05048> the door<05592>, cieled<07824> with wood<06086> round about<05439>, and from the ground<0776> up to the windows<02474>, and the windows<02474> were covered<03680>(8794); {cieled...: Heb. cieling of wood} {and from...: or, and the ground unto the windows}
41:17 直到<05921><06607>以上<04480><05921>,就是到<05704><06442>殿<01004>和外<09001><02351>殿內<09002><06442><09002><02435>{<0413>}四<03605><05439><05439>牆壁<07023>,都按尺寸<04060>用木板遮蔽
To that above the door<06607>, even unto the inner<06442> house<01004>, and without<02351>, and by all the wall<07023> round about<05439> within<06442> and without<02435>, by measure<04060>. {measure: Heb. measures}
41:18 牆上雕刻<06213>(8803)基路伯<03742>和棕樹<08561>。每二基路伯<03742>{<03742>}中間<0996>有一棵棕樹<08561>,每基路伯<09001><03742>有二<08147><06440>
And it was made<06213>(8803) with cherubims<03742> and palm trees<08561>, so that a palm tree<08561> was between a cherub<03742> and a cherub<03742>; and every cherub<03742> had two<08147> faces<06440>;
41:19 這邊<04480><06311>有人<0120><06440>向著<0413>棕樹<08561>,那邊<04480><06311>有獅子<03715><06440>向著<0413>棕樹<08561>,殿<01004><0413>周圍<05439><05439>都是<03605>如此{<06213>}{(8803)}。
So that the face<06440> of a man<0120> was toward the palm tree<08561> on the one side, and the face<06440> of a young lion<03715> toward the palm tree<08561> on the other side: it was made<06213>(8803) through all the house<01004> round about<05439>.
41:20 從地<04480><0776><05704><06607>以上<04480><05921>,都有基路伯<03742>和棕樹<08561>。殿<01964><07023>就是這樣{<06213>}{(8803)}。
From the ground<0776> unto above the door<06607> were cherubims<03742> and palm trees<08561> made<06213>(8803), and on the wall<07023> of the temple<01964>.
41:21 殿<01964>的門柱<04201>是方的<07251>(8803)。至聖所<06944>的前面<06440>,形狀<04758>和殿的形狀<09003><04758>一樣。
The posts<04201> of the temple<01964> were squared<07251>(8803), and the face<06440> of the sanctuary<06944>; the appearance<04758> of the one as the appearance<04758> of the other . {posts: Heb. post}
The altar<04196> of wood<06086> was three<07969> cubits<0520> high<01364>, and the length<0753> thereof two<08147> cubits<0520>; and the corners<04740> thereof, and the length<0753> thereof, and the walls<07023> thereof, were of wood<06086>: and he said<01696>(8762) unto me, This is the table<07979> that is before<06440> the LORD<03068>.
41:23 殿<09001><01964>和至聖所<09001><06944>的門<01817>各有兩<08147>扇。
And the temple<01964> and the sanctuary<06944> had two<08147> doors<01817>.
41:24 每扇<09001><01817>分兩<08147><01817>,這兩<08147><01817>是摺疊<04142>(8716)的。這邊<0259><09001><01817>分兩<08147>扇,那邊<09001><0312>門也分兩<08147><01817>
And the doors<01817> had two<08147> leaves<01817> apiece , two<08147> turning<04142>(8716) leaves<01817>; two<08147> leaves for the one<0259> door<01817>, and two<08147> leaves<01817> for the other<0312> door .
41:25 殿<01964>的門扇<01817><0413>雕刻<06213>(8803){<0413>}基路伯<03742>和棕樹<08561>,與刻<06213>(8803)在牆<09001><07023>上的一般<09003><0834>。在<0413>外頭<04480><02351><0197><06440>有木<06086><05646>
And there were made<06213>(8803) on them, on the doors<01817> of the temple<01964>, cherubims<03742> and palm trees<08561>, like as were made<06213>(8803) upon the walls<07023>; and there were thick<05646> planks<06086> upon the face<06440> of the porch<0197> without<02351>.
And there were narrow<0331>(8801) windows<02474> and palm trees<08561> on the one side and on the other side, on the sides<03802> of the porch<0197>, and upon the side chambers<06763> of the house<01004>, and thick planks<05646>.

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