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 {Seven kings} (asileis hepta). This is another change in
the symbolism. The identification of these seven kings is one of
the puzzles of the book. {The five are fallen} (hoi pente
epesan). Second aorist active indicative of pipt(935c) with the
-an ending. Common for the downfall of kings ( Eze 29:5  30:6  Isa 21:9 , etc.). See  2Sa 3:38 . {The one is} (ho heis estin).
The one when this vision is dated. {The other is not yet come}
(ho allos oup(9320)(886c)then). Prophetic second aorist active of
erchomai. Charles takes this as the date of this "source" or
part of the Apocalypse. But John could himself have used this
language in the time of Domitian even if he was the one who had
not yet come. The difficulty about counting these emperors is
that Galba, Otho, Vitellius reigned so briefly that they hardly
merit being included. {When he cometh} (hotan elth(8869)).
Indefinite temporal clause for the future, with hotan and the
second aorist active subjunctive of erchomai, "whenever he
comes." {He must continue a little while} (oligon auton dei
meinai). Swete takes this to be Titus, who died September 13,
81, after a short reign.

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